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Captardo, it doesn't matter if Musk and others leave. California is still one of the wealthiest states in the union:
Right, that's why there is a homeless epidemic.



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That’s you. Your first step is to admit you have a problem. Well done. Now move to Oklahoma with all the other crazies.
My dear friend, a retired dentist, moved from Orange County, California to Nashville, Tennessee two years ago.
He just played golf with three other strangers and all were California expatriates, within the last two years.
Happily living in Tennessee, which rejected Al Gore for President, putting George Bush in the White House.
Gore was their own favorite son. Brilliant, those Tennessee folk I tell ya.
All typical bullshit. Just another retiree trying to avoid taxes. Hilarious. Another conservative living off the federal tit with their Medicare and social security and avoiding state income taxes. At least be honest. But you can’t Mr Engineer of fables.
Right, that's why there is a homeless epidemic.

Congrats. You admitted you have a problem with the truth. Texas is full of bullshit artists.
Right, that's why there is a homeless epidemic.

If you ask many of the homeless that are in California or here in NYC, where they're from, many of them "relocated" (make it sound better) from a captardo Republican city that doesn't give a crap about its homeless and does nothing but arrest them and throws them in jail. You right-wing capitard "Jesus people", throw, kick out, and terrorize, all of the homeless, out of your cities and towns, into libtard towns. The Dems are stuck with all of the homeless, because the Pubs make conditions so bad for the homeless, that they leave.

Nonetheless, my point still stands. California and many other liberal-run states and cities are the wealthiest. They pay more in taxes to the US federal government than they take out of the yearly federal government budget. They're running a surplus, unlike you captardos who are always in the red, kicking all of the homeless out of your cities and states, dumping all of your problems on Democrat-run states and cities.
Right, that's why there is a homeless epidemic.

An epidemic led by Texas. It seems drug addiction is ravaging Teas.

Texas has around 26,000 homeless people, and Dallas has the largest homeless population in the state. The worst part is that the numbers are going up. There are several reasons for the homelessness situation in Texas such as drug and alcohol addiction, mental illness, and lack of affordable housing [among other issues].
An epidemic led by Texas. It seems drug addiction is ravaging Teas.

Texas has around 26,000 homeless people, and Dallas has the largest homeless population in the state. The worst part is that the numbers are going up. There are several reasons for the homelessness situation in Texas such as drug and alcohol addiction, mental illness, and lack of affordable housing [among other issues].
NO california and the west coast leads the usa, fact. Why do you have to lie about it?
NO california and the west coast leads the usa, fact. Why do you have to lie about it?
NO california and the west coast leads the usa, fact. Why do you have to lie about it?
10 worse states for live in.
Texass is third. California is no where to be found in the 10 worse states. Texas is for a-holes.

The stats say otherwise. Regardless, no one believes a word you say.
What stats goober ? The reference has all the stats you need.
You think you Humpers are believable ? Geesus, I have proof you’re FOS.
Another lie. But keep trying. You’re foolish enough to use this sham. They scammed you, admit it.
You literally said "they aren't a real university". They never tried to pass themselves off as a university. Ever. You were too dumb and too lazy to do your homework.
You used them for a reference. I didn’t.
I always use them as a reference! They post fact after fact after fact which cause you to panic, after panic, after panic. Everyone here has taken notice of your inability to dispute even a single piece of their content!
Eventually they’ll go from the sixth greatest economy in the world to fifth.
Which illustrates the failures of liberalism. If I ran California, it would be the #1 economy in the world. Above the rest of the United States.

First - the state is massive. Massive. Just the land alone gives it a major tactical economic advantage. Next, the climate is moderate - making it perfect for agriculture. Massive land + temperate climate = thriving agricultural industry. Next, the entire western border of the state borders the pacific ocean - giving it the advantage of a fishing industry, ports for shipping, and of course - tourism (people love an ocean beach). Finally, it has Hollywood. An industry which produces between $50 and $100 billion per year.

Add all that up, and it's an absolute embarrassment that California is the sixth largest economy in the world (with businesses fleeing). If I ran California, the economy would more than double all other 49 states combined.

Only a leftist could lower the bar and brag about failure 🤦‍♂️
If I ran California, it would be the #1 economy in the world. Above the rest of the United States.
Thank goodness you don’t. We have what’s called a democracy. You’d make California a third world country in your quest for immediate profits. The smog would return and the profit no matter what the cost, drove conservatives out after Reagan pulled the same shit.

i laugh at the reasons behind the homelessness complaints avec California. It follows large cities and moderate climates where litterally, people camp out year round. Backwards Alaska with its high crime rates still has only 2000 homeless, because they will die from exposure.
California is an absolute embarrassment to the United States. A filth-hole filled with crime, drugs, sexual assault, illegal aliens, and devastating debt. But even by their horrific standards, this is a new low. Their state government is actually making it a misdemeanor to infect people with a deadly virus on purpose. This state always did promote promiscuity. I guess they don’t want the law to get in the way of that agenda?

Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California
Los Angeles has become a third world city. you have foreigners selling all kinds of crap in the city streets. many without permits of any kind. these people do not follow the rule of law and they fight the police and city health inspectors. a lot of these people are illegal aliens and yet they scream that they have their rights and that they know their rights.
Los Angeles has become a third world city. you have foreigners selling all kinds of crap in the city streets. many without permits of any kind. these people do not follow the rule of law and they fight the police and city health inspectors. a lot of these people are illegal aliens and yet they scream that they have their rights and that they know their rights.
Bullshit. Los Angeles ranks as 18 safest city in the world.
The ten worst states are mostly red states. Listening to Fix News bullshit again.
Thank goodness you don’t.
See? They actually desire lowering the bar and failure 🤦‍♂️
We have what’s called a democracy.
We know. We have to explain that to you fascists, daily.
You’d make California a third world country in your quest for immediate profits. The smog would return and the profit no matter what the cost, drove conservatives out after Reagan pulled the same shit.
Profits drove conservatives out? :lmao:
i laugh at the reasons behind the homelessness complaints avec California. It follows large cities and moderate climates where litterally, people camp out year round. Backwards Alaska with its high crime rates still has only 2000 homeless, because they will die from exposure.
Bwahahaha!!! You literally just proved that you make shit up. If 2,000 people are surviving homeless in Alaska, then clearly “exposure” isn’t a problem.
i laugh at the reasons behind the homelessness complaints avec California. It follows large cities and moderate climates where litterally, people camp out year round.
And we laugh at you. Snowflake, California had “large cities” and “moderate climates” in the 1950’s. And yet there was no homeless crisis.

Do you see how stupid you are? You start with the conclusion (your leftist ideology) then work backwards trying to find shit to justify it. But you lack the common sense to think it through before commenting.

The only thing that has changed in California is the amount of liberalism (ie failed ideology) implemented in their public policy.
  • In the 1950’s, Democrats weren’t telling foreigners to invade the United States and promising to commit felonies by offering “sanctuary” to them
  • In the 1950’s, Democrats weren’t telling citizens to riot, loot, and assault people, while telling law enforcement to stand down and allow all of it
  • In the 1950’s, Democrats weren’t demonizing corporations and crafting policy to punish them
All of that impacts the economy negatively in a massive way. Massive. Trillions of dollars in failed, ignorant, left-wing nonsense right there alone.
Bullshit. Los Angeles ranks as 18 safest city in the world.
At least you prefaced your lie with “bullshit” :laugh:

Ass clown, why do you lie 24x7? What do you hope to achieve by lying? “In the world”?? Really? It’s not even Top 100 safest in the United States.

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