California Education Goes Full Retard

Hey Joe why don't you explain the process for getting curricula approved in a school district. Go

Massively bureaucratic and stupid. Textbook companies print books that would sell in Texas because that's the biggest market, which is why Science texts don't explain evolution properly.. because Darwin made Baby Jesus Cry.

Look, we've already established that any industry that would employ you would have to be massively fucked up.

One of the few conservative ideas that kind of sort of appeals to me would be to privatize education with vouchers... if I didn't know that they would just find ways to loot that money, too.
Hey Joe why don't you explain the process for getting curricula approved in a school district. Go

Massively bureaucratic and stupid. Textbook companies print books that would sell in Texas because that's the biggest market, which is why Science texts don't explain evolution properly.. because Darwin made Baby Jesus Cry.

Look, we've already established that any industry that would employ you would have to be massively fucked up.

One of the few conservative ideas that kind of sort of appeals to me would be to privatize education with vouchers... if I didn't know that they would just find ways to loot that money, too.

Look, we've already established that any industry that would employ you would have to be massively fucked up.

You're not having a very successful, happy life, are you?
What makes you think I'm not happy with teaching?

That you spend so much time here bitching about it.

I think this is more evidence of your deeply flawed perception problem Joe. This is a serious question. Do you have brain damage?

You think I "hate gays" on no evidence.

You think I "hate Mexicans" on no evidence.

You think every single conservative is racist when you yourself are racist.

You believe I am terrible at my job or hate it when I in fact come here to passionately defend teaching and learning.

THis is the truth: if you were a student we would be very concerned about the information presented to you and WHAT COMES OUT. We would call that at the very least a processing problem. Are you doing this on purpose to be an ass or do you have a problem?
Who said we were limiting this conversation to elementary textbooks, for pity's sake? They're not the ones who typically have the expensive textbooks. What are you talking about???

Again, trying to follow your crazy conversations are a bit of a waste, anyway... Not sure where these $60.00 textbooks are. If they are in college, you can find a used one cheaper on Amazon...

How is that indoctrination?

Despite your OPINION of them, they did great things in history. Your self-loathing apologistic whining aside.

They also did awful things... This country was built on slavery and genocide. Admitting that is actually a good thing.

Maybe we shouldn't do the Disney Version of history.

Slavery maybe, and only partially. Slavery at the time wasn't the widespread industry it was after the cotton gin was invented.

Genocide no. The Natives were exploited, like any culture being overtaken by either a more technologically proficient or more ruthless culture is overtaken.

But one also has to admit that the slaves were mostly captured by their own people, just different tribes, and sold to europeans. Singling out one part of the equation shows your agenda and bias.

And the Natives were just as capable of exploiting other tribes if given the chance. The "noble savage" trope is a perfect example of patronizing often done by progressives.
What makes you think I'm not happy with teaching?

That you spend so much time here bitching about it.

I think this is more evidence of your deeply flawed perception problem Joe. This is a serious question. Do you have brain damage?

You think I "hate gays" on no evidence.

You think I "hate Mexicans" on no evidence.

You think every single conservative is racist when you yourself are racist.

You believe I am terrible at my job or hate it when I in fact come here to passionately defend teaching and learning.

THis is the truth: if you were a student we would be very concerned about the information presented to you and WHAT COMES OUT. We would call that at the very least a processing problem. Are you doing this on purpose to be an ass or do you have a problem?

Joe is a miserable tired old fart, who thinks everyone should be JUST LIKE HIM.

He will make the world a better place when he is 6 feet under it.
I think this is more evidence of your deeply flawed perception problem Joe. This is a serious question. Do you have brain damage?

You think I "hate gays" on no evidence.

You mean other than your support of religious crazy?

You think I "hate Mexicans" on no evidence.

You mean other than your blind support of Trump's concentration camps?

You believe I am terrible at my job or hate it when I in fact come here to passionately defend teaching and learning.

I think your whole industry sucks at its job... which works well for me, as my business depends on you doing yours so badly.

THis is the truth: if you were a student we would be very concerned about the information presented to you and WHAT COMES OUT. We would call that at the very least a processing problem. Are you doing this on purpose to be an ass or do you have a problem?

Here's the truth... you fuckwads look at any kid who causes you to actually do your job with 'Let's pump that kid up with Ritalin!"

Then they come out as Zombies who just get passed k-12.
and here comes Marty checking his privilege!

Slavery maybe, and only partially. Slavery at the time wasn't the widespread industry it was after the cotton gin was invented.

20% of the population was enslaved in 1776... Uh, yeah, it was kind of a big deal. Why do you think the Founders spent so much time on the subject?

Genocide no. The Natives were exploited, like any culture being overtaken by either a more technologically proficient or more ruthless culture is overtaken.

Nope, the killing off of their food sources (the slaughter of the Bison), seizure of their land and crowding them into reservations WAS genocide. Today, it would be considered a war crime, as bad as anything the Nazis did.

But one also has to admit that the slaves were mostly captured by their own people, just different tribes, and sold to europeans. Singling out one part of the equation shows your agenda and bias.

Ah, the White Racist dodge. Slavery was okay because there were some black folks involved in it. That's kind of like saying the Holocaust was okay because some Jews participated in it.

And the Natives were just as capable of exploiting other tribes if given the chance. The "noble savage" trope is a perfect example of patronizing often done by progressives.

Again, they didn't engage in wholesale genocide, that was the point.
and here comes Marty checking his privilege!

Slavery maybe, and only partially. Slavery at the time wasn't the widespread industry it was after the cotton gin was invented.

20% of the population was enslaved in 1776... Uh, yeah, it was kind of a big deal. Why do you think the Founders spent so much time on the subject?

Genocide no. The Natives were exploited, like any culture being overtaken by either a more technologically proficient or more ruthless culture is overtaken.

Nope, the killing off of their food sources (the slaughter of the Bison), seizure of their land and crowding them into reservations WAS genocide. Today, it would be considered a war crime, as bad as anything the Nazis did.

But one also has to admit that the slaves were mostly captured by their own people, just different tribes, and sold to europeans. Singling out one part of the equation shows your agenda and bias.

Ah, the White Racist dodge. Slavery was okay because there were some black folks involved in it. That's kind of like saying the Holocaust was okay because some Jews participated in it.

And the Natives were just as capable of exploiting other tribes if given the chance. The "noble savage" trope is a perfect example of patronizing often done by progressives.

Again, they didn't engage in wholesale genocide, that was the point.

Take your privilege bullshit and cram it up your ass. It's nothing more than an attempt to de-legitimize a position without having to counter it.

No, it was exploitation. The goal wasn't to kill them, it was to get meat, get fur and get the bison out of the fucking way.

Not genocide. Words mean things.

Slavery was OK at the time. Things change. Trying to impose our moral retroactively for political game is stupid.

No, they would just slaughter all the men in another tribe, and cart off the women. To the men in question, concepts of genocide don't mean much.
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I think this is more evidence of your deeply flawed perception problem Joe. This is a serious question. Do you have brain damage?

You think I "hate gays" on no evidence.

You mean other than your support of religious crazy?

You think I "hate Mexicans" on no evidence.

You mean other than your blind support of Trump's concentration camps?

You believe I am terrible at my job or hate it when I in fact come here to passionately defend teaching and learning.

I think your whole industry sucks at its job... which works well for me, as my business depends on you doing yours so badly.

THis is the truth: if you were a student we would be very concerned about the information presented to you and WHAT COMES OUT. We would call that at the very least a processing problem. Are you doing this on purpose to be an ass or do you have a problem?

Here's the truth... you fuckwads look at any kid who causes you to actually do your job with 'Let's pump that kid up with Ritalin!"

Then they come out as Zombies who just get passed k-12.

Okay something is wrong with you then. Noted
Take your privilege bullshit and cram it up your ass. It's nothing more than an attempt to de-legitimize a position without having to counter it.

No, it was exploitation. The goal wasn't to kill them, it was to get meat, get fur and get the bison out of the fucking way.

No, the purpose was to kill the bison so that the Plains Indian would be denied a food source. They just killed them en masse for no purpose.

Slavery was OK at the time.

Slavery was never "okay". I'm sorry you don't get this.

Again, Check your privilege buddy.

No, they would just slaughter all the men in another tribe, and cart off the women. To the men in question, concepts of genocide don't mean much.

There's a difference between war and genocide, buddy... I'm sorry you are too dumb to understand it.
Take your privilege bullshit and cram it up your ass. It's nothing more than an attempt to de-legitimize a position without having to counter it.

No, it was exploitation. The goal wasn't to kill them, it was to get meat, get fur and get the bison out of the fucking way.

No, the purpose was to kill the bison so that the Plains Indian would be denied a food source. They just killed them en masse for no purpose.

Slavery was OK at the time.

Slavery was never "okay". I'm sorry you don't get this.

Again, Check your privilege buddy.

No, they would just slaughter all the men in another tribe, and cart off the women. To the men in question, concepts of genocide don't mean much.

There's a difference between war and genocide, buddy... I'm sorry you are too dumb to understand it.
No, the purpose was to kill the bison so that the Plains Indian would be denied a food source. They just killed them en masse for no purpose.
I'm pretty sure it was the railroads that encouraged the wholesale slaughter of the bison. The bison were in the way of the railroads.
No, the purpose was to kill the bison so that the Plains Indian would be denied a food source. They just killed them en masse for no purpose.
I'm pretty sure it was the railroads that encouraged the wholesale slaughter of the bison. The bison were in the way of the railroads.

You can be sure of that... but it's simply not true.

'Kill Every Buffalo You Can! Every Buffalo Dead Is an Indian Gone'

Then again, a buffalo is a lumbering, hirsute cow, and the men were outfitted with some of the quickest horses and held the best guns owned by the U.S. Army, which was outfitting the hunting expedition. The Army wasn’t in the business of guiding hunting trips for soft-skinned Wall Streeters, but it was in the business of controlling the Native Americans in the area, and that meant killing buffalo. One colonel, four years earlier, had told a wealthy hunter who felt a shiver of guilt after he shot 30 bulls in one trip: "Kill every buffalo you can! Every buffalo dead is an Indian gone.”

The reason for such extravagance was undoubtedly because the New Yorkers were well-connected, but also because Major-General Phillip Sheridan, the man with the task of forcing Native Americans off the Great Plains and onto reservations, had come along with them. This was a leisure hunt, but Sheridan also viewed the extermination of buffalo and his victory over the Native Americans as a single, inextricable mission––and in that sense, it could be argued that any buffalo hunt was Army business. After the men circled the herd, they charged down the hill, chasing after the six buffalo, eager for the first kill.

Many things contributed to the buffalos demise. One factor was that for a long time, the country’s highest generals, politicians, even then President Ulysses S. Grant saw the destruction of buffalo as solution to the country’s “Indian Problem.”

Before Sheridan joined Cody and the New Yorkers on the hunt, and before he oversaw the relocation of Native Americans on the plains, he was a major-general for the Union during the Civil War. It was there he learned the power of destroying enemy resources. He’d used the same scorched-earth strategy that William Tecumseh Sherman, then a major-general, used in his March to the Sea, tearing up railroad ties, toppling telegraph poles, and lighting nearly all of Atlanta and anything an infantryman could digest ablaze. After the war, President Grant asked Sherman and Sheridan to command armies in the Great Plains.

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