CDZ Can anyone figure out why the Johns Hopkins study that revealed lock downs were a failure not Front Page stuff?

I very strongly disagree.

The lockdowns were never necessary nor justifiable.

Neither were any of the other outrageous abuses perpetrated against us by corrupt politicians, under the fraudulent guise of“protecting” us from an overhyped flu/cold outbreak with a 99.7%+ recovery rate.
Can you compare Norway which locked down and Sweden that didn't?
After 2 yrs of failed lock downs, why isn't this up front?

So many businesses and livelihoods lost

The damage done to our children

The substance abuse

Cancer diagnoses down God

We need to start discussing this. The 1st yr of a pandemic should be the worst, not the best

This has to be discussed with the people who knew this was bull over a yr ago

Did you believe the Bull?
That's what happens when 30% of the country thinks the vaccine and masks are hoaxes by baby eating Democrats...
After 2 yrs of failed lock downs, why isn't this up front?

So many businesses and livelihoods lost

The damage done to our children

The substance abuse

Cancer diagnoses down God

We need to start discussing this. The 1st yr of a pandemic should be the worst, not the best

This has to be discussed with the people who knew this was bull over a yr ago

Did you believe the Bull?
I was never locked down.

I left my house to go for walks, to go kayaking, to pick up take out, to go to the store etc.

That is not locked down
Johns Hopkins is not peer

Lock downs were a scam and a power grab only

We've been had

This was obvious from the very beginning, to those of us who are not hopelessly ignorant and brainwashed.

I find it deeply disturbing how much of the populace was stupid and cowardly enough to fall for any of this bullshit.

I was never locked down.

I left my house to go for walks, to go kayaking, to pick up take out, to go to the store etc.

That is not locked down
What about the children still wearing masks. All the time they lost. All the horror of suicide and depresson

But you got to go kayaking, walking, and take out......lololol

How could one get Covid kayaking????

2 things wrong with your post

Its selfishness

Its showing you dodge balling quite badly
What about the children still wearing masks. All the time they lost. All the horror of suicide and depresson

But you got to go kayaking, walking, and take out......lololol

How could one get Covid kayaking????

2 things wrong with your post

Its selfishness

Its showing you dodge balling quite badly
I was never locked down neither were you. If you were locked down you would never have been able to leave your home.
Had this been a real public emergency, the very FIRST thing that should have shut down was public transport. What better way to spread the disease than to cram loads of people into tight quarters all breathing the same air and dispersing them far and wide, eh?

What they DID do was shut down small business, forcing more people to shop at big businesses. This exposed them to a GREATER likelihood of infection as more people were concentrated in fewer places.

This is just all part and parcel of the great reset as the real goal has to do with concentration of wealth. We have experienced an absolutely enormous transfer of wealth away from the middle class and into the hands of Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, the Walton family and any of a number of oligarchs.

What I find odd about all of this is the extremely large number of profoundly stupid people who think they are being "liberal" for lending their unquestioning support to Goliath as he squashes David. It's not supposed to work that way, folks, as actual liberalism involves supporting the little guy against the powerful machine, instead.
Had this been a real public emergency, the very FIRST thing that should have shut down was public transport. What better way to spread the disease than to cram loads of people into tight quarters all breathing the same air and dispersing them far and wide, eh?

What they DID do was shut down small business, forcing more people to shop at big businesses. This exposed them to a GREATER likelihood of infection as more people were concentrated in fewer places.

This is just all part and parcel of the great reset as the real goal has to do with concentration of wealth. We have experienced an absolutely enormous transfer of wealth away from the middle class and into the hands of Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, the Walton family and any of a number of oligarchs.

What I find odd about all of this is the extremely large number of profoundly stupid people who think they are being "liberal" for lending their unquestioning support to Goliath as he squashes David. It's not supposed to work that way, folks, as actual liberalism involves supporting the little guy against the powerful machine, instead.

It didn’t stop us assembling in town squares.Maskless, we picknicked and drank take-out coffees on town hall steps, benches, doorways, window sills; anything we could find.

Made new friends, someone even brought champagne, on a dreary Sunday morning outside the French cafe.
After 2 yrs of failed lock downs, why isn't this up front?

So many businesses and livelihoods lost

The damage done to our children

The substance abuse

Cancer diagnoses down God

We need to start discussing this. The 1st yr of a pandemic should be the worst, not the best

This has to be discussed with the people who knew this was bull over a yr ago

Did you believe the Bull?
Because they played yas.....and still are

The reason is that libs - including tweeners - are too smart to be mislead by fake news from a hotbed of trumpism such as Johns Hopkins
Poor Otto. Scammed again. But he doesn't really know he was bamboozled like most of our fellow liberal friends

Boy this CDZ is invigorating

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