California suffering through SEVERE climate change

This fella say "Nope" Files/Sun & Global Warming_GRL_2006.pdf

So does this fella

Reconstruction of solar total irradiance since 1700 from the surface magnetic fl

and this fella

Reconstruction of solar irradiance variations in cycles 21 23 based on surface magnetic fields A A

These two say the sun has been cooling us off for the last 35 years

Global temperature evolution 1979 2010 - Abstract - Environmental Research Letters - IOPscience

So, where are the studies that tell us your spectral fears are justified and that such changes have taken place and are responsible for the observed warming?

Warmers 1990: The Sun has no effect on climate

Warmers after 2 decades of no Warming
^ weather is not climate. Glad to help :)


A drought in the summer is weather, not climate
the drought has only been going on for one summer Frank1400PennsylvaniaAve? :eusa_think:

CA is only one of our 57 states, so how does that make it "global"?

Or is it that the AGWCult is reduced to pointing to any story on the Weather Channel and shrieking, "MANMADE CLIMATE DISRUPTION WARMING CHANGE!!!"

Why are science labs so cruel to your "Theory"?
^ weather is not climate. Glad to help :)


A drought in the summer is weather, not climate
the drought has only been going on for one summer Frank1400PennsylvaniaAve? :eusa_think:

It goes on EVERY SUMMER in California.. Why is this so hard a concept for you? It only rains/snows in California for about 6 or 7 months out of the year --- EVER !!! And not very much rain south of the Golden Gate..

Why then did you pick the title of this thread to be about Climate Change if this statistical anomaly is only a couple years old Dotty?
Another DOT.COM thread bites the dust... DOT has no clue how long natural cycles last and that this current level of dry is well within normal variation for a cold ocean flow and cooling world. In fact the ocean current alone would do what we are seeing now according to the geological records of the area.

I find it very disingenuous of not only NBC but ABC to not do their home work and find out that this pattern has been seen over and over for thousands of years. But then again, propaganda is their game any more just like DOT's.
California Facing Worst Drought on Record | NOAA
The most populated state in the country is facing what may be its worst drought in a century of record-keeping. On January 20, the governor of California declared a state of emergency, urging everyone to begin conserving water. Water levels in all but a few reservoirs in the state are less than 50% of capacity, mountains are nearly bare of snow except at the highest elevations, and the fire risk is extreme. In Nevada, the situation is much the same.

Wonder why that could be :eusa_think:

California is suffering from nothing of the sort.

It is suffering.

But what it is suffering under is a perfectly natural periodic fucking drought.
It goes on EVERY SUMMER in California.. Why is this so hard a concept for you? It only rains/snows in California for about 6 or 7 months out of the year --- EVER !!! And not very much rain south of the Golden Gate..

Why then did you pick the title of this thread to be about Climate Change if this statistical anomaly is only a couple years old Dotty?

And can be shown to directly related to the cold phase of the PDO...
No. Theres something called 'desert lawns' out that way. Put "desert lawns" in a google image search.
As the California drought enters its fourth year are we doing enough to conserve water - San Jose Mercury News

4th straight year of drought. I have to say that if I Saw someone watering their lawn when they weren't supposed to I'd be inclined to punch them in the face :mad-61:

One place I had in Cali -- had a red lava rock front "lawn".. Ugly as sin.
That's why I'm happier in green Hillbilly Hollywood.. Even with the chiggers and moles.

Neighbors never punched me out. I had the only pool in the neighborhood..

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