California liberals pass law: knowingly exposing people to HIV no longer a felony cuz discrimination


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
California lawmakers vote to reduce penalty for knowingly exposing sexual partners to HIV

State lawmakers on Monday gave final legislative approval to a bill that would reduce from a felony to a misdemeanor the crime of knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV without disclosing the infection.

SB 239, which now goes to the governor, was introduced by Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), who said the current law discriminated against those who have human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, the precursor to AIDS, because exposure to other communicable diseases is a misdemeanor.

The same reduction in crime level would apply to people who donate blood or semen without disclosing that they have tested positive for HIV or AIDS.

“Right now HIV is singled out for uniquely harsh treatment as a felony,” Wiener told his colleagues during the floor debate.

Republicans, including Sen. Joel Anderson of San Diego, voted against the bill, saying it puts the public at risk.

“I’m of the mind that if you purposefully inflict another with a disease that alters their lifestyle the rest of their life, puts them on a regiment of medications to maintain any kind of normalcy, it should be a felony,” Anderson said. “It’s absolutely crazy to me that we should go light on this.”

He said tougher penalties should be extended to those who expose others to other infectious diseases.

Sen. Jeff Stone, a Republican pharmacist from Murrieta, also said it should remain a felony if someone exposes a partner to HIV, which he said would "condemn one to probably $1 million in drug therapy for the rest of their lives."...

Once again, liberals show how little American lives matter to them.
California lawmakers vote to reduce penalty for knowingly exposing sexual partners to HIV

State lawmakers on Monday gave final legislative approval to a bill that would reduce from a felony to a misdemeanor the crime of knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV without disclosing the infection.

SB 239, which now goes to the governor, was introduced by Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), who said the current law discriminated against those who have human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, the precursor to AIDS, because exposure to other communicable diseases is a misdemeanor.

The same reduction in crime level would apply to people who donate blood or semen without disclosing that they have tested positive for HIV or AIDS.

“Right now HIV is singled out for uniquely harsh treatment as a felony,” Wiener told his colleagues during the floor debate.

Republicans, including Sen. Joel Anderson of San Diego, voted against the bill, saying it puts the public at risk.

“I’m of the mind that if you purposefully inflict another with a disease that alters their lifestyle the rest of their life, puts them on a regiment of medications to maintain any kind of normalcy, it should be a felony,” Anderson said. “It’s absolutely crazy to me that we should go light on this.”

He said tougher penalties should be extended to those who expose others to other infectious diseases.

Sen. Jeff Stone, a Republican pharmacist from Murrieta, also said it should remain a felony if someone exposes a partner to HIV, which he said would "condemn one to probably $1 million in drug therapy for the rest of their lives."...

Once again, liberals show how little American lives matter to them.

The only people who will get fucked, so to speak, by this law are homosexuals. You can't get HIV if you never have some guy's dick up your ass.
California lawmakers vote to reduce penalty for knowingly exposing sexual partners to HIV

State lawmakers on Monday gave final legislative approval to a bill that would reduce from a felony to a misdemeanor the crime of knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV without disclosing the infection.

SB 239, which now goes to the governor, was introduced by Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), who said the current law discriminated against those who have human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, the precursor to AIDS, because exposure to other communicable diseases is a misdemeanor.

The same reduction in crime level would apply to people who donate blood or semen without disclosing that they have tested positive for HIV or AIDS.

“Right now HIV is singled out for uniquely harsh treatment as a felony,” Wiener told his colleagues during the floor debate.

Republicans, including Sen. Joel Anderson of San Diego, voted against the bill, saying it puts the public at risk.

“I’m of the mind that if you purposefully inflict another with a disease that alters their lifestyle the rest of their life, puts them on a regiment of medications to maintain any kind of normalcy, it should be a felony,” Anderson said. “It’s absolutely crazy to me that we should go light on this.”

He said tougher penalties should be extended to those who expose others to other infectious diseases.

Sen. Jeff Stone, a Republican pharmacist from Murrieta, also said it should remain a felony if someone exposes a partner to HIV, which he said would "condemn one to probably $1 million in drug therapy for the rest of their lives."...

Once again, liberals show how little American lives matter to them.

The only people who will get fucked, so to speak, by this law are homosexuals. You can't get HIV if you never have some guy's dick up your ass.
Do they check blood donations? And yes, you can get HIV regardless.
Many of California's leaders were exposed massive amounts of environmental lead when they were kids.
California lawmakers vote to reduce penalty for knowingly exposing sexual partners to HIV

State lawmakers on Monday gave final legislative approval to a bill that would reduce from a felony to a misdemeanor the crime of knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV without disclosing the infection.

SB 239, which now goes to the governor, was introduced by Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), who said the current law discriminated against those who have human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, the precursor to AIDS, because exposure to other communicable diseases is a misdemeanor.

The same reduction in crime level would apply to people who donate blood or semen without disclosing that they have tested positive for HIV or AIDS.

“Right now HIV is singled out for uniquely harsh treatment as a felony,” Wiener told his colleagues during the floor debate.

Republicans, including Sen. Joel Anderson of San Diego, voted against the bill, saying it puts the public at risk.

“I’m of the mind that if you purposefully inflict another with a disease that alters their lifestyle the rest of their life, puts them on a regiment of medications to maintain any kind of normalcy, it should be a felony,” Anderson said. “It’s absolutely crazy to me that we should go light on this.”

He said tougher penalties should be extended to those who expose others to other infectious diseases.

Sen. Jeff Stone, a Republican pharmacist from Murrieta, also said it should remain a felony if someone exposes a partner to HIV, which he said would "condemn one to probably $1 million in drug therapy for the rest of their lives."...

Once again, liberals show how little American lives matter to them.

The only people who will get fucked, so to speak, by this law are homosexuals. You can't get HIV if you never have some guy's dick up your ass.

Surely you don't believe that men only get HIV through anal sex.
California lawmakers vote to reduce penalty for knowingly exposing sexual partners to HIV

State lawmakers on Monday gave final legislative approval to a bill that would reduce from a felony to a misdemeanor the crime of knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV without disclosing the infection.

SB 239, which now goes to the governor, was introduced by Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), who said the current law discriminated against those who have human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, the precursor to AIDS, because exposure to other communicable diseases is a misdemeanor.

The same reduction in crime level would apply to people who donate blood or semen without disclosing that they have tested positive for HIV or AIDS.

“Right now HIV is singled out for uniquely harsh treatment as a felony,” Wiener told his colleagues during the floor debate.

Republicans, including Sen. Joel Anderson of San Diego, voted against the bill, saying it puts the public at risk.

“I’m of the mind that if you purposefully inflict another with a disease that alters their lifestyle the rest of their life, puts them on a regiment of medications to maintain any kind of normalcy, it should be a felony,” Anderson said. “It’s absolutely crazy to me that we should go light on this.”

He said tougher penalties should be extended to those who expose others to other infectious diseases.

Sen. Jeff Stone, a Republican pharmacist from Murrieta, also said it should remain a felony if someone exposes a partner to HIV, which he said would "condemn one to probably $1 million in drug therapy for the rest of their lives."...

Once again, liberals show how little American lives matter to them.

The only people who will get fucked, so to speak, by this law are homosexuals. You can't get HIV if you never have some guy's dick up your ass.
Do they check blood donations? And yes, you can get HIV regardless.
Bullshit. That's queer propaganda. You have a better chance of getting hit by a meteorite than a male has of getting HIV from normal heterosexual sex.
California lawmakers vote to reduce penalty for knowingly exposing sexual partners to HIV

State lawmakers on Monday gave final legislative approval to a bill that would reduce from a felony to a misdemeanor the crime of knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV without disclosing the infection.

SB 239, which now goes to the governor, was introduced by Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), who said the current law discriminated against those who have human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, the precursor to AIDS, because exposure to other communicable diseases is a misdemeanor.

The same reduction in crime level would apply to people who donate blood or semen without disclosing that they have tested positive for HIV or AIDS.

“Right now HIV is singled out for uniquely harsh treatment as a felony,” Wiener told his colleagues during the floor debate.

Republicans, including Sen. Joel Anderson of San Diego, voted against the bill, saying it puts the public at risk.

“I’m of the mind that if you purposefully inflict another with a disease that alters their lifestyle the rest of their life, puts them on a regiment of medications to maintain any kind of normalcy, it should be a felony,” Anderson said. “It’s absolutely crazy to me that we should go light on this.”

He said tougher penalties should be extended to those who expose others to other infectious diseases.

Sen. Jeff Stone, a Republican pharmacist from Murrieta, also said it should remain a felony if someone exposes a partner to HIV, which he said would "condemn one to probably $1 million in drug therapy for the rest of their lives."...

Once again, liberals show how little American lives matter to them.

The only people who will get fucked, so to speak, by this law are homosexuals. You can't get HIV if you never have some guy's dick up your ass.

Surely you don't believe that men only get HIV through anal sex.

They can also get by sharing needles with other drug abusers or from blood transfusions.
California lawmakers vote to reduce penalty for knowingly exposing sexual partners to HIV

State lawmakers on Monday gave final legislative approval to a bill that would reduce from a felony to a misdemeanor the crime of knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV without disclosing the infection.

SB 239, which now goes to the governor, was introduced by Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), who said the current law discriminated against those who have human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, the precursor to AIDS, because exposure to other communicable diseases is a misdemeanor.

The same reduction in crime level would apply to people who donate blood or semen without disclosing that they have tested positive for HIV or AIDS.

“Right now HIV is singled out for uniquely harsh treatment as a felony,” Wiener told his colleagues during the floor debate.

Republicans, including Sen. Joel Anderson of San Diego, voted against the bill, saying it puts the public at risk.

“I’m of the mind that if you purposefully inflict another with a disease that alters their lifestyle the rest of their life, puts them on a regiment of medications to maintain any kind of normalcy, it should be a felony,” Anderson said. “It’s absolutely crazy to me that we should go light on this.”

He said tougher penalties should be extended to those who expose others to other infectious diseases.

Sen. Jeff Stone, a Republican pharmacist from Murrieta, also said it should remain a felony if someone exposes a partner to HIV, which he said would "condemn one to probably $1 million in drug therapy for the rest of their lives."...

Once again, liberals show how little American lives matter to them.

The only people who will get fucked, so to speak, by this law are homosexuals. You can't get HIV if you never have some guy's dick up your ass.

very wrong-----do not promulgate your vile misinformation---it is dangerous. For the record---the MOST common transmission of AIDS is---infected men upon women. The transmission of the HIV
virus from female to male is far less likely than from male to
female----but it CAN HAPPEN ---and is more likely in uncircumcised males
It's well documented that the left usually sides with evil and the right sides with the good, but this is a perfect example of how our country would look if ran by leftists. We got a pretty good taste of that when DumBama first invaded the White House, and it's been going downhill for the left ever since.

Rush Limbaugh said on multiple occasions that we never want to totally get rid of liberals. We need liberals around to remind the country of what the nation could end up looking like. We just don't want enough of them to have any kind of power, and this is a great example of why.
California lawmakers vote to reduce penalty for knowingly exposing sexual partners to HIV

State lawmakers on Monday gave final legislative approval to a bill that would reduce from a felony to a misdemeanor the crime of knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV without disclosing the infection.

SB 239, which now goes to the governor, was introduced by Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), who said the current law discriminated against those who have human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, the precursor to AIDS, because exposure to other communicable diseases is a misdemeanor.

The same reduction in crime level would apply to people who donate blood or semen without disclosing that they have tested positive for HIV or AIDS.

“Right now HIV is singled out for uniquely harsh treatment as a felony,” Wiener told his colleagues during the floor debate.

Republicans, including Sen. Joel Anderson of San Diego, voted against the bill, saying it puts the public at risk.

“I’m of the mind that if you purposefully inflict another with a disease that alters their lifestyle the rest of their life, puts them on a regiment of medications to maintain any kind of normalcy, it should be a felony,” Anderson said. “It’s absolutely crazy to me that we should go light on this.”

He said tougher penalties should be extended to those who expose others to other infectious diseases.

Sen. Jeff Stone, a Republican pharmacist from Murrieta, also said it should remain a felony if someone exposes a partner to HIV, which he said would "condemn one to probably $1 million in drug therapy for the rest of their lives."...

Once again, liberals show how little American lives matter to them.

The only people who will get fucked, so to speak, by this law are homosexuals. You can't get HIV if you never have some guy's dick up your ass.

very wrong-----do not promulgate your vile misinformation---it is dangerous. For the record---the MOST common transmission of AIDS is---infected men upon women. The transmission of the HIV
virus from female to male is far less likely than from male to
female----but it CAN HAPPEN ---and is more likely in uncircumcised males
Transmission from female to male is virtually impossible. The most common form of transmission is queers getting a dick up their ass. Females infected by their partners are a far distant second. In many of those cases, both members of the couple are probably abusing IV drugs, so that's the true transmission vector. However, people often lie about how they actually acquired the disease.
Transmission from female to male is virtually impossible. The most common form of transmission is queers getting a dick up their ass.

No, not at all. We had to take a class about this back in the 80's when I was repairing and delivering medical equipment. We had to deliver and pickup equipment from AIDS patients when there was nothing you could do about the disease except die.

When the male ejaculates, the penis gets larger and harder. This causes hairline cracks to form in the penis which is normal. So if that happens in a female (or male) who has AIDS, that's how men pickup the disease. It almost acts like an open wound.

We used to have to dress up in space suit like gear before entering an AIDS home or touching the equipment. Even after spraying it down with all kinds of disinfectant, the equipment had to be quarantined for a week before we could clean it and put it back in service.

It was serious stuff back then.
Transmission from female to male is virtually impossible. The most common form of transmission is queers getting a dick up their ass.

No, not at all. We had to take a class about this back in the 80's when I was repairing and delivering medical equipment. We had to deliver and pickup equipment from AIDS patients when there was nothing you could do about the disease except die.

When the male ejaculates, the penis gets larger and harder. This causes hairline cracks to form in the penis which is normal. So if that happens in a female (or male) who has AIDS, that's how men pickup the disease. It almost acts like an open wound.

We used to have to dress up in space suit like gear before entering an AIDS home or touching the equipment. Even after spraying it down with all kinds of disinfectant, the equipment had to be quarantined for a week before we could clean it and put it back in service.

It was serious stuff back then.

What you were taught is queer propaganda. I suggest you read "The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS," by Michael Fumento.

Here's an article that will clue you in to the reality:

Michael Fumento: AIDS - Are Heterosexuals at Risk?
California lawmakers vote to reduce penalty for knowingly exposing sexual partners to HIV

State lawmakers on Monday gave final legislative approval to a bill that would reduce from a felony to a misdemeanor the crime of knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV without disclosing the infection.

SB 239, which now goes to the governor, was introduced by Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), who said the current law discriminated against those who have human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, the precursor to AIDS, because exposure to other communicable diseases is a misdemeanor.

The same reduction in crime level would apply to people who donate blood or semen without disclosing that they have tested positive for HIV or AIDS.

“Right now HIV is singled out for uniquely harsh treatment as a felony,” Wiener told his colleagues during the floor debate.

Republicans, including Sen. Joel Anderson of San Diego, voted against the bill, saying it puts the public at risk.

“I’m of the mind that if you purposefully inflict another with a disease that alters their lifestyle the rest of their life, puts them on a regiment of medications to maintain any kind of normalcy, it should be a felony,” Anderson said. “It’s absolutely crazy to me that we should go light on this.”

He said tougher penalties should be extended to those who expose others to other infectious diseases.

Sen. Jeff Stone, a Republican pharmacist from Murrieta, also said it should remain a felony if someone exposes a partner to HIV, which he said would "condemn one to probably $1 million in drug therapy for the rest of their lives."...

Once again, liberals show how little American lives matter to them.

The only people who will get fucked, so to speak, by this law are homosexuals. You can't get HIV if you never have some guy's dick up your ass.
Do they check blood donations? And yes, you can get HIV regardless.
Bullshit. That's queer propaganda. You have a better chance of getting hit by a meteorite than a male has of getting HIV from normal heterosexual sex.

You're seriously misinformed. Heterosexual men can and have gotten HIV through vaginal sex.
Transmission from female to male is virtually impossible. The most common form of transmission is queers getting a dick up their ass.

No, not at all. We had to take a class about this back in the 80's when I was repairing and delivering medical equipment. We had to deliver and pickup equipment from AIDS patients when there was nothing you could do about the disease except die.

When the male ejaculates, the penis gets larger and harder. This causes hairline cracks to form in the penis which is normal. So if that happens in a female (or male) who has AIDS, that's how men pickup the disease. It almost acts like an open wound.

We used to have to dress up in space suit like gear before entering an AIDS home or touching the equipment. Even after spraying it down with all kinds of disinfectant, the equipment had to be quarantined for a week before we could clean it and put it back in service.

It was serious stuff back then.

What you were taught is queer propaganda. I suggest you read "The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS," by Michael Fumento.

Here's an article that will clue you in to the reality:

Michael Fumento: AIDS - Are Heterosexuals at Risk?

All this very early article points out is that more gays got the disease than straights. This is true, but it was (and is) mostly due to risky activity. Gays are more likely to challenge their fate than straights are. I don't know why, it's just how their minds work I guess. Straight people have a stronger desire to live, or will make sacrifices to have less pleasurable sex than gays.

But we delivered and picked up from straight patients and gay patients. It was almost becoming an epidemic. The class we took was not propaganda. It was sponsored by the CDC. And now that I looked it up, gays are still participating in risky sex just like they were years ago:

U.S. Statistics |
California lawmakers vote to reduce penalty for knowingly exposing sexual partners to HIV

State lawmakers on Monday gave final legislative approval to a bill that would reduce from a felony to a misdemeanor the crime of knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV without disclosing the infection.

SB 239, which now goes to the governor, was introduced by Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), who said the current law discriminated against those who have human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, the precursor to AIDS, because exposure to other communicable diseases is a misdemeanor.

The same reduction in crime level would apply to people who donate blood or semen without disclosing that they have tested positive for HIV or AIDS.

“Right now HIV is singled out for uniquely harsh treatment as a felony,” Wiener told his colleagues during the floor debate.

Republicans, including Sen. Joel Anderson of San Diego, voted against the bill, saying it puts the public at risk.

“I’m of the mind that if you purposefully inflict another with a disease that alters their lifestyle the rest of their life, puts them on a regiment of medications to maintain any kind of normalcy, it should be a felony,” Anderson said. “It’s absolutely crazy to me that we should go light on this.”

He said tougher penalties should be extended to those who expose others to other infectious diseases.

Sen. Jeff Stone, a Republican pharmacist from Murrieta, also said it should remain a felony if someone exposes a partner to HIV, which he said would "condemn one to probably $1 million in drug therapy for the rest of their lives."...

Once again, liberals show how little American lives matter to them.

The only people who will get fucked, so to speak, by this law are homosexuals. You can't get HIV if you never have some guy's dick up your ass.
Do they check blood donations? And yes, you can get HIV regardless.
Bullshit. That's queer propaganda. You have a better chance of getting hit by a meteorite than a male has of getting HIV from normal heterosexual sex.

You're seriously misinformed. Heterosexual men can and have gotten HIV through vaginal sex.

Maybe one has. However, if you read "The Myth of Heterosexual AIDs" you'll see that such claims are queer propaganda designed to scare heterosexuals and keep the research money flowing in.

Michael Fumento: AIDS - Are Heterosexuals at Risk?

You're a brainwashed snowflake.
Transmission from female to male is virtually impossible. The most common form of transmission is queers getting a dick up their ass.

No, not at all. We had to take a class about this back in the 80's when I was repairing and delivering medical equipment. We had to deliver and pickup equipment from AIDS patients when there was nothing you could do about the disease except die.

When the male ejaculates, the penis gets larger and harder. This causes hairline cracks to form in the penis which is normal. So if that happens in a female (or male) who has AIDS, that's how men pickup the disease. It almost acts like an open wound.

We used to have to dress up in space suit like gear before entering an AIDS home or touching the equipment. Even after spraying it down with all kinds of disinfectant, the equipment had to be quarantined for a week before we could clean it and put it back in service.

It was serious stuff back then.

What you were taught is queer propaganda. I suggest you read "The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS," by Michael Fumento.

Here's an article that will clue you in to the reality:

Michael Fumento: AIDS - Are Heterosexuals at Risk?

All this very early article points out is that more gays got the disease than straights. This is true, but it was (and is) mostly due to risky activity. Gays are more likely to challenge their fate than straights are. I don't know why, it's just how their minds work I guess. Straight people have a stronger desire to live, or will make sacrifices to have less pleasurable sex than gays.

But we delivered and picked up from straight patients and gay patients. It was almost becoming an epidemic. The class we took was not propaganda. It was sponsored by the CDC. And now that I looked it up, gays are still participating in risky sex just like they were years ago:

U.S. Statistics |

What the article points out is that the CDC lies about how HIV is transmitted.

Straight patients get it from IV drug use if they are male. Their female partners can get it though hundreds, if not thousands, of sex acts with an infected male. It's still very hard for them to get it. Most commonly females also get it from IV drug use.

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