Zone1 Can I surrender my whiteness so that I will no longer be accused of being a racist?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
An American citizen can surrender his citizenship by going to an American embassy in a foreign country and surrendering his U.S. passport.

A man can surrender his manhood by declaring he is a woman. No sex reassignment surgery is required, he is allowed to enter women's locker rooms and compete in women's sports.

I would like to surrender my whiteness because I'm tired of being accused of racism simply because I'm white.

I haven't decided what race I'd like to be, so everyone, please give me suggestions.
By the way, I have a black girlfriend who has two white ex-husbands. She tells me she's attracted to white men, but not to black men.

I would have to give her up if I surrender my whiteness and become a black man.

It would be worth it, I think, so that IM2 thinks better of me.
An American citizen can surrender his citizenship by going to an American embassy in a foreign country and surrendering his U.S. passport.

A man can surrender his manhood by declaring he is a woman. No sex reassignment surgery is required, he is allowed to enter women's locker rooms and compete in women's sports.

I would like to surrender my whiteness because I'm tired of being accused of racism simply because I'm white.

I haven't decided what race I'd like to be, so everyone, please give me suggestions.
Really, dude? How far are you willing to go along, just to get along with the small number of people don't like you? Would you drop trow and bend over to make people like you?
Really, dude? How far are you willing to go along, just to get along with the small number of people don't like you? Would you drop trow and bend over to make people like you?
Making IM2 like me is literally the only thing I care about right now.

How about it, IM2?

If I become black will you stop calling me a racist and be my friend?
I like being white. :)

Me too.

If I become black will you stop calling me a racist and be my friend?

If somebody who doesn't like me for who I am then why on earth would I even want them for a friend? They can just go screw themselves. Oh yeah and there's no way I want IM2 for a friend. I would rather eat dog shit.

Can I surrender my whiteness so that I will no longer be accused of being a racist?​

Yes. Yes, you can.

Making IM2 like me is literally the only thing I care about right now.

How about it, IM2?

If I become black will you stop calling me a racist and be my friend?
All you have to do is say how awful “we” (whites) are to blacks, and how awful life is for blacks in this country, and that any failings within the black community are 100% due to racist whites….and you will be forgiven for your whiteness. You don’t actually have to surrender it.
I respect IM2 so much I will give up being white for him.

My white family, I will have to deal with their reaction when I "come out" as a black man.
OP is a bit off-kilter.....I mean why would any white man want to give-up all those "privileges" the left claims that we have. ;)

And why would anybody respect a racist scumbag like IM2 either? I'm sorry White 6 I edited my one post because I forgot it was zone 1, but I still can't lie either.
Being black might cause problems. I don't look black, so that's the most difficult problem I'll have. When I introduce myself, I will have to inform them I'm a black man, despite appearances. This may cause a reaction, ranging from disbelief to hostility. Enduring that kind of disapproval will make me one with every black who's encountered such.
An American citizen can surrender his citizenship by going to an American embassy iny a foreign country and surrendering his U.S. passport.

A man can surrender his manhood by declaring he is a woman. No sex reassignment surgery is required, he is allowed to enter women's locker rooms and compete in women's sports.

I would like to surrender my whiteness because I'm tired of being accused of racism simply because I'm white.

I haven't decided what race I'd like to be, so everyone, please give me suggestions.
Well I guess people can self-identify as anything. So why not? Rachel Dolezal self-identified as Black and snagged a prety nice position at the NAACP. You might land a sweet gig with the New Black Panthers Party. :113:
There's no point in telling me I can't declare myself a black man.

If I can declare myself a woman, its actually much easier to stay the same gender but change only my race.

IM2, do you recommend any product on the market so I can color my skin black so that my outer appearance matches my racial identity?
I saw a movie where a white man took on the identity of a black man so as to qualify for a scholarship to pay for law school.

At the end, his black girlfriend was angry at him because she thought he was really black.

My black girlfriend will probably leave me when I become a black man because her preference is white men.

But, I'm willing to make the sacrifice so that IM2 will like me and be my friend.

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