Can someone explain this? This is scary as hell.

Trump merely stated what all D and R pols know. Plus, Big Ears doubled the national debt and yet it is almost never reported. So, lefties don't know it because their media never informs them. They think BO refuced the debt

Facts often surprise leftists.
When a democrat is president Republicans care about the debt but now debt doesn't matter.
How do you think we just ran up $10,000,000,000,000 in new debt?
Republican control of the House where all spending is controlled.
So obama didn't force obiecare or his stimulus on us and is a victim of the Republicans?
Both were voted on and approved by the people's representatives.
No Republican voted for the unaffordable care act and the budget would not be signed until it was funded. So you're confused.
Were you asleep next to Rip Van Winkle

Not asleep at all. Just trying to get someone to explain how anyone can say "because you print the money," when discussing US debt and the economy.

If you don't have an answer, that is fine.

How do you think we just ran up $10,000,000,000,000 in new debt?
Preventing the Second Great Republican Depression, that is how.

We're in the Obamalaise, 8 whole years of anti Free Enterprise, massive regulation, stagnant growth, record numbers out of the labor force at a cost of $10T
Under Gingrich, we were on a glide path to peace and prosperity and then came 911 and 2 decades of unending, unwinnable war and deficits
How do you think we just ran up $10,000,000,000,000 in new debt?
Republican control of the House where all spending is controlled.
So obama didn't force obiecare or his stimulus on us and is a victim of the Republicans?
Both were voted on and approved by the people's representatives.
No Republican voted for the unaffordable care act and the budget would not be signed until it was funded. So you're confused.
And yet the bill passed with a majority vote. So obviously the GOP do not represent a majority of the American people.
How do you think we just ran up $10,000,000,000,000 in new debt?
Republican control of the House where all spending is controlled.
So obama didn't force obiecare or his stimulus on us and is a victim of the Republicans?
Both were voted on and approved by the people's representatives.
The Republican Congress went along with continuing resolutions in lieu of actual budgets
Big Ears doubled the national debt and yet it is almost never reported.
Probably because it isn't true. The GOP National Debt was $12 trillion at the end of Bush's last fiscal year, and we are not at $24 trillion yet, but we will be soon enough once Tramp starts spending.
Wrong. It was 10.8 when the progressive asshole W left office. Are you going to quibble over a few hundred million, when we are talking about trillions?

Please don't quibble. It's a pussy move.
How do you think we just ran up $10,000,000,000,000 in new debt?
Republican control of the House where all spending is controlled.
So obama didn't force obiecare or his stimulus on us and is a victim of the Republicans?
Both were voted on and approved by the people's representatives.
No Republican voted for the unaffordable care act and the budget would not be signed until it was funded. So you're confused.
And yet the bill passed with a majority vote. So obviously the GOP do not represent a majority of the American people.
It's changed now, where have you been? But cute little side step there.
Trump merely stated what all D and R pols know. Plus, Big Ears doubled the national debt and yet it is almost never reported. So, lefties don't know it because their media never informs them. They think BO refuced the debt

Facts often surprise leftists.
Your two wars (one started with lies) were put on the credit card and the bills came due. The tax cuts were nothing more than the looting of the Treasury. That`s where the debt came from, genius.
The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits
Trump merely stated what all D and R pols know. Plus, Big Ears doubled the national debt and yet it is almost never reported. So, lefties don't know it because their media never informs them. They think BO refuced the debt

Facts often surprise leftists.
Your two wars (one started with lies) were put on the credit card and the bills came due. The tax cuts were nothing more than the looting of the Treasury. That`s where the debt came from, genius.
The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits
My wars? WTF?

Stop getting all your news from Left wing sources.
Trump merely stated what all D and R pols know. Plus, Big Ears doubled the national debt and yet it is almost never reported. So, lefties don't know it because their media never informs them. They think BO refuced the debt

Facts often surprise leftists.
Your two wars (one started with lies) were put on the credit card and the bills came due. The tax cuts were nothing more than the looting of the Treasury. That`s where the debt came from, genius.
The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits
Obama's been at war for 8 WHOLE YEARS
Trump merely stated what all D and R pols know. Plus, Big Ears doubled the national debt and yet it is almost never reported. So, lefties don't know it because their media never informs them. They think BO refuced the debt

Facts often surprise leftists.
Your two wars (one started with lies) were put on the credit card and the bills came due. The tax cuts were nothing more than the looting of the Treasury. That`s where the debt came from, genius.
The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits
Obama's been at war for 8 WHOLE YEARS
Yes, but no one told lefties.
Under Gingrich, we were on a glide path to peace and prosperity and then came 911 and 2 decades of unending, unwinnable war and deficits
You mean under Clinton, all that changed in 2001 is Bush replaced Clinton, the GOP still controlled congress, when everything went South.
If Trump didn't say it, I will be relieved. But if this is an accurate quote, there is a huge potential for disaster.

Trump has said all sorts of shit I both agree with and disdain.

I'll wait to see what he does, not what Al-CNN believes he's going to do.

Bottom line is Hitlary lost. The republic may be saved.

Under Gingrich, we were on a glide path to peace and prosperity and then came 911 and 2 decades of unending, unwinnable war and deficits
You mean under Clinton, all that changed in 2001 is Bush replaced Clinton, the GOP still controlled congress, when everything went South.
War tends to do that. And it was all a bipartisan effort. When will you get that?

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