Can Somebody Show Me A Violent Protestor?

J6 Insurrectionists smeared feces on the walls

Black people had to clean it up. IM2 can you believe this "shit"

Sounds violent to me. What about you OP?

  • After the mob of President Donald Trump's supporters attacked the Capitol last week, it was largely Black and brown people tasked with cleaning up the mess.
  • The overwhelmingly white rioters left behind shards of broken glass and ripped-apart furniture, blood, empty bottles, and even feces smeared on the walls.
  • Many of the janitorial staff and employees are Black and Latino and were aware of the racial animus held by many of those — including white supremacists — who turned the Capitol upside down.
  • It was "degrading," one Black employee said days afterward. Workers also said it was difficult to watch the mob seem to get treated with kid gloves by the police.
  • "If it was Black people, we never would have made it, but I think we know better not to attack the Capitol," a 28-year veteran of the Capitol told Insider.

J6 Insurrectionists smeared feces on the walls

Black people had to clean it up. IM2 can you believe this "shit"

Sounds violent to me. What about you OP?

  • After the mob of President Donald Trump's supporters attacked the Capitol last week, it was largely Black and brown people tasked with cleaning up the mess.
  • The overwhelmingly white rioters left behind shards of broken glass and ripped-apart furniture, blood, empty bottles, and even feces smeared on the walls.
  • Many of the janitorial staff and employees are Black and Latino and were aware of the racial animus held by many of those — including white supremacists — who turned the Capitol upside down.
  • It was "degrading," one Black employee said days afterward. Workers also said it was difficult to watch the mob seem to get treated with kid gloves by the police.
  • "If it was Black people, we never would have made it, but I think we know better not to attack the Capitol," a 28-year veteran of the Capitol told Insider.

Racist lies.


So the Slimes said there was feces but just didn't want to show the pictures?


Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum, benedicta tu in
mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, lesus.
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus,

nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen

100 88. cssma. Babbitt often engaged with the former Trump lawyer Lin Wood, a known conspiracy theorist.

Less than 24 hours before the violent rally, Babbitt retweeted a tweet from Wood that said: "MUST BE DONE LIST before Congress meets today: 1. Mike Pence @vp@Mike_Pence must resign & thereafter be charged with TREASON. 2. Rod Rosenstein@RodRosenstein must be arrested & charged with being accessory to murder & TREASON. 3. Chief Justice John Roberts must RESIGN."

i. Nfld 100 89 Don Trump J6,2021: “As this enormous crowd shows, we have truth and justice on our side.” dntrmp

ii. Nfld 100 88 Ashli Babbitt wrote Jan05,2021. : We are walking to the Capitol in a mob. There’s an estimated over 3 million people here today. So despite what the media tells you, boots on ground definitely say something different. There is a sea of nothing but red, white, and blue.

iii. Nfld 100 88 Ashli Babbitt wrote Jan06,2021. :And it was amazing to get to see the president talk. We are now walking down the inaugural path to the Capitol building, 3 million plus people. God bless America, patriots.

iv. Concerned American cxxxvi: The i exact description ^^^ of a SPONTANEOUS RIOT. cncrndmrcn 250113 Scssma00136

v. NotfooledbyW clxxxviii. to 136.: Why would a Republican Party “peaceful protesters” like Ashley Babbitt, if now “dead” a.Babbitt truly intended to be a peaceful protester the next day, want Mike Pence to resign on January 5, 2021 and thereafter be charged with TREASON.

January 15. 2021 was the date that Don Trump expected to be chosen President Elect instead of Joe Biden. There is written evidence by his lawyers, John Eastman and Jenna Ellis that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Donald Trump was engaged in criminal activity on and before January 6, 2021 with a plan to overturn the election he had lost. nfbw 250113 Vcssma00188
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J6 Insurrectionists smeared feces on the walls

Black people had to clean it up. IM2 can you believe this "shit"

Sounds violent to me. What about you OP?

  • After the mob of President Donald Trump's supporters attacked the Capitol last week, it was largely Black and brown people tasked with cleaning up the mess.
  • The overwhelmingly white rioters left behind shards of broken glass and ripped-apart furniture, blood, empty bottles, and even feces smeared on the walls.
  • Many of the janitorial staff and employees are Black and Latino and were aware of the racial animus held by many of those — including white supremacists — who turned the Capitol upside down.
  • It was "degrading," one Black employee said days afterward. Workers also said it was difficult to watch the mob seem to get treated with kid gloves by the police.
  • "If it was Black people, we never would have made it, but I think we know better not to attack the Capitol," a 28-year veteran of the Capitol told Insider.


But it was INVISIBLE feces, so nobody could ever take a pictures of it.

Nice racist touch, there, BTW.

Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum, benedicta tu in
mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, lesus.
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus,

nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen

It doesn't show what let up to this occuring and I had to turn it off at the part in the video where it said that Trump refused to do anything about it. Bullshit!!


It DOESN'T MATTER WHAT LED UP TO IT!!! The guy is BEATING A COP with a flagpole while the cop is being dragged out. I don't give TWO SHITS what happened earlier. This is unacceptable and THIS person I support going to prison.

But I don't support painting ALL J6'ers as this violent, either.
So you made it up.

The guy that chucked the fire extinguisher at the officers head was 100% MAGA. Total deplorable.
You just keep doubling down. I didn't make anything up. It was obvious to anyone who wasn't wearing blinders. BTW the ONLY murder that occurred that day was the murder of Ashlii Babbitt who was summarily executed by a democrat-controlled capitol cop for the non violent crime of trespassing and vandalism.
You just keep doubling down. I didn't make anything up. It was obvious to anyone who wasn't wearing blinders. BTW the ONLY murder that occurred that day was the murder of Ashlii Babbitt who was summarily executed by a democrat-controlled capitol cop for the non violent crime of trespassing and vandalism.
What made it “obvious”?
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she played a stupid game and won a stupid prize.

View attachment 1065254

Yeah, tell that to her friends and family members.

I don’t see him throwing any hand grenades at him. He’s not even looking at him. What are you talking about?

Such a lie. Here's the real video and how do you know that that video wasn't edited as well?

never seen a person gracefully smash a widow....

Okay so they might have violently attacked the windows then.

PEACEFULLY AND PATRIOTICALLY---amazing how you selectively edited that out.

Nailed it and then told them to go home once they were getting out of hand.

self defense? these were insurrectionists trying to stop the will of the voters.

No they were just simply voicing their opinions.

Well. All good then.

Did I say that?

I didn’t say otherwise.

You implied it though.


No pictures or videos just a bunch of hearsay.

It DOESN'T MATTER WHAT LED UP TO IT!!! The guy is BEATING A COP with a flagpole while the cop is being dragged out. I don't give TWO SHITS what happened earlier. This is unacceptable and THIS person I support going to prison.

What if the police officer was beating him first or shooting at him? Or gassing him etc.? If none of the above then you're right, this is unacceptable, but we just don't know the full story.
You just keep doubling down. I didn't make anything up. It was obvious to anyone who wasn't wearing blinders. BTW the ONLY murder that occurred that day was the murder of Ashlii Babbitt who was summarily executed by a democrat-controlled capitol cop for the non violent crime of trespassing and vandalism.
Babbitt didn't get murdered.
It DOESN'T MATTER WHAT LED UP TO IT!!! The guy is BEATING A COP with a flagpole while the cop is being dragged out. I don't give TWO SHITS what happened earlier. This is unacceptable and THIS person I support going to prison.

But I don't support painting ALL J6'ers as this violent, either.
People are not saying all the J6ers were violent. Many were and they are being dealt with
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You implied it though.
Nope. Just pointing out that the officers were there first and the rioters showed up later. The rioters started their day by listening to Trump whine about the election and talk about how he wanted Pence to illegally alter the outcome of the election. Then they left the speech as instructed to go to the Capitol where they illegally protested and became extremely violent basically as soon as they arrived.
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