Can the United States Earn Back Respect?

Many Americans (including me) do NOT care what our foreign "friends" and enemies think about us.
One must earn global contempt. Abdicating enlightened, democratic leadership is a expeditious way to it, of course.

... The United States stands at this time at the pinnacle of world power. It is a solemn moment for the American Democracy. For with primacy in power is also joined an awe-inspiring accountability to the future. If you look around you, you must feel not only the sense of duty done but also you must feel anxiety lest you fall below the level of achievement. Opportunity is here now, clear and shining for both our countries. To reject it or ignore it or fritter it away will bring upon us all the long reproaches of the after-time. It is necessary that constancy of mind, persistency of purpose, and the grand simplicity of decision shall guide and rule the conduct of the English-speaking peoples in peace as they did in war. We must, and I believe we shall, prove ourselves equal to this severe requirement..."
Alas, it is not the spectre of America's greatness that the global community has been looking up to as of late.

View attachment 431516

View attachment 431517
"Them foreigners ain't gonna honor
Biden with no blimp. No sir!"

Why, because we closed the checkbook? Caused them to step up? Well, boo freakin hoo....It's about time...
One must earn global contempt. Abdicating enlightened, democratic leadership is a expeditious way to it, of course.
"Earning global contempt"?
You mean like NOT being an enthusiastic butt boy for the globalist agenda like almost all of Europe is?
Your "funny" pictures and hyperbolic b.s. don't cover up your dishonest agenda.
How much "global contempt" does stealing the US presidency earn for Old Corrupt Joe Biden?
And there it is....Mac1958's go to when he is defeated....I take that as a bend of the knee there buddy....

I'd rather have a sane discussion with you, but alas you show once again you are incapable of that...Have a nice day....
He's easily stumped when pressed. We have to admit we don't expect as much from him as we do more
informed and reputable posters.
Can't wait for Corrupt Joe Biden to place his quivering lips on the asses of the Mullahs of Iran if we are so unfortunate to have him in office and validate the coup he fronted.

Until January 20, you'll have to satisfy your lust with lascivious evocations of the cult leader's seductive terpsichore:

One of the worst nations on the planet and the left can't to prostrate themselves before Iran. Fuck!

The same was said of Reagan, that the rest of the world looked down on the US.
I guess when you have a president like Reagan or Trump we realize that you can't
please everyone so OP-ED writers at the NY Times can fuck off and the sycophants that post
trash like this can go with them.
What is America's opinion of the German leader, by the way?
It's very odd that you would actually evoke Reagan who secretly sold arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic republic, in violation of an arms embargo. When Reagan's scandal broke, it was quite the embarrassment for the U.S.

If you fear that President Biden will repeat Reagan's treachery, please take solace in the fact that no one else entertains your bizarre notion.

Some are convinced that being a repulsive, unreliable object of ridicule is the path to global pre-eminence.

The American electorate and history differ.
I'm sure you had an orgasm when Obama sent 150 Billion in cash to the murderous Mullahs of Iran.

Who did they murder? We are the ones invading other countries, not Iran.
What's the last country we invaded that didn't invade another country or that wasn't slaughtering it's own citizens?

We lie. Syria.

We claimed Iraq was but the facts are we started killing the very same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
I like what Trump did to ISIS...MOAB.

He blew up an abandoned airfield (and didn't pay for the bomb).
It wasn't abandoned.
From where do you get your fake news?

What did we accomplish? Four years later and nothing has changed.

When are you going to start paying for all of this?

Just like the Trillions that are about to be spent clearing student debt, we will just print the money and do it....That's how it is now...Monopoly money.

I don't know what Biden will do. Unless he pays for it I do not support it.

Sanders had a plan and he paid for it. I supported that.

No he didn't...He played a shell game of "tax the rich" never outlining what that would look like....So, it was blather.

He most certainly did explain the entire program.

Nah, all he did, is come up with a bunch of feel good giveaway's and say he was going to pay for it on the backs of (in Bernie's voice) Billionaires, and Millionaires....

It was mindless, and when looked into further we found that those millionaires, and billionaires were households making more than $400K per year....Which btw, is small business.

Under Sanders plan government takes all your money, decides how much you can keep and who gets the rest of your paycheck.
Can't wait for Corrupt Joe Biden to place his quivering lips on the asses of the Mullahs of Iran if we are so unfortunate to have him in office and validate the coup he fronted.

Until January 20, you'll have to satisfy your lust with lascivious evocations of the cult leader's seductive terpsichore:

One of the worst nations on the planet and the left can't to prostrate themselves before Iran. Fuck!

The same was said of Reagan, that the rest of the world looked down on the US.
I guess when you have a president like Reagan or Trump we realize that you can't
please everyone so OP-ED writers at the NY Times can fuck off and the sycophants that post
trash like this can go with them.
What is America's opinion of the German leader, by the way?
It's very odd that you would actually evoke Reagan who secretly sold arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic republic, in violation of an arms embargo. When Reagan's scandal broke, it was quite the embarrassment for the U.S.

If you fear that President Biden will repeat Reagan's treachery, please take solace in the fact that no one else entertains your bizarre notion.

Some are convinced that being a repulsive, unreliable object of ridicule is the path to global pre-eminence.

The American electorate and history differ.
I'm sure you had an orgasm when Obama sent 150 Billion in cash to the murderous Mullahs of Iran.

Who did they murder? We are the ones invading other countries, not Iran.
What's the last country we invaded that didn't invade another country or that wasn't slaughtering it's own citizens?

We lie. Syria.

We claimed Iraq was but the facts are we started killing the very same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
I like what Trump did to ISIS...MOAB.

He blew up an abandoned airfield (and didn't pay for the bomb).
It wasn't abandoned.
From where do you get your fake news?

What did we accomplish? Four years later and nothing has changed.

When are you going to start paying for all of this?

Just like the Trillions that are about to be spent clearing student debt, we will just print the money and do it....That's how it is now...Monopoly money.

I don't know what Biden will do. Unless he pays for it I do not support it.

Sanders had a plan and he paid for it. I supported that.

No he didn't...He played a shell game of "tax the rich" never outlining what that would look like....So, it was blather.

He most certainly did explain the entire program.

Nah, all he did, is come up with a bunch of feel good giveaway's and say he was going to pay for it on the backs of (in Bernie's voice) Billionaires, and Millionaires....

It was mindless, and when looked into further we found that those millionaires, and billionaires were households making more than $400K per year....Which btw, is small business.

He proposed a small tax on trades. The very people who benefitted (college grads) would have paid for it.
... Four years ago, before Trump became president, 43 percent of Germans had a positive impression of the United States as a leader in the world. Today just 6 percent approve. In the United Kingdom, 15 percent say they approve. More Russians — 18 percent — approve of American leadership internationally than Brits or Germans...
Among the nations where favorable impressions hit record lows or roughly tied them this year were a who’s who of traditional friends: the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Canada and Australia.

R E S P E C T !

The alternative view, succinctly stated:​

Screen Shot 2020-12-20 at 11.41.17 AM.png
"We don't need no stinkin'

Screen Shot 2020-12-14 at 1.09.02 PM.png
..The Great Flatulence should cling to power!
Alienating the global community while....
dividing America is a boffo idea!".....

Last edited:
Can't wait for Corrupt Joe Biden to place his quivering lips on the asses of the Mullahs of Iran if we are so unfortunate to have him in office and validate the coup he fronted.

Until January 20, you'll have to satisfy your lust with lascivious evocations of the cult leader's seductive terpsichore:

One of the worst nations on the planet and the left can't to prostrate themselves before Iran. Fuck!

The same was said of Reagan, that the rest of the world looked down on the US.
I guess when you have a president like Reagan or Trump we realize that you can't
please everyone so OP-ED writers at the NY Times can fuck off and the sycophants that post
trash like this can go with them.
What is America's opinion of the German leader, by the way?
It's very odd that you would actually evoke Reagan who secretly sold arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic republic, in violation of an arms embargo. When Reagan's scandal broke, it was quite the embarrassment for the U.S.

If you fear that President Biden will repeat Reagan's treachery, please take solace in the fact that no one else entertains your bizarre notion.

Some are convinced that being a repulsive, unreliable object of ridicule is the path to global pre-eminence.

The American electorate and history differ.
I'm sure you had an orgasm when Obama sent 150 Billion in cash to the murderous Mullahs of Iran.

Who did they murder? We are the ones invading other countries, not Iran.
What's the last country we invaded that didn't invade another country or that wasn't slaughtering it's own citizens?

We lie. Syria.

We claimed Iraq was but the facts are we started killing the very same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
I like what Trump did to ISIS...MOAB.

He blew up an abandoned airfield (and didn't pay for the bomb).
It wasn't abandoned.
From where do you get your fake news?

What did we accomplish? Four years later and nothing has changed.

When are you going to start paying for all of this?

Just like the Trillions that are about to be spent clearing student debt, we will just print the money and do it....That's how it is now...Monopoly money.

I don't know what Biden will do. Unless he pays for it I do not support it.

Sanders had a plan and he paid for it. I supported that.

No he didn't...He played a shell game of "tax the rich" never outlining what that would look like....So, it was blather.

He most certainly did explain the entire program.

Nah, all he did, is come up with a bunch of feel good giveaway's and say he was going to pay for it on the backs of (in Bernie's voice) Billionaires, and Millionaires....

It was mindless, and when looked into further we found that those millionaires, and billionaires were households making more than $400K per year....Which btw, is small business.

Under Sanders plan government takes all your money, decides how much you can keep and who gets the rest of your paycheck.

Your delusions are noted.
Many Americans (including me) do NOT care what our foreign "friends" and enemies think about us.
One must earn global contempt. Abdicating enlightened, democratic leadership is a expeditious way to it, of course.

... The United States stands at this time at the pinnacle of world power. It is a solemn moment for the American Democracy. For with primacy in power is also joined an awe-inspiring accountability to the future. If you look around you, you must feel not only the sense of duty done but also you must feel anxiety lest you fall below the level of achievement. Opportunity is here now, clear and shining for both our countries. To reject it or ignore it or fritter it away will bring upon us all the long reproaches of the after-time. It is necessary that constancy of mind, persistency of purpose, and the grand simplicity of decision shall guide and rule the conduct of the English-speaking peoples in peace as they did in war. We must, and I believe we shall, prove ourselves equal to this severe requirement..."
Alas, it is not the spectre of America's greatness that the global community has been looking up to as of late.

View attachment 431516

View attachment 431517
"Them foreigners ain't gonna honor
Biden with no blimp. No sir!"

Are you okay with sending a pole puffing, man gravy gargling ass smasher like Pete Buttigieg to represent America in the Middle East?
(I’d pretend you didn’t see this post if I were you)
Can't wait for Corrupt Joe Biden to place his quivering lips on the asses of the Mullahs of Iran if we are so unfortunate to have him in office and validate the coup he fronted.

Until January 20, you'll have to satisfy your lust with lascivious evocations of the cult leader's seductive terpsichore:

One of the worst nations on the planet and the left can't to prostrate themselves before Iran. Fuck!

The same was said of Reagan, that the rest of the world looked down on the US.
I guess when you have a president like Reagan or Trump we realize that you can't
please everyone so OP-ED writers at the NY Times can fuck off and the sycophants that post
trash like this can go with them.
What is America's opinion of the German leader, by the way?
It's very odd that you would actually evoke Reagan who secretly sold arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic republic, in violation of an arms embargo. When Reagan's scandal broke, it was quite the embarrassment for the U.S.

If you fear that President Biden will repeat Reagan's treachery, please take solace in the fact that no one else entertains your bizarre notion.

Some are convinced that being a repulsive, unreliable object of ridicule is the path to global pre-eminence.

The American electorate and history differ.
I'm sure you had an orgasm when Obama sent 150 Billion in cash to the murderous Mullahs of Iran.

Who did they murder? We are the ones invading other countries, not Iran.
What's the last country we invaded that didn't invade another country or that wasn't slaughtering it's own citizens?

We lie. Syria.

We claimed Iraq was but the facts are we started killing the very same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
I like what Trump did to ISIS...MOAB.

He blew up an abandoned airfield (and didn't pay for the bomb).
It wasn't abandoned.
From where do you get your fake news?

What did we accomplish? Four years later and nothing has changed.

When are you going to start paying for all of this?

Just like the Trillions that are about to be spent clearing student debt, we will just print the money and do it....That's how it is now...Monopoly money.

I don't know what Biden will do. Unless he pays for it I do not support it.

Sanders had a plan and he paid for it. I supported that.

No he didn't...He played a shell game of "tax the rich" never outlining what that would look like....So, it was blather.

He most certainly did explain the entire program.

Nah, all he did, is come up with a bunch of feel good giveaway's and say he was going to pay for it on the backs of (in Bernie's voice) Billionaires, and Millionaires....

It was mindless, and when looked into further we found that those millionaires, and billionaires were households making more than $400K per year....Which btw, is small business.

He proposed a small tax on trades. The very people who benefitted (college grads) would have paid for it.
Supposing that the Sanders of the 2010s was the Sanders of the 2000s.
Sanders went from being MAGA (aka Trump) in the 2000s to being Open Borders in the 2010s.
Yes, I know, you never listened to him so you don't know that nasty little fact.
... Four years ago, before Trump became president, 43 percent of Germans had a positive impression of the United States as a leader in the world. Today just 6 percent approve. In the United Kingdom, 15 percent say they approve. More Russians — 18 percent — approve of American leadership internationally than Brits or Germans...
Among the nations where favorable impressions hit record lows or roughly tied them this year were a who’s who of traditional friends: the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Canada and Australia.
R E S P E C T !

The alternative view, succinctly stated:​
"We don't need no stinkin'

The Great Flatulence should cling to power!
Alienating the global community while....
dividing America is a boffo idea!".....

Tell us why US citizens with an IQ above 0 should care.
Many Americans (including me) do NOT care what our foreign "friends" and enemies think about us.
One must earn global contempt. Abdicating enlightened, democratic leadership is a expeditious way to it, of course.

... The United States stands at this time at the pinnacle of world power. It is a solemn moment for the American Democracy. For with primacy in power is also joined an awe-inspiring accountability to the future. If you look around you, you must feel not only the sense of duty done but also you must feel anxiety lest you fall below the level of achievement. Opportunity is here now, clear and shining for both our countries. To reject it or ignore it or fritter it away will bring upon us all the long reproaches of the after-time. It is necessary that constancy of mind, persistency of purpose, and the grand simplicity of decision shall guide and rule the conduct of the English-speaking peoples in peace as they did in war. We must, and I believe we shall, prove ourselves equal to this severe requirement..."
Alas, it is not the spectre of America's greatness that the global community has been looking up to as of late.

View attachment 431516

View attachment 431517
"Them foreigners ain't gonna honor
Biden with no blimp. No sir!"

Are you okay with sending a pole puffing, man gravy gargling ass smasher like Pete Buttigieg to represent America in the Middle East?
(I’d pretend you didn’t see this post if I were you)

It would be about time to introduce them to a world no longer in the dark ages.
Can't wait for Corrupt Joe Biden to place his quivering lips on the asses of the Mullahs of Iran if we are so unfortunate to have him in office and validate the coup he fronted.

Until January 20, you'll have to satisfy your lust with lascivious evocations of the cult leader's seductive terpsichore:

One of the worst nations on the planet and the left can't to prostrate themselves before Iran. Fuck!

The same was said of Reagan, that the rest of the world looked down on the US.
I guess when you have a president like Reagan or Trump we realize that you can't
please everyone so OP-ED writers at the NY Times can fuck off and the sycophants that post
trash like this can go with them.
What is America's opinion of the German leader, by the way?
It's very odd that you would actually evoke Reagan who secretly sold arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic republic, in violation of an arms embargo. When Reagan's scandal broke, it was quite the embarrassment for the U.S.

If you fear that President Biden will repeat Reagan's treachery, please take solace in the fact that no one else entertains your bizarre notion.

Some are convinced that being a repulsive, unreliable object of ridicule is the path to global pre-eminence.

The American electorate and history differ.
I'm sure you had an orgasm when Obama sent 150 Billion in cash to the murderous Mullahs of Iran.

Who did they murder? We are the ones invading other countries, not Iran.
What's the last country we invaded that didn't invade another country or that wasn't slaughtering it's own citizens?

We lie. Syria.

We claimed Iraq was but the facts are we started killing the very same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
I like what Trump did to ISIS...MOAB.

He blew up an abandoned airfield (and didn't pay for the bomb).
It wasn't abandoned.
From where do you get your fake news?

What did we accomplish? Four years later and nothing has changed.

When are you going to start paying for all of this?

Just like the Trillions that are about to be spent clearing student debt, we will just print the money and do it....That's how it is now...Monopoly money.

I don't know what Biden will do. Unless he pays for it I do not support it.

Sanders had a plan and he paid for it. I supported that.

No he didn't...He played a shell game of "tax the rich" never outlining what that would look like....So, it was blather.

He most certainly did explain the entire program.

Nah, all he did, is come up with a bunch of feel good giveaway's and say he was going to pay for it on the backs of (in Bernie's voice) Billionaires, and Millionaires....

It was mindless, and when looked into further we found that those millionaires, and billionaires were households making more than $400K per year....Which btw, is small business.

He proposed a small tax on trades. The very people who benefitted (college grads) would have paid for it.
Supposing that the Sanders of the 2010s was the Sanders of the 2000s.
Sanders went from being MAGA (aka Trump) in the 2000s to being Open Borders in the 2010s.
Yes, I know, you never listened to him so you don't know that nasty little fact.

I have no obligation to address things you just make up.
Don't worry Democrats will surrender to the world again shortly and give our jobs and money to other countries to suck up.
To be honest, the establishment Rs did exactly the same thing.
Stop equating Trump with Rs.

You equated Trump with R's not I, stop doing that. Also, Democrats are dickheads.
You inferred that Rs didn't sell out the US to China; they did.

I did no such thing. In fact I am on record on this board multiple times ripping the R's for selling us out to China.
Can't wait for Corrupt Joe Biden to place his quivering lips on the asses of the Mullahs of Iran if we are so unfortunate to have him in office and validate the coup he fronted.

Until January 20, you'll have to satisfy your lust with lascivious evocations of the cult leader's seductive terpsichore:

One of the worst nations on the planet and the left can't to prostrate themselves before Iran. Fuck!

The same was said of Reagan, that the rest of the world looked down on the US.
I guess when you have a president like Reagan or Trump we realize that you can't
please everyone so OP-ED writers at the NY Times can fuck off and the sycophants that post
trash like this can go with them.
What is America's opinion of the German leader, by the way?
It's very odd that you would actually evoke Reagan who secretly sold arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic republic, in violation of an arms embargo. When Reagan's scandal broke, it was quite the embarrassment for the U.S.

If you fear that President Biden will repeat Reagan's treachery, please take solace in the fact that no one else entertains your bizarre notion.

Some are convinced that being a repulsive, unreliable object of ridicule is the path to global pre-eminence.

The American electorate and history differ.
I'm sure you had an orgasm when Obama sent 150 Billion in cash to the murderous Mullahs of Iran.

Who did they murder? We are the ones invading other countries, not Iran.
What's the last country we invaded that didn't invade another country or that wasn't slaughtering it's own citizens?

We lie. Syria.

We claimed Iraq was but the facts are we started killing the very same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
I like what Trump did to ISIS...MOAB.

He blew up an abandoned airfield (and didn't pay for the bomb).
It wasn't abandoned.
From where do you get your fake news?

What did we accomplish? Four years later and nothing has changed.

When are you going to start paying for all of this?

Just like the Trillions that are about to be spent clearing student debt, we will just print the money and do it....That's how it is now...Monopoly money.

I don't know what Biden will do. Unless he pays for it I do not support it.

Sanders had a plan and he paid for it. I supported that.

No he didn't...He played a shell game of "tax the rich" never outlining what that would look like....So, it was blather.

He most certainly did explain the entire program.

Nah, all he did, is come up with a bunch of feel good giveaway's and say he was going to pay for it on the backs of (in Bernie's voice) Billionaires, and Millionaires....

It was mindless, and when looked into further we found that those millionaires, and billionaires were households making more than $400K per year....Which btw, is small business.

Under Sanders plan government takes all your money, decides how much you can keep and who gets the rest of your paycheck.

Your delusions are noted.

Suck a Covid droplet.
Many Americans (including me) do NOT care what our foreign "friends" and enemies think about us.
One must earn global contempt. Abdicating enlightened, democratic leadership is a expeditious way to it, of course.

... The United States stands at this time at the pinnacle of world power. It is a solemn moment for the American Democracy. For with primacy in power is also joined an awe-inspiring accountability to the future. If you look around you, you must feel not only the sense of duty done but also you must feel anxiety lest you fall below the level of achievement. Opportunity is here now, clear and shining for both our countries. To reject it or ignore it or fritter it away will bring upon us all the long reproaches of the after-time. It is necessary that constancy of mind, persistency of purpose, and the grand simplicity of decision shall guide and rule the conduct of the English-speaking peoples in peace as they did in war. We must, and I believe we shall, prove ourselves equal to this severe requirement..."
Alas, it is not the spectre of America's greatness that the global community has been looking up to as of late.

View attachment 431516

View attachment 431517
"Them foreigners ain't gonna honor
Biden with no blimp. No sir!"

Are you okay with sending a pole puffing, man gravy gargling ass smasher like Pete Buttigieg to represent America in the Middle East?
(I’d pretend you didn’t see this post if I were you)

It would be about time to introduce them to a world no longer in the dark ages.
I think most of the Arab world is coming around at the moment.
Biden will set them back.
Don't worry Democrats will surrender to the world again shortly and give our jobs and money to other countries to suck up.
To be honest, the establishment Rs did exactly the same thing.
Stop equating Trump with Rs.

You equated Trump with R's not I, stop doing that. Also, Democrats are dickheads.
You inferred that Rs didn't sell out the US to China; they did.

I did no such thing. In fact I am on record on this board multiple times ripping the R's for selling us out to China.
The problem with the Ds is their political correctness and sexual perversion.
Can't wait for Corrupt Joe Biden to place his quivering lips on the asses of the Mullahs of Iran if we are so unfortunate to have him in office and validate the coup he fronted.

Until January 20, you'll have to satisfy your lust with lascivious evocations of the cult leader's seductive terpsichore:

One of the worst nations on the planet and the left can't to prostrate themselves before Iran. Fuck!

The same was said of Reagan, that the rest of the world looked down on the US.
I guess when you have a president like Reagan or Trump we realize that you can't
please everyone so OP-ED writers at the NY Times can fuck off and the sycophants that post
trash like this can go with them.
What is America's opinion of the German leader, by the way?
It's very odd that you would actually evoke Reagan who secretly sold arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic republic, in violation of an arms embargo. When Reagan's scandal broke, it was quite the embarrassment for the U.S.

If you fear that President Biden will repeat Reagan's treachery, please take solace in the fact that no one else entertains your bizarre notion.

Some are convinced that being a repulsive, unreliable object of ridicule is the path to global pre-eminence.

The American electorate and history differ.
I'm sure you had an orgasm when Obama sent 150 Billion in cash to the murderous Mullahs of Iran.

Who did they murder? We are the ones invading other countries, not Iran.
What's the last country we invaded that didn't invade another country or that wasn't slaughtering it's own citizens?

We lie. Syria.

We claimed Iraq was but the facts are we started killing the very same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
I like what Trump did to ISIS...MOAB.

He blew up an abandoned airfield (and didn't pay for the bomb).
It wasn't abandoned.
From where do you get your fake news?

What did we accomplish? Four years later and nothing has changed.

When are you going to start paying for all of this?

Just like the Trillions that are about to be spent clearing student debt, we will just print the money and do it....That's how it is now...Monopoly money.

I don't know what Biden will do. Unless he pays for it I do not support it.

Sanders had a plan and he paid for it. I supported that.

No he didn't...He played a shell game of "tax the rich" never outlining what that would look like....So, it was blather.

He most certainly did explain the entire program.

Nah, all he did, is come up with a bunch of feel good giveaway's and say he was going to pay for it on the backs of (in Bernie's voice) Billionaires, and Millionaires....

It was mindless, and when looked into further we found that those millionaires, and billionaires were households making more than $400K per year....Which btw, is small business.

He proposed a small tax on trades. The very people who benefitted (college grads) would have paid for it.
Supposing that the Sanders of the 2010s was the Sanders of the 2000s.
Sanders went from being MAGA (aka Trump) in the 2000s to being Open Borders in the 2010s.
Yes, I know, you never listened to him so you don't know that nasty little fact.

I have no obligation to address things you just make up.
Who said you did?
You simply have absolutely no idea what you're babbling about.
Deft statesmanship and diplomatic finesses are not necessarily the tools that an egomaniacal, failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer brings to the international stage.
The global consensus that Trump reeks leaves a stench upon America.

America’s image has tumbled during Trump’s presidency.
Can Biden turn it around?
The Gallup organization conducts annual surveys assessing how others assess U.S. leadership. In 20 of 29 countries where Gallup has completed these surveys, approval ratings “are at new lows or they tie the previous low,” according to the report released last week. Among the countries where approval hit new lows are two of the nation’s staunchest allies, Germany and Britain.
Four years ago, before Trump became president, 43 percent of Germans had a positive impression of the United States as a leader in the world. Today just 6 percent approve. In the United Kingdom, 15 percent say they approve. More Russians — 18 percent — approve of American leadership internationally than Brits or Germans.

Gallup’s findings square with a Pew Research Center report of a few months ago. Pew’s regular survey asks whether people elsewhere have a favorable or unfavorable view of the United States. Among the nations where favorable impressions hit record lows or roughly tied them this year were a who’s who of traditional friends: the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Canada and Australia.
[President Biden,] the former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has promised to reengage constructively with other nations, as has his designee for secretary of state, Antony Blinken. That will begin with allies in Europe, who have been treated badly by the current president.
“When he thinks foreign policy, he thinks allies, and when he thinks allies, he thinks Europe,” said Ivo Daalder, former ambassador to NATO ...
Trump has spurned or hectored allies in Europe and questioned the value of transatlantic alliances. Biden will embrace them all.
Showing up and saying the right words will be helpful in changing perceptions of the United States, but that might be only a first step in what could be a more challenging mission.
Biden will look to European allies for help in dealing with some of the most important foreign policy issues that await him, from U.S. posture toward Russia to Biden’s desire to change relations with Iran after Trump pulled out of the joint nuclear agreement.
The Great Flatulence should cling to power!
Alienating the global community while....
dividing America is a boffo idea!".....

"Schmidlap" sounds like something sloppy getting thrown against a wall. Very appropriate.

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