Can a Catholic Be a Democratic Socialist?

What follow the Bible is control?
Can a person outside of the church be given communion? Can a person not of the church be married by the church, even though they have accepted Christ in their hearts? God is God, never said to create graven images that you are to worship.
Can a person outside of the church be given communion? Can a person not of the church be married by the church, even though they have accepted Christ in their hearts? God is God, never said to create graven images that you are to worship.
Yet you worship Christmas trees and even have dead trees in your house that you're not supposed to do according to the bible
Take this with a grain of salt as I am from the South where Catholism isn’t the primary denomination, but I find that many, not all, Catholics in the US see it almost something they were born into, not something they actually follow or believe. They don’t go to mass and they follow politics first. If the left-wing politics happen to agree with Catholicism, great, but it makes no difference to most of them. Many Catholics come across like many leftist Jewish folks who are quick to claim to be Jewish, but it isn’t about religion at all, but more about race, ethnicity, culture, etc.

Any religious Jewish person or Christian that votes for the Democratic Party, is clearly voting against their best interest if Judaism or Christianity is first and foremost in their lives. It is worth noting that religious Jews are far more conservative than secular ones.

For an outsider you got more right than you got wrong so thats pretty good. There are some complicated historic reasons for the the way some Catholics are politically and they are far too lengthy to recount here. Suffice to say that you are mostly correct.

The stupidity and ignorance of that post must be addressed.

Folks: Art is art, and artists create what they create according to their own eye. Michelangelo created a white Jesus because that is how he saw him. The creator of the famous Christo Negra located in San Felipe Catholic parish in Portobelo, Panama was created black because thats how his artist saw him


In Catholic churches around the world there are black Jesus, Asian Jesus, brown Jesus, all sorts of Jesus. Because artists portray their subjects the way they see them in their own eye.

Art is art, and art is not to be confused with church teachings.

As for you playtime , you are just another ignorant leftwing moron with his head firmly up his ass, ready to attack whitey every chance you get, even if it means making an ass out of yourself, as you always do.
Just to repeat for you dopes who missed the obvious, the question and answer were all in the first post.

Can a Catholic Be a Democratic Socialist?
or, Can a Christian Be a Democratic Socialist?

Answer: NO

For Catholics, The Catechism of the Catholic Church says, “The Church has rejected the totalitarian and atheistic ideologies associated in modern times with ‘communism’ or ‘socialism’” (2425). This does not mean, however, that Catholics can embrace a kinder, “Christian” socialism in its place. Pope Pius XI famously declared, “Religious socialism, Christian socialism, are contradictory terms; no one can be at the same time a good Catholic and a true socialist” (Quadragesimo Anno, 120).

For all Christians, Catholic or otherwise: Democrats are the party of Socialism, Sodomy (gay marriage), Infanticide (late term abortion). Those are plain facts. No Christian, be they Catholic or otherwise, can be a democrat.

There, I helped out all the dopes, haters and leftists.
Yet you worship Christmas trees and even have dead trees in your house that you're not supposed to do according to the bible
I dont worship a Christmas tree, why would you say something like that? Are you angry that i claim that religion is all about controlling people? I am not one of those that hid the pedophiles who abused children in the church. I am not the one who allows homosexuality to be amongst the men in the church. As long as the church covers for those that sin, shouldnt they be the ones seeking forgives from God? Or is it all about the money?

Look i hate Progressives as much as you guys do, but i have been around a while, outside of the church watching what has happened in the church and their dirty dealings.

You remember Cardinal Law, the guy who didnt do anything about the abuse of the children? So the Vatican whisked Cardinal Law out of the US so he could have sanctuary from the law in the states.

I dont worship a Christmas tree, why would you say something like that? Are you angry that i claim that religion is all about controlling people? I am not one of those that hid the pedophiles who abused children in the church. I am not the one who allows homosexuality to be amongst the men in the church. As long as the church covers for those that sin, shouldnt they be the ones seeking forgives from God? Or is it all about the money?

Do you have a dead tree in your house at Christmas time?
And tell us about your vast learned experience, won't you?
I don't hold discourse with Ya'll Queada types. Go fuck yourself, you magaturd gutter snipe. Keep playing to your deplorable kind. It's safer for you.

Translation: You actually have no learned experience, your are just another goose stepping Marxist who lies though his teeth and regurgitates the fake news of the day like a good little Putin Bot.

As I suspected.
Look i hate Progressives as much as you guys do, but i have been around a while, outside of the church watching what has happened in the church and their dirty dealings

You are duped by fake news.


Catholic Fake News Came Before Trump Fake News
Do you think Trump had a bad experience with fake news? Yes, he did. But guess who had a worse experience with fake news before that? Watch and see.


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