Calling the Republican Bluff

Read the article.
It sort of leaves you hanging by stating Obama should chart a different path without specifically stating what that path should be.
The piece closes with this...

Given what the Republicans say they want to do, they have no capacity to lead us out of this dilemma, no matter how many elections they win with their campaigns of disinformation.

and you tout it's non-partisan nature? You're a fucking idiot.
Sounds like more Democrats blaming Republicans shit to me. Hey these assholes did that even when they had a Super Majority for God's sake,so what else is new. This shit isn't remotely "Unbiased." What a joke.
Ira Glasser: Calling the Republican Bluff

I like this very good, unbiased journalistic piece.

really? Please post a link to it.
Because what you linked is biased, wrong, and simply stupid. The most brainless liberal on this board could have written a better "analysis" than that HuffPooPoo.

Care to prove it wrong with facts and proof?

Ithink the posts above already did that. Calling it "good" "unbiased" or "journalism" means you either don't know what those terms mean or you're lying.
And, again, we have the wingnuts ignoring reality and attacking the source. The reality is that what the Republicans ran on was and is a fantasy. Cutting taxes, cutting spending, reducing the deficit and creating jobs is something that simply cannot happen and, of course, will not happen. All the Republicans actually running for office know and knew this.
Man,if you're gonna come in with partisan shyte than at least admit it's partisan. Don't come in with Huffington partisan shyte and call it "Unbiased Journalism." When you do that,you lose all credibility. So i call Bull Shit on this entire post.
What does partisan have to do with it? The article spoke the truth. Of course, the truth is the exact opposite of what wingnuts want to hear.

The Republicans cannot do what they promised to do in their campaign rhetoric. It's as simple as that. They were blowing hot air to get idiots to vote for them. And guess what? Idiots like you voted for them.
What does partisan have to do with it? The article spoke the truth. Of course, the truth is the exact opposite of what wingnuts want to hear.

The Republicans cannot do what they promised to do in their campaign rhetoric. It's as simple as that. They were blowing hot air to get idiots to vote for them. And guess what? Idiots like you voted for them.

More "Unbiased Journalism" i guess. lol! What a bunch of silly nutters. :cuckoo:

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