Can republicans cite any Trump success on foreign policy level?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
What is a significant achievement by Trump on a foreign policy level? By achievement, I mean something gained. Something that was born out of a positive action and not a negative. For instance, pulling out of the climate accord, pulling out of WHO, etc are actions that result in a negative. Such actions are something any moron can do.
What is a significant achievement by Trump on a foreign policy level? By achievement, I mean something gained. Something that was born out of a positive action and not a negative. For instance, pulling out of the climate accord, pulling out of WHO, etc are actions that result in a negative. Such actions are something any moron can do.

You see North Korea threatening the world, like when Barry was president?
What is a significant achievement by Trump on a foreign policy level? By achievement, I mean something gained. Something that was born out of a positive action and not a negative. For instance, pulling out of the climate accord, pulling out of WHO, etc are actions that result in a negative. Such actions are something any moron can do.

That's your opinion. He's got the world right where he wants it.
What is a significant achievement by Trump on a foreign policy level? By achievement, I mean something gained. Something that was born out of a positive action and not a negative. For instance, pulling out of the climate accord, pulling out of WHO, etc are actions that result in a negative. Such actions are something any moron can do.

ISIS evaporated.
What is a significant achievement by Trump on a foreign policy level? By achievement, I mean something gained. Something that was born out of a positive action and not a negative. For instance, pulling out of the climate accord, pulling out of WHO, etc are actions that result in a negative. Such actions are something any moron can do.

ISIS evaporated.
Nope. Still a thing.
This is why debating with liberals is a waste of time.
Trump has a long list of successes regarding foreign policy. Liberals just refuse to acknowledge them.
Name them with the criteria i gave. It has to be something gained - not taken away.
This is why debating with liberals is a waste of time.
Trump has a long list of successes regarding foreign policy. Liberals just refuse to acknowledge them.
Name them with the criteria i gave. It has to be something gained - not taken away.

Look em up.
It's not like they haven't been discussed on this board dozens of times.
What is a significant achievement by Trump on a foreign policy level? By achievement, I mean something gained. Something that was born out of a positive action and not a negative. For instance, pulling out of the climate accord, pulling out of WHO, etc are actions that result in a negative. Such actions are something any moron can do.

ISIS evaporated.
Nope. Still a thing.

Just in your mind.
Can republicans cite any Trump success on foreign policy level?

- Started fewer armed conflicts than Obama.
- Killed fewer humans than Obama.
- Blew the limbs off fewer humans than Obama.
- Killed fewer kids than Obama.

Shall we continue?
You’re comparing Trump’s one term to Obama’s two terms? I guaran-fucking-tee you that if Trump is re-elected, he will start a war on some scale.

Of course all of those examples are simply Trump not doing something lol. Sorry. Doesn’t count.
What is a significant achievement by Trump on a foreign policy level? By achievement, I mean something gained. Something that was born out of a positive action and not a negative. For instance, pulling out of the climate accord, pulling out of WHO, etc are actions that result in a negative. Such actions are something any moron can do.

ISIS evaporated.
Nope. Still a thing.

Just in your mind.
Lol there is no limit to your denial when it comes to Trump huh?
What is a significant achievement by Trump on a foreign policy level? By achievement, I mean something gained. Something that was born out of a positive action and not a negative. For instance, pulling out of the climate accord, pulling out of WHO, etc are actions that result in a negative. Such actions are something any moron can do.

Only a moron or a very uninformed person wouldn't understand how pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord was beneficial to the US, We were being penalized because other countries' environmental targets were far below what they should be doing relative to ours.

There was enforcement mechanism behind the Paris agreement, which meant there was no accountability. Nations acting in good faith, like the US, would make the sacrifices and take the economic hit for doing so, while those not acting in good faith could cheat without any consequences. Think "China."

Then there were the economic impacts of the Paris Climate Accord: The agreement would have been devastating to the American economy. Meeting the requirements outlined for the U.S. in the deal would have cost our economy nearly $3 trillion over the next several decades. It would have resulted in the loss of over 6 million industrial sector jobs, including 3.1 million manufacturing jobs. The coal industry would have also been hit harder than it was.

The deal was also very costly for American taxpayers. Obama committed $3 billion to the Green Climate Fund, which is nothing more than a fucking slush fund. He committed this funding without consulting with Congress.

Then there was ISIS. Where did they go mall of a sudden? Did they just get tired of fighting, and all go home to tend their goats?

I could stay in this thread all night and post Trump's foreign policy successes, but why bother? Your head is so full of fuck that none of it would make any sense to you.
What is a significant achievement by Trump on a foreign policy level? By achievement, I mean something gained. Something that was born out of a positive action and not a negative. For instance, pulling out of the climate accord, pulling out of WHO, etc are actions that result in a negative. Such actions are something any moron can do.
Pulling out of the climate accord and WHO are a positive.
What is a significant achievement by Trump on a foreign policy level? By achievement, I mean something gained. Something that was born out of a positive action and not a negative. For instance, pulling out of the climate accord, pulling out of WHO, etc are actions that result in a negative. Such actions are something any moron can do.

Only a moron or a very uninformed person wouldn't understand how pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord was beneficial to the US, We were being penalized because other countries' environmental targets were far below what they should be doing relative to ours.

There was enforcement mechanism behind the Paris agreement, which meant there was no accountability. Nations acting in good faith, like the US, would make the sacrifices and take the economic hit for doing so, while those not acting in good faith could cheat without any consequences. Think "China."

Then there were the economic impacts of the Paris Climate Accord: The agreement would have been devastating to the American economy. Meeting the requirements outlined for the U.S. in the deal would have cost our economy nearly $3 trillion over the next several decades. It would have resulted in the loss of over 6 million industrial sector jobs, including 3.1 million manufacturing jobs. The coal industry would have also been hit harder than it was.

The deal was also very costly for American taxpayers. Obama committed $3 billion to the Green Climate Fund, which is nothing more than a fucking slush fund. He committed this funding without consulting with Congress.

Then there was ISIS. Where did they go mall of a sudden? Did they just get tired of fighting, and all go home to tend their goats?

I could stay in this thread all night and post Trump's foreign policy successes, but why bother? Your head is so full of fuck that none of it would make any sense to you.
Debating the merits is besides the point. The criteria of my question is something not removed but something gained.
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What is a significant achievement by Trump on a foreign policy level? By achievement, I mean something gained. Something that was born out of a positive action and not a negative. For instance, pulling out of the climate accord, pulling out of WHO, etc are actions that result in a negative. Such actions are something any moron can do.
Pulling out of the climate accord and WHO are a positive.
No it’s a negative. And by negative i am talking about something in terms of being taken away. I am looking for examples of things gained.
What is a significant achievement by Trump on a foreign policy level? By achievement, I mean something gained. Something that was born out of a positive action and not a negative. For instance, pulling out of the climate accord, pulling out of WHO, etc are actions that result in a negative. Such actions are something any moron can do.

Only a moron or a very uninformed person wouldn't understand how pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord was beneficial to the US, We were being penalized because other countries' environmental targets were far below what they should be doing relative to ours.

There was enforcement mechanism behind the Paris agreement, which meant there was no accountability. Nations acting in good faith, like the US, would make the sacrifices and take the economic hit for doing so, while those not acting in good faith could cheat without any consequences. Think "China."

Then there were the economic impacts of the Paris Climate Accord: The agreement would have been devastating to the American economy. Meeting the requirements outlined for the U.S. in the deal would have cost our economy nearly $3 trillion over the next several decades. It would have resulted in the loss of over 6 million industrial sector jobs, including 3.1 million manufacturing jobs. The coal industry would have also been hit harder than it was.

The deal was also very costly for American taxpayers. Obama committed $3 billion to the Green Climate Fund, which is nothing more than a fucking slush fund. He committed this funding without consulting with Congress.

Then there was ISIS. Where did they go mall of a sudden? Did they just get tired of fighting, and all go home to tend their goats?

I could stay in this thread all night and post Trump's foreign policy successes, but why bother? Your head is so full of fuck that none of it would make any sense to you.
Debating the merits is besides the point. The criteria of my question is something removed but gained.

You asked for "a significant achievement by Trump on a foreign policy level" and I gave it to you.

Take it or leave.
What is a significant achievement by Trump on a foreign policy level? By achievement, I mean something gained. Something that was born out of a positive action and not a negative. For instance, pulling out of the climate accord, pulling out of WHO, etc are actions that result in a negative. Such actions are something any moron can do.
Pulling out of the climate accord and WHO are a positive.
No it’s a negative. And by negative i am talking about something in terms of being taken away. I am looking for examples of things gained.
Sovereignity and $$$
What is a significant achievement by Trump on a foreign policy level? By achievement, I mean something gained. Something that was born out of a positive action and not a negative. For instance, pulling out of the climate accord, pulling out of WHO, etc are actions that result in a negative. Such actions are something any moron can do.

Ummmm the only thing which I came up with was giving Russia hegemony in the Middle East. I'm sure Putin was pleased.

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