california justice depatment after blm

Is it because they're black?
No. It is because they were extorting cities, companies and people for their "noble cause" which turned out to be their own personal gain. $60 million missing, a bunch of new mansions and no paper trail. Give it up Otis, THEY ARE EMBEZZELERS and screwed over the people they "stood" for.
Maybe that thieving bitch that bought herself three mansions with BLM money can write a book in prison about what it's like to go 'From Mansions to a Cell'.

about time some woke up to their criminal ways.

Keep in mind our "vice president" Kamala Harris, as well as virtually all elected DemoKKKrats in California, actively fundraised and advocated for this criminal organization. They're all implicated in this.
She is a racist Karen, that probably called a black woman the Nword and got her ass whooped.
Two little girls at 5 years old. At 15 years old one has a baby and is unmarried. The other has a baby at 25 and is married. At 30 years old the unmarried girl becomes a grandmother. The other married girl becomes a grandmother at 50 years of age. This is a simple and clean statement. But it is closer to the truth.
Two little girls at 5 years old. At 15 years old one has a baby and is unmarried. The other has a baby at 25 and is married. At 30 years old the unmarried girl becomes a grandmother. The other married girl becomes a grandmother at 50 years of age. This is a simple and clean statement. But it is closer to the truth.
WTF are you talking about?
What do you have against BLM?

Did a BLM member step on your foot?
it’s a demafacist terrorist organization
…who’s members act like brownshirts for the dnc and it’s leadership apparently pushes lies, hate and fear to get rich

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