Calls intensify for Puerto Rican governor's resignation following leaked private chats


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2017
George Soros are paying protesters to help push this Democrat from out of office, as the same way that they are trying to push Pres. Maduro of Venezuela from out of office. Anyone that gives good comments or support Pres.trump, that they'll attack them. But these Anti-Trump officials and celebs are very smart. That they know that they are not going to get any help from those that are for Pres.Trump. These Anti-Trumpsters are capitalist and they have to eat. And these Elites can destroy them. Like Joy Villa, a singer that always making bold statements, and challenging the status quo, had said, that some celebrities came up to her in secrecy, saying that they wished that they can speak out like the way she has done. But they know that they will not be able to feed their families if they do. All of these Elites are working together. From Hollywood to Corporate Elites basically controls the political and the entertainment section and the illegal drug trade. And Cher will not be able to get her fix if she goes against the grain.

(CNN)Calls for Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló to resign are growing after remarks he made in a private group chat were leaked, and more protests are being organized in San Juan.

On Sunday, one man yelled over a microphone, "We will kick you out," as other protesters filling the street in front of the governor's mansion in Old San Juan joined him chanting, "Ricky resign!"
Demonstrators say they feel disrespected and deceived. Many believe the chats indicate corruption and that the governor violated their trust, they say.
The Center for Investigative Journalism published nearly 900 pages from the private group chat via Telegram.

The exchanges between the governor and his inner circle reveal a vengeful approach in running the government -- including attacking journalists by discrediting stories and threatening to turn over political opponents to police.
The remarks also include derogatory terms against women -- notably former New York City Council speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito -- and homophobic comments targeting singer Ricky Martin.
When discussing the federal board responsible for managing Puerto Rico's financial crisis, Rosselló wrote, "Dear Oversight Board, Go F*** Yourself."

Puerto Rico governor: Calls for resignation intensify following leaked private chats - CNN

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