Can GOP win if Trump isn't nominee?

Of course they can.

I doubt the GOP can win with Trump.

He's too crazy.
Crazy how? You GOP loyalists haven't grasped it yet that in 1996,2008 and 2012 YOU LOST because the candidates were WEAK "moderates" aka light democrats. I NEVER supported the eventual GOP candidate in 2008 or 2012. I support Ron Paul both times and ended up voting 3rd party both times. I made sure as many as people as possible knew what a JOKE Romney was and how they screwed Ron Paul throughout the process. The difference this time is Trump can and WILL run independent if he needs to. Is it not obvious to you people the people voting in these polls HATE the other candidates! But hey go ahead. I am not a registered republican or democrat but long as Trump is in on Super Tuesday I will vote for him and again in November. If he isn't I will just vote 3rd party again and watch the GOP have the worst ass whipping its ever gotten in an election that should have been the EASIEST win ever.The GOP can bend and break for the democrats but won't bend to the will of the GOP voters.
The GOP would rather have Hillary than Trump.
Yep. Mine as well not much difference if any.

Odium, I understand that we could NOT vote for Bush, Kasich, maybe Rubio or Christie; but to say it can only be Trump means you are as ideological as some Democrats. We heard the same thing from Ron Paul supporters last election, which fascinates me they are not in lockstep for Rand this time around!

Everyone on our side who is for any of the outsiders, agrees that the problem is WASHINGTON. The only solution is to slip someone in who either is NOT Washington, or is in Washington but stands against them.

We have more than 1 of those people on the GOP side. We can like who we like, but can accept any of the above, but not of the below. What we have is 3 or 4 candidates that both establishment wings of the party are scared to death of. All of them are a far cry better than Bimbo eruption, or the socialist.

We can all build our perfect candidate, and think our candidate is the best. But if we will only vote for 1 person for President out of 16, then we might as well not even register to vote. And imagine if we all felt like you did! Nobody from the GOP COULD get elected, because we would all take our vote, go home and pout.

I believe that the top 3 or 4 candidates voters can be a very dynamic coalition to push the eventual winner over the top in the general. I want Cruz, but I will vote for Trump or Carson if the GOP voters as whole pick them. I won't vote for Bush or Kasich for sure, and I would have to think very hard about Rubio, or Christie.

The GOP has screwed all of us by doing absolutely NOTHING after we gave them both house, and senate; when they promised they would. That is EXACTLY the reason I will NOT vote for an establishment candidate, and from what I am hearing, most supporters of the outsiders are saying the same thing, but they will support each other!
I will vote for the one candidate that 1. Is NOT a politician and 2. Isn't reprehensible to me. I was one of those with Ron Paul last time AND in 2008. 2008 I voted 3rd party and again in 2012. I don't see most republicans or democrats that far apart. Republican establishment would just destroy America a little slower than the democrat candidate so why bother? Trump or 3rd party for me again.
Odium, America as a whole despises the far right, and America generally dislikes Trump. I doubt he can get the nomination and he can't win in part because folks like you are supporting him.

No Jake, leftwing fruitcakes like yourself hate the far right because we constantly remind you that you aren't entitled.
Odium, America as a whole despises the far right, and America generally dislikes Trump. I doubt he can get the nomination and he can't win in part because folks like you are supporting him.

No Jake, leftwing fruitcakes like yourself hate the far right because we constantly remind you that you aren't entitled.
You want to go back to a world that does not exist. You far right sillies can pout an act like a lout all you want, but you have no power.
Odium, America as a whole despises the far right, and America generally dislikes Trump. I doubt he can get the nomination and he can't win in part because folks like you are supporting him.

No Jake, leftwing fruitcakes like yourself hate the far right because we constantly remind you that you aren't entitled.
You want to go back to a world that does not exist. You far right sillies can pout an act like a lout all you want, but you have no power.

Really? You always sya this stupid shit.. what long gone nethertoland is it exactly that I want to go back to?
Don't be shy, soggy. You can tell us.

No, I never said any such t hing.. you said... I'm asking you to be specific.
I never said you said. You lie again, because I said you want. And you clearly do. Words have meanings, and your words are very clear that you do not want to go where the country is going, thus you want the country to go back to a specific time and place.

Hint. Childhood is over and you can go back home there. It's gone.
Don't be shy, soggy. You can tell us.

No, I never said any such t hing.. you said... I'm asking you to be specific.
I never said you said. You lie again, because I said you want. And you clearly do. Words have meanings, and your words are very clear that you do not want to go where the country is going, thus you want the country to go back to a specific time and place.

Hint. Childhood is over and you can go back home there. It's gone.
And stop your lying.
Don't be shy, soggy. You can tell us.

No, I never said any such t hing.. you said... I'm asking you to be specific.
I never said you said. You lie again, because I said you want. And you clearly do. Words have meanings, and your words are very clear that you do not want to go where the country is going, thus you want the country to go back to a specific time and place.

Hint. Childhood is over and you can go back home there. It's gone.

Jake, you said "You want to go back to a world that does not exist."

I asked you what world? And now you claim you didn't say that? That's exactly what you said.. so again, what world is it that I want to go back to?
Don't be shy, soggy. You can tell us.

No, I never said any such t hing.. you said... I'm asking you to be specific.
I never said you said. You lie again, because I said you want. And you clearly do. Words have meanings, and your words are very clear that you do not want to go where the country is going, thus you want the country to go back to a specific time and place.

Hint. Childhood is over and you can go back home there. It's gone.

Jake, you said "You want to go back to a world that does not exist."

I asked you what world? And now you claim you didn't say that? That's exactly what you said.. so again, what world is it that I want to go back to?
Thank you for you admitting that You want is what I wrote. I am glad you are not going to lie. As to the world you want to go back to, that's in your head not mine.

If we nominate Trump, our GOP loses. I am afraid now that he has so hurt the GOP that Rubio can't win.
Trump wont get the nomination.

The GOP is smarter than that. They could give a shit about a small portion of Trump fans staying home in protest of a RINO nominee.

deal with it children.
Can GOP win if Trump isn't nominee?

That's the only way they can win.
They will lose because the white and black working class sees no reason to vote for anyone else. Why vote for people who are going to send MORE of our jobs overseas? Makes no sense. We defeated Romney in 2012 we will do it again. Go ahead. Nominate a RINO establishment clown. I do wonder how many elections its going to take the GOP to remove its head from its ass. Course that also means Trump runs independent and crushes both parties. ;)
Trump wont get the nomination.

The GOP is smarter than that. They could give a shit about a small portion of Trump fans staying home in protest of a RINO nominee.

deal with it children.
LMAO small don't pay much attention do you?

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