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The gop out numbers Dems administrative in felony charges over 200 to one.
1. Not even remotely true :lmao:

2. Asshole Democrats refuse to indict/prosecute fellow asshole Democrats. That means Dems get away with egregious crimes. Bill Clinton admitted to committing perjury (a fucking felony) and nothing happened. Nothing. Just let that sink in, snowflake.
Ever check the 10 worse states to live ? California isn’t one.
Yep...and California is by far the worst. That's why Americans are fleeing that shit-hole like it's Honduras!

By the way, low-IQ nitwit, do you even understand statistics? Let me give you a quick lesson here:
Louisiana ranked worst in the nation for the Opportunity, Crime & Corrections, and Natural Environment
See "crime" there? Well the crime capital of Louisiana (and at the top in the entire United States for that matter) is New Orleans. And New Orleans is as far left as any city in the United States. A Dumbocrat Mayor (for decades) and a Dumbocrat city council (for decades).

See, you're literally too dumb to realize that even the most conservative states have large pockets of failed left-wing assholes who bring down statistics for the entire state.
Here comes the misogynist INCELs.
I couldn't agree more. USMB is filled with disgusting left-wing INCEL misogynists. Like this one here from Colin norris in post #183 of another thread:
Trump was a complete failure and you worshipped him like a god. He married a porn star and his big titted daughter is no better.
We see this type of behavior from damn near every "male" on the left. They are inept with women, which makes them feel bad about themselves, which in turn causes them to hate women. You just know this tool Colin is just sitting in a trailer-park somewhere jerking-off to Ivanka Trump three or four times a day, then going into a tizzy because "she made him do that". :laugh:



These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.

No one gives a fuck what your fact changers say.
A fraud, they are leftist hacks putting their thumb on the scales.

No one on any side believes the fact changers anymore. It isn't 2002 anymore.
All fact-check sites are frauds. I knew it the first time I saw one. It's like global warming. Anything that supports the leftwing narrative is a con.
I couldn't agree more. USMB is filled with disgusting left-wing INCEL misogynists. Like this one here from Colin norris in post #183 of another thread:

We see this type of behavior from damn near every "male" on the left. They are inept with women, which makes them feel bad about themselves, which in turn causes them to hate women. You just know this tool Colin is just sitting in a trailer-park somewhere jerking-off to Ivanka Trump three or four times a day, then going into a tizzy because "she made him do that". :laugh:

You're pathetic. Not one word have I said is untrue. So out come the standard Republican hate as usual.
You sold your souls to trump because he stood against everything democract.
He was a complete failure at home and abroad. He was not a POTUS arsehole.
You ignored all his failures like good Christian republicans do just to not gave a Democrat in power. You'll do and say and defend anything but the truth.
You're a poor example of a human being son. More like the exhaust pipe of society.
1. Not even remotely true :lmao:

2. Asshole Democrats refuse to indict/prosecute fellow asshole Democrats. That means Dems get away with egregious crimes. Bill Clinton admitted to committing perjury (a fucking felony) and nothing happened. Nothing. Just let that sink in, snowflake.

Yep...and California is by far the worst. That's why Americans are fleeing that shit-hole like it's Honduras!

By the way, low-IQ nitwit, do you even understand statistics? Let me give you a quick lesson here:

See "crime" there? Well the crime capital of Louisiana (and at the top in the entire United States for that matter) is New Orleans. And New Orleans is as far left as any city in the United States. A Dumbocrat Mayor (for decades) and a Dumbocrat city council (for decades).

See, you're literally too dumb to realize that even the most conservative states have large pockets of failed left-wing assholes who bring down statistics for the entire state.
Your post is irrelevant. You have not references just made up shit. The lawless states are far and away mostly republican.
Criminal indictments ? Not even close. Over 300 for repugs and counting. Let’s get real. Crime follows repugs around like recessions they have.

Recent administrations with the MOST criminal indictments:

Trump (Republican) — 215

Nixon (Republican) — 76

Reagan (Republican) — 26

"Recent administrations with the LEAST criminal indictments:

Obama (Democrat) — 0

Carter (Democrat) — 1

Clinton (Democrat) — 2

"Notice a pattern?"
All fact-check sites are frauds. I knew it the first time I saw one. It's like global warming. Anything that supports the leftwing narrative is a con.

When the "fact check" thing started about 2000, there was some hope that independent research would cut through the crap of the popular media. But then Polititifraud became the standard. Not because they were accurate, far from it, because they were reliably left.

It amuses me that the Nazi drones think dragging out the fact changers somehow strengthens their arguments. No one, on any side believes them. The Nazi bitches like Otto use them BECAUSE they are Reich hacks who will vomit out the party line 100% of the time. We Americans look at them no different than we would Keith Olberman or Don Lemon. They have zero credibility - they are just leftist propaganda.
You're pathetic. Not one word have I said is untrue.


So out come the standard Republican hate as usual.
You sold your souls to trump because he stood against everything democract.

Standing against Fascism, the establishment of a collectivist, totalitarian dictatorship, and the destruction of the Constitutional Republic is a pretty damned good reason to support Trump.

He was a complete failure at home and abroad. He was not a POTUS arsehole.

He had Russia collapsing as energy independence in the USA destroyed their revenue stream. Iran also was torn apart without the oil income.

But Xi's man took care of that as soon as he got in office. America can count on Quid Pro - to sell us out to our enemies.

Trump had China on their heels, but now China has their man in office.

Trump presided over the greatest economy in the history of the nation. All of the bullshit you Nazis spew about Quid Pro is just the economy recovering from the Bioweapon China unleashed.

Quid Pro has the advantage of riding the Trump Economy. but of course he's fucking even that up - corrupt pile of shit fucks everything up.

You ignored all his failures like good Christian republicans do just to not gave a Democrat in power. You'll do and say and defend anything but the truth.
You're a poor example of a human being son. More like the exhaust pipe of society.

Containing China was a failure for you traitor Fascists, but was a major win for America..

Our goals are different. You seek the utter and complete destruction of the nation, we seek to build a more prosperous union.

Trump is an enemy of China, an enemy of fascism, hence he is your enemy.
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