California Dems: Ya Know, Thinning Forests Is a Pretty Good Idea


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Yes, the same Leftards who were fining and jailing people for clearing dead wood from their property.

Conservatives have been trying to get more balanced policies in place going back to having Jerry Brown as governor in California. There's a familiar name for you. He's the familiar name since the late 70s and 80s. Brown got re-elected as governor again in 2011 and served until 2018. It is his policies that we are seeing in place now. He was followed by Gavin Newsom who CONTINUES to spout the same liberal rhetoric of AGW as the fires burn. You could not have a better Nero as he fiddles while Rome burns.
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Mother Nature has already made the decision for them..............AGW.........massive fires ............yeah they really are saving the planet.........

Oh well.............
I don't about Oregon and Washington exactly, but here's a list of fires as of today in California -- Welcome to Daily Wildfire Report.

The latest is:

" Wildfire is threatening parts of the San Francisco Bay Area, the forested region near the University of California at Santa Cruz and a wide swath of the area between San Francisco and the state capital of Sacramento.

On Saturday, President Donald Trump declared the fires to be a major disaster, the White House said. The declaration, which allows federal funds to be used to help people and businesses harmed by the fires in seven counties to pay for temporary housing, home repairs and other needs, came despite a threat from Trump earlier this week to withold aid from California.

Nearly 14,000 firefighters have been deployed to the blazes, but containment of the largest ones remains low and the state has requested additional support from other states and local jurisdictions in California, CalFire said Saturday.

“They’re scrambling for bodies” to help fight the fires, said Jay Tracy, a fire marshal with the city of Fresno who was deployed as a spokesman for the LNU fire complex, which had burned 314,000 acres in five counties, including some of the state’s storied wine country and communities between San Francisco and Sacramento.

Firefighters have improved containment of the southern edge of that fire, but winds are expected to push it northwest toward the wine country towns of Healdsburg and Guernville, he said."


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