Call for spiritual warfare 3am


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
This Punk is up to no good
I wake up often around that hour but I didnt know that.



It is said that when you wake up at 3am or around this hour, the Lord is inviting us to pray --- TO COUNTER the devils’ work and diabolical activities happening around the world.
3 o’clock in the early morning is the opposite of 3 PM --"the hour of the traditional time of Christ's victory over sin and death.....3 AM is the time where the devil is mocking the Holy Trinity.
Witching hour is a term in occult belief that refers to the time at which creatures such as witches, demons, and ghosts are thought to appear and to be at their most powerful. Black magic is thought to be most effective at this time. The period lasts from 3AM to 4AM, when there are no Catholic church services and prayers, as marked by the Canonical Hours.
Adversely, the term Devil's hour applies to the hour of 3 AM or 3:15 AM, the suggestion being that this is an inversion of the time at which Christ died at Calvary.
3 AM is a favored time for demonic activity, which usually comes in 3's in some manner in mockery of the Most Holy Trinity.
+ My Good and Dear Jesus†, I kneel before Thee, asking Thee most earnestly to engrave upon my heart a deep and lively faith, hope, and charity, with true repentance for my sins, and a firm resolve to make amends.
+ As I reflect upon Thy Five Wounds, and dwell upon them with deep compassion and grief, I recall, O Good Jesus†, the words that the prophet David spoke long ago concerning Thyself: "They have pierced My hands and My feet; they have counted all My bones".
+ Heavenly Father Almighty; in the Holy Name of Thy Son Jesus†, crucified for my sins, and in the Love of the Holy Spirit, I come very humbly before Thee, with sorrow for my sins. Through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you the sacrifice of my Lord Jesus† on the Holy Cross, which I live as I receive Him in the Most Holy Eucharist
Definitely a lot of spiritual warfare going on lately. Thanks for posting this, Mortimer.
It's always 3 am somewhere. ;)

Witching hour is a term in occult belief that refers to the time at which creatures such as witches, demons, and ghosts are thought to appear and to be at their most powerful. Black magic is thought to be most effective at this time. The period lasts from 3AM to 4AM, when there are no Catholic church services and prayers, as marked by the Canonical Hours.
Adversely, the term Devil's hour applies to the hour of 3 AM or 3:15 AM, the suggestion being that this is an inversion of the time at which Christ died at Calvary.

3 AM is a favored time for demonic activity, which usually comes in 3's in some manner in mockery of the Most Holy Trinity.
It is said that when you wake up at 3am or around this hour, the Lord is inviting us to pray --- TO COUNTER the devils’ work and diabolical activities happening around the world.
3 o’clock in the early morning is the opposite of 3 PM --"the hour of the traditional time of Christ's victory over sin and death.....3 AM is the time where the devil is mocking the Holy Trinity.
When Jesus Christ rose early in the morning on Sunday --- the ancient Norse (or Germanic) druids --- in response to Christian proselytizing --- counted Wednesday evening as the most evil and diabolical time of the week, being diametrically opposite in the seven-day cycle to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave early in the morning after the Sabbath.

Wednesday is "Odin's Day", after the Evil One, that one-eyed ogre. The Finns, who name every other day of the week after the Germans, refuse to mention call Wednesday, "the Evil Day", anything other than "keskiviikko", that is, "mid-week" or "the middle of the week".

Couples who marry on Wednesday evening are sometimes said in jest to be married "in the eyes of God" after that one-eyed ogre. The Finns will not marry on the day of the evil one.

People are "hard at work" in the "middle of the week" according to the Finns -- even as Cain who tilled the ground and cultivated the soil, working himself up in such great wrath against his brother as to murder him about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Never mind the offering of rotten windfall fruit to the Lord.
Today I woke up at 2am, I had a coffee, a espresso with milk and sweetener. I opened TA read the new posts. Now it is 3.20am and I prayed a Vater Unser, Our Father who art in heaven. I dont know any other prayers or have them in the memory.
Today I woke up at 2am, I had a coffee, a espresso with milk and sweetener. I opened TA read the new posts. Now it is 3.20am and I prayed a Vater Unser, Our Father who art in heaven. I dont know any other prayers or have them in the memory.
Is that Darth Vater?
I'm bipolar and when I was praying the rosary I started believing this spiritual battle stuff and it started making me insane.

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