Campaign Donations Show Letter Demanding AG Barr’s Resignation Comes From Leftist Hacks


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
We always knew they were nothing but a gang of political hacks. Here's the proof. Read the article. It has all the evidence clearly documented:

Letter Demanding Barr’s Resignation Comes From Leftist Hacks

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First, as The New York Times noted, “Protect Democracy, a nonprofit legal group, gathered the signatures from Justice Department alumni and said it would collect more.” Here’s what the Times and other outlets failed to report: Protect Democracy was founded in 2017 by Ian Bassin, who was the associate White House counsel for President Barack Obama from 2009-2011, and Justin Florence, who also served in the Office of the White House Counsel as a special assistant to the president and associate counsel of the president.

Bassin is also the president of the liberal American Constitution Society and Florence had also served as a senior counsel on the Senate Judiciary Committee for Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.). Protect Democracy also boasts a Who’s Who of the Never Trump resistance as advisors, such as failed presidential candidate Evan McMullin and running mate Mindy Finn.

The media also missed the reality that this latest attack on Barr (and in turn Trump) is nothing but a recycling of Protect Democracy’s earlier outrage over the Robert Mueller report. Shortly after the special counsel’s report issued, the same outfit ran the same “we are former federal prosecutors” who “served under both Republican and Democratic administrations” schtick to argue that Trump should have been charged with multiple felonies for obstruction of justice. As the following snippet shows, the signatories, for the most part, overlapped as well.

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So, what about those signatories? They spun themselves as apolitical, by stressing they worked for both Democratic and Republican administrations, but a quick visit to the Federal Elections Commission website to search for political contributions, aided by some amazing crowdsourcing, revealed extensive contributions to Democrats and liberal organizations by many of the signatories—so many, in fact, I called off the troops.

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I don't know why we just don't ignore the leftist schemes instead of publicizing them??
I don't see a need to "debate" if Barr should resign??
He's busy with Durham investigating the "illegal spying" on Trump, so let him start issuing the indictments, then hear the partisan screaming.
I don't know why we just don't ignore the leftist schemes instead of publicizing them??
I don't see a need to "debate" if Barr should resign??
He's busy with Durham investigating the "illegal spying" on Trump, so let him start issuing the indictments, then hear the partisan screaming.
They publicize their schemes. We need to debunk them. If you don't discredit these scumbags, then they will win.
I don't know why we just don't ignore the leftist schemes instead of publicizing them??
I don't see a need to "debate" if Barr should resign??
He's busy with Durham investigating the "illegal spying" on Trump, so let him start issuing the indictments, then hear the partisan screaming.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats don't want investigations of their nefarious politically criminal enterprises. They will take any and every action to delay and stop the investigations.
Has everyone forgotten what the PMS/DSA Democrats did to now former AG Gonzales in 2007?
See: Dems press AG Gonzales to step down
PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists fear any investigation that may expose them.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats
Lol so stupid

What has changed since May 2019? Nothing!! Democrats still running scared....

See: 2020 Dems Are Mulling How To Get Rid Of AG Barr
May 01, 2019 ~~ "Multiple 2020 Democratic presidential candidates aren't happy with Attorney General William Barr's testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Before the hearing was concluded, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) called for his resignation, saying he's "not a credible head of federal law enforcement" and, because of that, "he should resign.""
"Once she questioned Barr, Sen. Kamala Harris said he should resign".

Maxine Waters Calls For Bill Barr’s Resignation, Gets Embarrassed By Bob Mueller

Maxine Waters Tells Bill Barr To Resign Or Get Ready For Impeachment
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats
Lol so stupid

What has changed since May 2019? Nothing!! Democrats still running scared....

See: 2020 Dems Are Mulling How To Get Rid Of AG Barr
May 01, 2019 ~~ "Multiple 2020 Democratic presidential candidates aren't happy with Attorney General William Barr's testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Before the hearing was concluded, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) called for his resignation, saying he's "not a credible head of federal law enforcement" and, because of that, "he should resign.""
"Once she questioned Barr, Sen. Kamala Harris said he should resign".

Maxine Waters Calls For Bill Barr’s Resignation, Gets Embarrassed By Bob Mueller

Maxine Waters Tells Bill Barr To Resign Or Get Ready For Impeachment
Lol at those websites. The echo chamber has ruined your mind.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats
Lol so stupid

What has changed since May 2019? Nothing!! Democrats still running scared....

See: 2020 Dems Are Mulling How To Get Rid Of AG Barr
May 01, 2019 ~~ "Multiple 2020 Democratic presidential candidates aren't happy with Attorney General William Barr's testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Before the hearing was concluded, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) called for his resignation, saying he's "not a credible head of federal law enforcement" and, because of that, "he should resign.""
"Once she questioned Barr, Sen. Kamala Harris said he should resign".

Maxine Waters Calls For Bill Barr’s Resignation, Gets Embarrassed By Bob Mueller

Maxine Waters Tells Bill Barr To Resign Or Get Ready For Impeachment
Lol at those websites. The echo chamber has ruined your mind.

'There's no sugarcoating this': Democrats tell Attorney General William Barr to resign after damning report

2020 Democratic candidates call for Barr to resign after Mueller report hearing

Ocasio-Cortez joins calls for Barr to resign
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats
Lol so stupid

What has changed since May 2019? Nothing!! Democrats still running scared....

See: 2020 Dems Are Mulling How To Get Rid Of AG Barr
May 01, 2019 ~~ "Multiple 2020 Democratic presidential candidates aren't happy with Attorney General William Barr's testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Before the hearing was concluded, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) called for his resignation, saying he's "not a credible head of federal law enforcement" and, because of that, "he should resign.""
"Once she questioned Barr, Sen. Kamala Harris said he should resign".

Maxine Waters Calls For Bill Barr’s Resignation, Gets Embarrassed By Bob Mueller

Maxine Waters Tells Bill Barr To Resign Or Get Ready For Impeachment
Lol at those websites. The echo chamber has ruined your mind.

'There's no sugarcoating this': Democrats tell Attorney General William Barr to resign after damning report

2020 Democratic candidates call for Barr to resign after Mueller report hearing

Ocasio-Cortez joins calls for Barr to resign
? :cuckoo:
We always knew they were nothing but a gang of political hacks. Here's the proof. Read the article. It has all the evidence clearly documented:

Letter Demanding Barr’s Resignation Comes From Leftist Hacks

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

First, as The New York Times noted, “Protect Democracy, a nonprofit legal group, gathered the signatures from Justice Department alumni and said it would collect more.” Here’s what the Times and other outlets failed to report: Protect Democracy was founded in 2017 by Ian Bassin, who was the associate White House counsel for President Barack Obama from 2009-2011, and Justin Florence, who also served in the Office of the White House Counsel as a special assistant to the president and associate counsel of the president.

Bassin is also the president of the liberal American Constitution Society and Florence had also served as a senior counsel on the Senate Judiciary Committee for Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.). Protect Democracy also boasts a Who’s Who of the Never Trump resistance as advisors, such as failed presidential candidate Evan McMullin and running mate Mindy Finn.

The media also missed the reality that this latest attack on Barr (and in turn Trump) is nothing but a recycling of Protect Democracy’s earlier outrage over the Robert Mueller report. Shortly after the special counsel’s report issued, the same outfit ran the same “we are former federal prosecutors” who “served under both Republican and Democratic administrations” schtick to argue that Trump should have been charged with multiple felonies for obstruction of justice. As the following snippet shows, the signatories, for the most part, overlapped as well.

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So, what about those signatories? They spun themselves as apolitical, by stressing they worked for both Democratic and Republican administrations, but a quick visit to the Federal Elections Commission website to search for political contributions, aided by some amazing crowdsourcing, revealed extensive contributions to Democrats and liberal organizations by many of the signatories—so many, in fact, I called off the troops.

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Your link to this false allegation comes from yet another questionable source with numerous failed fact checks:

The Federalist - Media Bias/Fact Check

  • Overall, we rate The Federalist a borderline Questionable and far Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the promotion pseudoscience and three failed fact checks.
Funny how the PMS/DSA Democrats are going after Barr and Trump when Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning a convicted Treasonous person that exposed National Security secrets. Then there was the Beau Bergdahl desertion and turncoat trial that BHO interfered with. But hey, that's okay because that was PMS/DSA Leftists interference in bending justice.

Obama Pardons: Here's a list of all the people Obama pardoned

Then there is good ole Bubba Clinton pardoning Mark Rich, His brother Roger in the huge Cocaine bust conviction...In 1999 Bill Clinton also pardoned 12 terrorist members of the FALN.

Bill Clinton pardon controversy - Wikipedia
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We always knew they were nothing but a gang of political hacks. Here's the proof. Read the article. It has all the evidence clearly documented:

Letter Demanding Barr’s Resignation Comes From Leftist Hacks

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

First, as The New York Times noted, “Protect Democracy, a nonprofit legal group, gathered the signatures from Justice Department alumni and said it would collect more.” Here’s what the Times and other outlets failed to report: Protect Democracy was founded in 2017 by Ian Bassin, who was the associate White House counsel for President Barack Obama from 2009-2011, and Justin Florence, who also served in the Office of the White House Counsel as a special assistant to the president and associate counsel of the president.

Bassin is also the president of the liberal American Constitution Society and Florence had also served as a senior counsel on the Senate Judiciary Committee for Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.). Protect Democracy also boasts a Who’s Who of the Never Trump resistance as advisors, such as failed presidential candidate Evan McMullin and running mate Mindy Finn.

The media also missed the reality that this latest attack on Barr (and in turn Trump) is nothing but a recycling of Protect Democracy’s earlier outrage over the Robert Mueller report. Shortly after the special counsel’s report issued, the same outfit ran the same “we are former federal prosecutors” who “served under both Republican and Democratic administrations” schtick to argue that Trump should have been charged with multiple felonies for obstruction of justice. As the following snippet shows, the signatories, for the most part, overlapped as well.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

So, what about those signatories? They spun themselves as apolitical, by stressing they worked for both Democratic and Republican administrations, but a quick visit to the Federal Elections Commission website to search for political contributions, aided by some amazing crowdsourcing, revealed extensive contributions to Democrats and liberal organizations by many of the signatories—so many, in fact, I called off the troops.

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Your link to this false allegation comes from yet another questionable source with numerous failed fact checks:

The Federalist - Media Bias/Fact Check

  • Overall, we rate The Federalist a borderline Questionable and far Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the promotion pseudoscience and three failed fact checks.
ROFL! Sorry, dingbat, but there are few sources more credible than the Federalist.

Reality favors the right.
We always knew they were nothing but a gang of political hacks. Here's the proof. Read the article. It has all the evidence clearly documented:

Letter Demanding Barr’s Resignation Comes From Leftist Hacks

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

First, as The New York Times noted, “Protect Democracy, a nonprofit legal group, gathered the signatures from Justice Department alumni and said it would collect more.” Here’s what the Times and other outlets failed to report: Protect Democracy was founded in 2017 by Ian Bassin, who was the associate White House counsel for President Barack Obama from 2009-2011, and Justin Florence, who also served in the Office of the White House Counsel as a special assistant to the president and associate counsel of the president.

Bassin is also the president of the liberal American Constitution Society and Florence had also served as a senior counsel on the Senate Judiciary Committee for Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.). Protect Democracy also boasts a Who’s Who of the Never Trump resistance as advisors, such as failed presidential candidate Evan McMullin and running mate Mindy Finn.

The media also missed the reality that this latest attack on Barr (and in turn Trump) is nothing but a recycling of Protect Democracy’s earlier outrage over the Robert Mueller report. Shortly after the special counsel’s report issued, the same outfit ran the same “we are former federal prosecutors” who “served under both Republican and Democratic administrations” schtick to argue that Trump should have been charged with multiple felonies for obstruction of justice. As the following snippet shows, the signatories, for the most part, overlapped as well.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

So, what about those signatories? They spun themselves as apolitical, by stressing they worked for both Democratic and Republican administrations, but a quick visit to the Federal Elections Commission website to search for political contributions, aided by some amazing crowdsourcing, revealed extensive contributions to Democrats and liberal organizations by many of the signatories—so many, in fact, I called off the troops.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Your link to this false allegation comes from yet another questionable source with numerous failed fact checks:

The Federalist - Media Bias/Fact Check

  • Overall, we rate The Federalist a borderline Questionable and far Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the promotion pseudoscience and three failed fact checks.
ROFL! Sorry, dingbat, but there are few sources more credible than the Federalist.

Reality favors the right.

In Trumplandia, anyone who agrees with Trump is a "credible source". The rest of the world has higher standards that the rags you link to cannot meet, passing basic fact checks being chief among them.

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