Can someone explain this? This is scary as hell.

Trump merely stated what all D and R pols know. Plus, Big Ears doubled the national debt and yet it is almost never reported. So, lefties don't know it because their media never informs them. They think BO refuced the debt

Facts often surprise leftists.
Your two wars (one started with lies) were put on the credit card and the bills came due. The tax cuts were nothing more than the looting of the Treasury. That`s where the debt came from, genius.
The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits
Obama's been at war for 8 WHOLE YEARS
And yet he didn't rack up tens of thousands of dead and maimed Americans like Bush did!
Under Gingrich, we were on a glide path to peace and prosperity and then came 911 and 2 decades of unending, unwinnable war and deficits
You mean under Clinton, all that changed in 2001 is Bush replaced Clinton, the GOP still controlled congress, when everything went South.
War tends to do that. And it was all a bipartisan effort. When will you get that?
Yeah sure, "bipartisan" based on Bush/Cheney lies!
Under Gingrich, we were on a glide path to peace and prosperity and then came 911 and 2 decades of unending, unwinnable war and deficits
You mean under Clinton, all that changed in 2001 is Bush replaced Clinton, the GOP still controlled congress, when everything went South.
War tends to do that. And it was all a bipartisan effort. When will you get that?
Yeah sure, "bipartisan" based on Bush/Cheney lies!
As usual, you are uninformed. Must we do this drill EVERY FUCKING day?

Nearly ALL Ds voted for the Iraq War.
War tends to do that. And it was all a bipartisan effort. When will you get that?

As soon as the leftist programmers allow their sheep to believe it. If it ever suits the purpose of the left, they will go after and kill muslims. They'll go after gays, take down abortion, endorse Christianity, and ramp up oil and coal production.

Again, when it benefits the state and they have control of it, there is no policy or principle they currently pretend to support that won't be set aside.

Under Gingrich, we were on a glide path to peace and prosperity and then came 911 and 2 decades of unending, unwinnable war and deficits
You mean under Clinton, all that changed in 2001 is Bush replaced Clinton, the GOP still controlled congress, when everything went South.
War tends to do that. And it was all a bipartisan effort. When will you get that?
Yeah sure, "bipartisan" based on Bush/Cheney lies!
As usual, you are uninformed. Must we do this drill EVERY FUCKING day?

Nearly ALL Ds voted for the Iraq War.
Ed? Where are you? Why no response?

A simple thank you will suffice.
Under Gingrich, we were on a glide path to peace and prosperity and then came 911 and 2 decades of unending, unwinnable war and deficits
You mean under Clinton, all that changed in 2001 is Bush replaced Clinton, the GOP still controlled congress, when everything went South.
War tends to do that. And it was all a bipartisan effort. When will you get that?
Yeah sure, "bipartisan" based on Bush/Cheney lies!
As usual, you are uninformed. Must we do this drill EVERY FUCKING day?
Nearly ALL Ds voted for the Iraq War.
ALL were lied to by Bush/Cheney.
Yeah sure, "bipartisan" based on Bush/Cheney lies!
Or do you mean Clinton appointee George Tenet's lie? Remember his "slam dunk case"? You bed wetters can't even keep your own lies straight.
Tenet before Bush/Cheney cooked the intel:

"We do not have any direct evidence that Iraq has used the period since Desert Fox to reconstitute its WMD programs"
-George Tenet, 2/07/2001
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If Trump didn't say it, I will be relieved. But if this is an accurate quote, there is a huge potential for disaster.

Trump has said all sorts of shit I both agree with and disdain.

I'll wait to see what he does, not what Al-CNN believes he's going to do.

Bottom line is Hitlary lost. The republic may be saved.

Nice sidestep. But you'll have to use that on someone who voted for her or wants her in office. Neither fits me.

But if Trump thinks printing more money will solve our debt problems, we are facing some huge issues.
Under Gingrich, we were on a glide path to peace and prosperity and then came 911 and 2 decades of unending, unwinnable war and deficits
You mean under Clinton, all that changed in 2001 is Bush replaced Clinton, the GOP still controlled congress, when everything went South.
War tends to do that. And it was all a bipartisan effort. When will you get that?
Yeah sure, "bipartisan" based on Bush/Cheney lies!
As usual, you are uninformed. Must we do this drill EVERY FUCKING day?
Nearly ALL Ds voted for the Iraq War.
ALL were lied to by Bush/Cheney.
Oh brother. Are Ds that stupid?

They also use the debt to cut social services.

Americans pay more for insurance, defense and taxes and we get less social services than the rest of the world
And Obammie did not do a damn thing about it, all while he single handedly doubled the debt!
Oh brother. Are Ds that stupid?


Like I've said numerous times. These parasites are dangerously stupid. They're being used as weapons by criminally insane sociopaths against us. In order to get their regressive marxist agenda pushed on the rest of us, there is no depth of depravity or evil a leftist will not sink to. If they're willing to have starved millions in Russia, China, N.Korea, Cuba, Laos et al. then massive misinformation and subversive propaganda is just a step in the process of securing the power to disarm and starve the excess human resources.
If Trump didn't say it, I will be relieved. But if this is an accurate quote, there is a huge potential for disaster.

Trump has said all sorts of shit I both agree with and disdain.

I'll wait to see what he does, not what Al-CNN believes he's going to do.

Bottom line is Hitlary lost. The republic may be saved.

Nice sidestep. But you'll have to use that on someone who voted for her or wants her in office. Neither fits me.

But if Trump thinks printing more money will solve our debt problems, we are facing some huge issues.

He doesn't. What he is telling you is that is what has been happening. Ya know don't you that he will hone in on spending and that big cuts are coming so we do not have to print more or borrow more.
Trump merely stated what all D and R pols know. Plus, Big Ears doubled the national debt and yet it is almost never reported. So, lefties don't know it because their media never informs them. They think BO refuced the debt

Facts often surprise leftists.
Your two wars (one started with lies) were put on the credit card and the bills came due. The tax cuts were nothing more than the looting of the Treasury. That`s where the debt came from, genius.
The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits
Obama's been at war for 8 WHOLE YEARS
And yet he didn't rack up tens of thousands of dead and maimed Americans like Bush did!
Bush racked up about 500 dead. The rest of the American dead happened after obama changed the rules of engagement. The changes were deliberately designed to increase the number of American casualties.
Nice sidestep. But you'll have to use that on someone who voted for her or wants her in office. Neither fits me.

But if Trump thinks printing more money will solve our debt problems, we are facing some huge issues.

I'm sidestepping because it's not something I'm worried about. CNN is less credible than Cuban state TV, and probably more leftwing. Trump says all sorts of shit. I have no idea what he is really going to do, but so far I like a lot of his cabinet picks even though I think a few suck. I didn't support him up until he actually won. I didn't think he really would or wanted too.

He did, so I'll give him a chance. I agree that the debt is an issue that needs to be fixed, and Trump's quote doesn't appeal to me. He made all sorts of statements I didn't like a long time ago, but contradicted himself on some of them.

Again I have no idea what he's going to do. I know it will be better than what hitlary would do.


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