Calling all Pagans!

actually easter and christmas are rooted in pagan tradition. early christians realized to convert pagans they would have to adopt pagan holidays..which they did and converted them to their own.

Converted is a soft way to say twisted. Also note that not all pagans celebrate the same things. They were only those in the European area at the time. Mine celebrates the day of the dead and the day of birth, oddly the two days are one after the other.
So you're a "catcher," then?

Reminds me of Diablo... Memory could be off.. Haven't played it in a few years.
The viewing public wasn't ready to watch Tom flitting about in hip-length fairy clothing, consorting with tinkerbell and the like. It was a little too early in his career for such a bold move.

Imagine if he were to do it now. LOL!

But at the time it was sort of like when Harry Potter actor kid did just made everyone a little ill and made us all he gay now and was he molested on previous sets?
What does that have to do with what we were talking about?

Oh, just more anti-Christian b.s. No thanks.
*smirk* See, even when your own sources disagree with you you want to ignore it.

It was proof that anything you find on Wikipedia is just plain garbage, 95% fiction, 5% fact.
No, it's not really. Most of what is on wiki is pretty good. As I said, when dealing with idiots on topics such as the history of Christianity, wiki is about as comprehensive as it gets. But it definitely can be swayed by whomever happens to be attracted to the topic at the time. The thing with a topic like "the history of Christianity" is you're going to have a wide range of people adding to it, with a fairly even-handed compilation.

But whatever toots your horn. *smirk* *grimace* *leer* *etc*
The viewing public wasn't ready to watch Tom flitting about in hip-length fairy clothing, consorting with tinkerbell and the like. It was a little too early in his career for such a bold move.

Imagine if he were to do it now. LOL!

But at the time it was sort of like when Harry Potter actor kid did just made everyone a little ill and made us all he gay now and was he molested on previous sets?

Yeah, but Tim Curry was great. Best. Fantasy Satan. Ever.

:Tim Curry fanboi:
I have no desire to know anything about your cult.

And the fact that I post more often is just evidence of a quicker wit, two monitors and an ability to type 100 wpm.

Ok, two monitors and typing 100 wpm I will conceed to, but a 'quicker wit', no. I have not seen one piece of evidence to back up this claim, nor have I seen anything in the way of intelligence coming from you.

I have seen from you, however, spewing the likes of Linda Blair in the movie, The Exorcist. You come across as yet another ignorant, narrow-minded Christian, who hides behind her bible because when it comes right down to it, she is fearful that Pagans may be right. Why else would you come into a thread titled, "Calling All Pagans"?

It isn't as though the thread content was hidden and surprised you upon entry. You apparently aren't interested in making friends, nor does it seem that you are interested in trying to convert Pagans to you chosen religion. Why did you bother coming here then . . . because although you will never admit to it, you are secretly curious about Paganism, but are afraid of the answers, so instead of asking questions, you bash. Bashing eases your quilty conscience which you deem to be soiled because of your secret desire to know more about Paganism.

Well, my dear, for all your bible spewing and Pagan bashing, your ignorance screams considerably louder than you do! It is quite humorous to watch you repeatedly make an ass of yourself!

You may be the quicker typist, but there is nothing witty about you. You are, however, desperate for attention, and are willing to whore yourself out anywhere, anytime to anyone in order to feed your addiction; that in and of itself, is quite pitiful.

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