Calls For Milley and Austin To Resign Immediately

For further reference and slightly different take, reflecting the complexities of such events and operations ...
What Really Happened In Operation Cyclone?
To say that the United States bears no responsibility is to get off on a technicality, but to say that the United States directly funded the Taliban is also widely inaccurate. Instead, the project known as Operation Cyclone created an environment where money and weapons were freely flowing, mostly into the hands of those whom foreign powers knew were working in their favor. And the United States wasn't alone in this. Pakistan arguably played the biggest part in Operation Cyclone while the United States and Saudi Arabia provided the cash. And at this point, the Taliban didn't even exist yet. All this was done towards defeating the spread of Soviet influence. Whether or not Operation Cyclone was instrumental towards this is debatable, but what is left behind is far from uncertain. Here's what really happened in Operation Cyclone.
The mujahideen were members of guerrilla groups that were rebelling against the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan's (PDPA) rule in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DRA) and later the Soviet army in the late 1970s. Their name can be translated as "one who undertakes jihad," and while this struggle was against the Soviet-backed government, the mujahideen were "far from monolithic." Made up of various factions of leftist internationalists, Islamic universalists, and Afghan nationalists, some of which were more fundamentalist than others, the groups were comparable only by their anti-government stance, Mohammad Hassan Kakar writes in "Afghanistan." Otherwise, there was little uniting these various groups in their fight against the Soviet-backed DRA.
Initially, most of the mujahideen were native Afghans, but after the Soviet invasion, Operation Cyclone allowed for numerous foreign mujahideen to be brought in as well. But the United States was involved in funding the mujahideen well before the Soviet army actually invaded Afghanistan. According to The Conversation, by July 1979, the United States was already providing "advice and nonlethal supplies" to the mujahideen. After President Jimmy Carter was encouraged to respond more aggressively after the Soviet army invaded, the CIA started organizing deliveries of weapons to the mujahideen as well.

The mujahideen that ended up being primarily funded by Operation Cyclone included the faction led by Saudi-backed Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, as well as Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and his militia.
Read More: What Really Happened In Operation Cyclone?
Everything right now needs to be looked at in and out of this country.

Within we have this undermining taking place.

Outside we have our government dealing with a terrorist organization (the Taliban), and thinking that the organization will play nice with is enemies within. Yes enemies of the Taliban that were for the most part friendlies to us. Then we abandon women who will become the 72 virgin's to the Taliban victor's while their children will be raised as future fighters.

1st post
Actually ,they use the Gestapo FBI to ruin anyone who calls 'em out.
Oh How I love your designater for the FBI. I wan to hug you. An excellent one!!!
But they suicide them too, watch during the first mn of this (The Bourne Legacy) clip, they tried to kill her using her own issued service weapon, so they could come back right after, give one of those phony press releases and claim "Oh, we caught her in the middle of committing a fraud against her own country, so she killed herself using her own issued revolver, to avoid being "exposed" ". Jeremy Brenner saved the day as he was stalking the whole act and shot through right on the mark!!
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Where did you get such ridiculous ideas?
It is clear that you have never served a day in your life. Yet you suggest that you have by calling yourself "Admiral scam artist".

Need I say more? And don't embolden parts of A post you have not written you senile crook.
Here I make it easy for you: You're IGNORED! so next time you want to defecate, you go to the bathroom, because this isn't it.
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It is clear that you have never served a day in your life. Yet you suggest that you have by calling yourself "Admiral dumb ass".

Need I say more? And don't embolden parts of a post you have not written you con artist crook.
Kiss my ass! I served 23 years active and reserve in the Navy. I was a volunteer role player training special operations troops for 11 years while I was a public school teacher. I have worked for the US Army for the past 3 years.

I have a son who was an Infantry Sergeant in Afghanistan. I have a daughter that is a Captain and has her own command after deploying to Iraq. My son-in-law has made numerous deployments with the ANG, is now an E-7, and is a civilian firefighter for the US Army.

I probably was serving on active duty before you became a hard spot in your Daddy's pants!

I highlighted the text so that you would know as to what I was referring. You don't know shit about bombs, or their usage.

If you place me on ignore, that is just fine! You just won't be able to see when you are being embarrassed by your naivete.
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Dude.... one of my best friend's is a retired Marine sergeant who did 4 tours In Afghanistan including three by parachute.......I know all about what goes on over there dick face
Then why are you being so stupid, Einstein?
"dick face"?!?! I dont have one as i am she you dumb retard. And you 'friend' might have served. But you have not as your empty head can attest to that.
On the other hand, speakiing of "parachute", which one of us can "brag" about having served as a full time Air Force skydiving demo team member for several years?!?! Also worked with few world military branches including the United States Air Force and the United States Navy?!? Yeah, I did that ABROAD! ...NOT you Possum.
Then why are you being so stupid, Einstein?
"dick face"?!?! I dont have one as i am she you dumb retard. And you 'friend' might have served. But you have not as your empty head can attest to that.
On the other hand, speakiing of "parachute", which one of us can "brag" about having served as a full time Air Force skydiving demo team member for several years?!?! Also worked with few world military branches including the United States Air Force and the United States Navy?!? Yeah, I did that ABROAD! ...NOT you Possum.

Ironic isn't it? He claims to have been an Air Force skydiver. About the only skydivers in the Air Force are those whose plane is hurtling towards the ground!
5th post
That's like me coming into your neighborhood, burning houses, cars, kicking in walls, shooting kids and pets.

"Well, our work is done here...somebody call the state so they can send someone in here to deal with this mess...I don't understand these assholes...we tried" - reliable_charter_system.png
It was said that the Americans dismantled some planes at the airport before they fell into the Talibans hands for possible future use.

So most of the equipment there was issued or sold to the Afghan army it suggested, and therefore we didn't just leave bases full of equipment of a highly sensitive value.
I have been constructing a conspiracy theory suggesting that those large mobile units I saw on parade may have well-hidden location radios, or whatever. And the military is going to bomb them when they reach higher target value.

But , then I don't know how that jives with the thirteen dead catastrophe.
Kiss my ass! I served 23 years active and reserve in the Navy. I was a volunteer role player training special operations troops for 11 years while I was a public school teacher. I have worked for the US Army for the past 3 years.

I have a son who was an Infantry Sergeant in Afghanistan. I have a daughter that is a Captain and has her own command after deploying to Iraq. My son-in-law has made numerous deployments with the ANG, is now an E-7, and is a civilian firefighter for the US Army.

I probably was serving on active duty before you became a hard spot in your Daddy's pants!

I highlighted the text so that you would know as to what I was referring. You don't know shit about bombs, or their usage.

If you place me on ignore, that is just fine! You just won't be able to see when you are being embarrassed by your naivete.
Okay, Admiral.

So, do you know of a published plan for the capitulation of Afghanistan. It would seem to me that after Cambodia, or what ever, that the Navy would have launched a "moonshot" study to be prepared for a similar situation. Obviously, the situation had to be pending in the minds of some flag officers at some point in the twenty years of this war, and . . . something had to have been presented as a possible solution that would have worked but it was rejected by the Biden Administration

I want to know all of the possible presentations. There is no reason for the plans to remain secret, because the event is passed.

I want to know what happened?
How it happened?
Who was involved?

Do you have anything, or are you just shooting your mouth off?
Then why are you being so stupid, Einstein?
"dick face"?!?! I dont have one as i am she you dumb retard. And you 'friend' might have served. But you have not as your empty head can attest to that.
On the other hand, speakiing of "parachute", which one of us can "brag" about having served as a full time Air Force skydiving demo team member for several years?!?! Also worked with few world military branches including the United States Air Force and the United States Navy?!? Yeah, I did that ABROAD! ...NOT you Possum.
You started s*** with me b****.
Okay, Admiral.

So, do you know of a published plan for the capitulation of Afghanistan. It would seem to me that after Cambodia, or what ever, that the Navy would have launched a "moonshot" study to be prepared for a similar situation. Obviously, the situation had to be pending in the minds of some flag officers at some point in the twenty years of this war, and . . . something had to have been presented as a possible solution that would have worked but it was rejected by the Biden Administration

I want to know all of the possible presentations. There is no reason for the plans to remain secret, because the event is passed.

I want to know what happened?
How it happened?
Who was involved?

Do you have anything, or are you just shooting your mouth off?
Was I addressing you, moon lover?

I was replying to meera, who apparently knows nothing about bombs and was questioning my military service.

As to your post, that has nothing to do with what I posted. Have a nice day!
That’s a good start.
Seems good, but what do they have to offer? They are only campaigning to get out the vote for smarter better politicians. That has been the strategy for several decades, if not my lifetime - what's the next step? What happens when the stupid people elect stupid politicians, again - what do they have to prevent that from happening, again?? - GVMNT_is_AFU.png
Why should any have to resign.?

I do not recall all this henny penny crap with the Traitor negotiated (caved actually) with the Taliban. The date on this story is 29 February 2020. The Traitor was still in the White House. He is the one who negotiated this deal.

The Traitor is the asshole who forced the Afghan Military To Release 5,000 Taliban Fighters. The date on this story is 16 August 2020. The Fuckwad 5-Deferment Draft Doding, Russian Loving Orange Shit Stain was in the White House. He is the one who negotiated this deal.

The Fucking Asshole, Gold Star Family Attacking, Pussy Grabbing Fuckwad Invited the Taliban to Camp David. The date on this story is 08-09-20. Putin's Butt Boy was in the White House. The date on this story is 09-08-19. The fucking Traitor was in the White House.
Rob_Reiner - TDS.png

Blaming Biden for shit sandiwich is very much what you fuck wads Cons want to do. But it was the Traitor who created this fuck story.

If everybody knows that trump is fucked up, then why didn't they fix the plan he had, or just throw it out and do it right?

If the Biden Administration needed more time to get everything in order, then why didn't they do that? - Mission_Control.png
Okay, Admiral.

So, do you know of a published plan for the capitulation of Afghanistan. It would seem to me that after Cambodia, or what ever, that the Navy would have launched a "moonshot" study to be prepared for a similar situation. Obviously, the situation had to be pending in the minds of some flag officers at some point in the twenty years of this war, and . . . something had to have been presented as a possible solution that would have worked but it was rejected by the Biden Administration

I want to know all of the possible presentations. There is no reason for the plans to remain secret, because the event is passed.

I want to know what happened?
How it happened?
Who was involved?

Do you have anything, or are you just shooting your mouth off?
There was no plan except pulling the Chicken switch.
Most of the military are proud of Pres. Biden. He had the guts to end the war.
No they aren't. Not even close.....they (we) are fucking pissed off that pos Biden throwing away all that the military worked and then set up our military and our allies to be butchered there.
The person I was addressing apparently has never read the Constitution because of all the dumbass shit he posts. Have you read the Constitution?

I taught the US Constitution for most of the 21 years I was a teacher.
Oh yeah, and you think it is a well-formulated masterpiece, and cannot be succeeded by anyone in your lifetime, or something along those's lines, right?

You are well aware that the founders abandoned their commissions to amend the Articles of Confederation - right?

Why couldn't they just amend the Articles of Confederation?

Because the three-part separation theory requires the order of the articles for the best optimization of the deployment of the theory - right? Amendments are tacked on to the back-end of the charter, and to do the separation of the government with amendments would have just been a very confusing mess of back-and-forth reading and comparison of the ideas laid out in the original directives and the amendments. The first three articles of the Constitution are the main processes of law: the formulation of legislation, the deployment of the law in the executive security departments, and then judicial review - right? - make amendments.png

The first three articles of the Constitution are the main processes of law: the formulation of legislation, the deployment of the law in the executive security departments, and then judicial review - right?

How about the subdivision of the three parts - what was the formula/theory for that? We know that the Connecticut Compromise was an idea to dissipate/organize state representation, and we know that idea was furthered by the election of the president by directing that the vice-president is to be from another state. - Connecticut_Compromise.png

After a few months of contemplation, Madison, the guy who understood the directive systems in the Constitution better than anyone, because of his involvement in composing the directive systems, writes in Federalist Paper 51.

Madison - Divide_the_Legislature.png

He does not mention that the legislatures were designed to dissipate state representation. He describes them in terms of "principles and actions," and suggests that there may need to be better guards against encroachments. What is he describing, and has the evolution of adjustments to the Constitution been consistent with his recommendations should there be an inadequacy in the partitioning of the legislature, or has it been deteriorated by the adjustments? The Seventeenth Amendment comes to mind as does limiting the seats in the House of Representatives. Do you think term limits are the solution??? - Separation_Theory.png - Youre_Out_of_Order.png - independent_investigation.png

When was the Department of Justice Established?
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