Can a store owner ask me if I am vaxxed?

Louisiana has done the same, but it's for entertaInment venues only. Not grocery stores, hardware stores, pharmacies, banks. People gotta live. I'm not sure most stores will do this. Masks, sure. Get their employees to vaccinate, sure. But stubborn Bubba still needs groceries. I don't think most stores will do this. Maybe the exclusive stores on Rodeo Drive, but not Rite Aid or Hannaford.
Fair point, agreed, Kroger isn't going to require proof of vaccination to enter.
thats still millions of spreaders ! according to the left covid cant be stopped until all are vaccinated !
Blame that on your people for medical experimentation on Black people. Regardless of your deflection, the point is that there are more white people unvaxxed than anything else. Mind your own business and work with your community to get them vaxxed since they are the major problem.
It would be a clear cut case of discrimination on the simple grounds that vaxed are no less a carrier spreader then unvaxed people and Unvaxed are no more dangerous to carry or spread the virus then the vaxed. In fact Vaxed are more likely not to know they are carrying and spreading then unvaxed, so it should be the opposite, vaxed should be banned if not isolated or tested. "Sorry wait 15 minutes or 2 weeks before you can shop here"
Imagine the outrage? Now they can imagine how unvaxed must feel.

Blame that on your people for medical experimentation on Black people. Regardless of your deflection, the point is that there are more white people unvaxxed than anything else. Mind your own business and work with your community to get them vaxxed since they are the major problem.
For the last time...LISTEN UP--the virus is hammering the fuck out of miniorities taking out sections of different families. They are unvaxxed and you blame white people? What is wrong with you.
Wow. That's incredible.

From your link: Since New York City made its announcement, San Francisco and New Orleans have followed suit with policies to exclude the unvaccinated from some businesses. Los Angeles is considering similar measures.

That seems to me to be an undue burden on businesses.

Not to mention all the freakouts and bursts of violence just asking people to wear a mask. Imagine the reaction to being told to produce evicence of vaccination. Trumpies are going to die on the spot from apoplexy!
Voters dont have to show vax cards.
Democrats Propose Requiring Vaccine Passports For Voting

". . . Republicans and Democrats alike were confused by the proposal, not sure if they agreed with it or not. "I like requiring people to show documentation to vote, but not like this, I don't think," said one Republican man in Georgia. "I'll have to think about it."

"No one should have to show documentation to vote," said a liberal woman in Georgia. "Except, well, yeah, vaccination papers, I guess."

"We must make sure the people who are voting are fully vaccinated against this incredibly deadly virus," said Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. "They must wear full face masks, and of course, won't be asked to show ID. We won't know who they are, but we will know they are safe from COVID-19."

"This is much better than that racist law in Georgia."

At publishing time, Pelosi had admitted she hadn't actually read Georgia's election law, but declared that "we have to overturn it to find out what was in it."
Democrats Propose Requiring Vaccine Passports For Voting

". . . Republicans and Democrats alike were confused by the proposal, not sure if they agreed with it or not. "I like requiring people to show documentation to vote, but not like this, I don't think," said one Republican man in Georgia. "I'll have to think about it."

"No one should have to show documentation to vote," said a liberal woman in Georgia. "Except, well, yeah, vaccination papers, I guess."

"We must make sure the people who are voting are fully vaccinated against this incredibly deadly virus," said Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. "They must wear full face masks, and of course, won't be asked to show ID. We won't know who they are, but we will know they are safe from COVID-19."

"This is much better than that racist law in Georgia."

At publishing time, Pelosi had admitted she hadn't actually read Georgia's election law, but declared that "we have to overturn it to find out what was in it."
"Republicans and Democrats alike were confused by the proposal, not sure if they agreed with it or not."

You do know the difference between a proposal and say a law, requirement or mandate right?
It’s a little iffy as you have to show your age as the vaccine cards have it but I do not have an issue with it. I am very libertarian when it comes to this. I also believe if a restaurant wants to say no Jews allowed, they may. I ll go elsewhere.

No, some small towns may not have an "elsewhere".
When you accept the license to be open to the public, you many not discriminate at all, by contract, when you accept the business license.

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