California governor is playing into alt-right's overall plan for this country

A lot of blue states are enacting independent plans to do the things that can't be done on the national level such as doing single payer system. That may sound wonderful to a lot of proponents of this but do you realize that this has been the goal of a lot of alt-right websites such as the tenth amendment center. They list out a lot of conservative and liberals causes that states can either enact independently or outright void federal laws that they don't agree with which means that a red state can resist a liberal federal law such as obamacare and blue states can void federal laws on marijuana (aka Nevada). California goes out and signs an agreement with China about global warming to counter Trumps withdraw from the Paris accord. This may seem like the left is making progress toward their goals but they are actually playing right into the hands of the alt-right.

What is the goal of these people? They are probably not true believers in democrat causes and are either libertarians or republicans so what do they hope to achieve with this strategy? Once they get nullification and state rights into an acceptable thing by both sides they know that both sides will come to gradually accept this idea which will further destabilized the goals of collectivism because once states and counties begin to think they can act independently they see their economic system as independent from the nation's overall economic system. How do we have universal health care for all if only a handful of states enact it?

The goal of these people is to encourage states and sub jurisdictions to act individually or to at least encourage that kind of thinking which would be a fatal blow to the collectivism since people will accept the idea that states can act freely within the political system. There is no collectivized economic system that can function with this kind of thinking within the populace and that is why the left is playing right into the alt-right's overall plan for this country.

No wonder so many are moving out of California. Sorry, have to change that, no wonder so many American citizens are moving out of California.
But we have tons of illegals moving in from mexico. It looks like the state is growing and becoming more productive.

Yup, getting more difficult to find parking at Home Depot, all the bicycles are taking up all the spaces.
No wonder so many are moving out of California. Sorry, have to change that, no wonder so many American citizens are moving out of California.

Ah no, it is 50x higher in the population within the last 10 years in the bay sorry you are wrong.

50x higher...quite the imagination you got there, unless your using Obama math. Granted the population of the bay area has gone up...mostly due to it being a huge sanctuary city, also homeless folks have to live somewhere.
A lot of blue states are enacting independent plans to do the things that can't be done on the national level such as doing single payer system. That may sound wonderful to a lot of proponents of this but do you realize that this has been the goal of a lot of alt-right websites such as the tenth amendment center. They list out a lot of conservative and liberals causes that states can either enact independently or outright void federal laws that they don't agree with which means that a red state can resist a liberal federal law such as obamacare and blue states can void federal laws on marijuana (aka Nevada). California goes out and signs an agreement with China about global warming to counter Trumps withdraw from the Paris accord. This may seem like the left is making progress toward their goals but they are actually playing right into the hands of the alt-right.

What is the goal of these people? They are probably not true believers in democrat causes and are either libertarians or republicans so what do they hope to achieve with this strategy? Once they get nullification and state rights into an acceptable thing by both sides they know that both sides will come to gradually accept this idea which will further destabilized the goals of collectivism because once states and counties begin to think they can act independently they see their economic system as independent from the nation's overall economic system. How do we have universal health care for all if only a handful of states enact it?

The goal of these people is to encourage states and sub jurisdictions to act individually or to at least encourage that kind of thinking which would be a fatal blow to the collectivism since people will accept the idea that states can act freely within the political system. There is no collectivized economic system that can function with this kind of thinking within the populace and that is why the left is playing right into the alt-right's overall plan for this country.

No wonder so many are moving out of California. Sorry, have to change that, no wonder so many American citizens are moving out of California.
But we have tons of illegals moving in from mexico. It looks like the state is growing and becoming more productive.

You need to visit SF bay are .. the middle class and low income are moving away because of how expensive California is..So wrong..

Didn't realize illegals made so much money, and homeless would probably be considered low income or no income...and you got more than your fair share of homeless folks.