California teaches us how to increase gun crime and all crime in general....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is how you increase gun crime....follow democrats into hell with their soft on crime policies, their attacks and under staffing of police, and then throw in disarming law abiding citizens...

California Just Proved Once Again That Going Easy On Criminals Results In More Crime

Back in 2014, nearly 60% of Californians voted in favor of Proposition 47, which sought to thin out jails and prisons by downgrading many "nonviolent, nonserious" felonies to misdemeanors and allowing some prisoners to be eligible for re-sentencing for more lenient terms (see summary below). The measure ostensibly saved the state millions in incarceration costs, but while that particular budget line might look better, the state and its residents have suffered as a result.

Since Prop 47 went into effect, arrests are down 30% while violent crime in Los Angeles is up a devastating 40%. And it's not just L.A. — Southern California as a whole is feeling the deleterious effects of the law's "lighter" touch.

A major reason for the stunning increase in violent crime is the reckless way Prop 47 downgraded some offenses, including theft of a firearm, which used to be a felony but which is now treated as a misdemeanor, along with several other serious property theft offenses.

The overall effect of downgrading so many offenses, along with the increasingly hostile attitude among many communities toward police officers (the "Ferguson Effect"), has resulted in officers deciding it's simply not worth it to go after criminals for the "minor" things — many of which lead to worse crimes.

"Without any real consequences, criminals were given a green light to steal more weapons and therefore commit more crimes," contends FOX 11 Los Angeles' VP Bob Cook in a recent op-ed.

"With so many crimes downgraded from felonies to misdemeanors, police officers in many instances felt it was not worth it to make arrests for these offenses. This has become especially true at a time when police conduct has come under increased scrutiny at every turn. Officers don’t want to be the next media case over a misdemeanor."

This article shows the truth......democrats and anti gunners do not care about criminals who use guns to commit crimes...they don't care about gun crime......they hate normal people who own guns.....

All of the gun control policies in California target normal, law abiding gun owners while allowing violent, gun offenders to go free......

Anti gunners, please explain how letting violent gun crimnials go free and punishing law abiding gun owners is going to make gun crime go down.

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