Calamity Kamala Is An International Laughingstock

What a bunch of babbling bullshit and stupidity.

Think of all the time and effort you wasted on this stupid post to cry about the border.

Waaaaa !
Waaaaaaaaaa !!
The border the border ! Who gives a fuck about the stupid border, it is a non-issue.

I care about Biden crushing covid (which trump failed to do), getting the economy booming again (because covid is gone), and focusing our economy on tech and growth to keep it booming (Trump never had 3% growth annually and focused too much on low skill, low wage manufacturing that produced low growth).

Trump was a failed president with failed results and low growth slow economy. Biden is winning and America is booming, jobs are flowing and GDP is booming.

Enjoy the Biden Boom.
Trump did all the hard work with Covid.
All Biden did was ride in on his white horse and take all the credit.
Only right-wingers are being drama queens about it. Show us the express Immigration clause to be legal to right-wingers. Be legal to express Constitutional law not merely be practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) upon the less fortunate.
The administration has done a great job of hiding Kamala Harris from public view. If she’s out of sight, her negatives aren’t so obvious.
Trump did all the hard work with Covid.
All Biden did was ride in on his white horse and take all the credit.
Yeah, nobody but the former president could have let it run as free without any repercussions.
Again this comes up....

Biden will never be an international laughing stock compared to Trump....

This is a basic fact, US Ally leaders didn't want to be near him... International Conferences was a short straw on who got baby sitting duty...

The Leaders laughed at him:

They laughed at him at the UN... They left him out of G20 meetings when shit needed to be done...

Problem was Trump was a complete intellectual lightweight only to be matched by his ignorance of the topics... He was an embarrassment to US and this is all projection from the Trumpsters to hide the unqualified mess he was...
Only right-wingers are being drama queens about it. Show us the express Immigration clause to be legal to right-wingers. Be legal to express Constitutional law not merely be practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) upon the less fortunate.
I haven't heard any good Danielpalos "gibberish" in like a week, Daniel! Good to know you're still alive and posting your usual crapola!
You still have my vote for Board Idiot, Little Buddy! :)
What a bunch of babbling bullshit and stupidity.

Think of all the time and effort you wasted on this stupid post to cry about the border.

Waaaaa !
Waaaaaaaaaa !!
The border the border ! Who gives a fuck about the stupid border, it is a non-issue.

I care about Biden crushing covid (which trump failed to do), getting the economy booming again (because covid is gone), and focusing our economy on tech and growth to keep it booming (Trump never had 3% growth annually and focused too much on low skill, low wage manufacturing that produced low growth).

Trump was a failed president with failed results and low growth slow economy. Biden is winning and America is booming, jobs are flowing and GDP is booming.

Enjoy the Biden Boom.
The Biden Boom?



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What a bunch of babbling bullshit and stupidity.

Think of all the time and effort you wasted on this stupid post to cry about the border.

Waaaaa !
Waaaaaaaaaa !!
The border the border ! Who gives a fuck about the stupid border, it is a non-issue.

I care about Biden crushing covid (which trump failed to do), getting the economy booming again (because covid is gone), and focusing our economy on tech and growth to keep it booming (Trump never had 3% growth annually and focused too much on low skill, low wage manufacturing that produced low growth).

Trump was a failed president with failed results and low growth slow economy. Biden is winning and America is booming, jobs are flowing and GDP is booming.

Enjoy the Biden Boom.
How do you feel now. Biden has far more Covid deaths than Trump despite there are now proven treatments. Well over a million illegal aliens have flooded over the border in the ten months of Biden’s presidency. Inflation is rampant, people are refusing to work at jobs starting at fifteen bucks an hour. Biden’s approval numbers are in the mid thirties.
There is no debating dumb fucks that believe Pizzagate, QANON, Inject Bleach, We're rounding the curve!, The election was stolen! trial by Combat!

You retards will believe any lie you are fed by Trump or Fox news.

There is no debating that kind of stupid, all you can do is smack them around like a little whore, and that is what i do.

Enjoy the Biden Boom, how was that Trump GDP btw, oh yea weak and low just like Obama's. Facts crush trumpers:

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I haven’t seen people advocating for trial by combat. But now that you mention it, I wouldn’t mind being able to force blowhards like you to back up their insults with blood.
You don't know much about Willie Brown do you? He was investigated by the Feds for corruption. He was notorious for awarding high paying government positions to his friends. What did he give Kamala? He appointed her to the California Medical Assistance Commission at a cool $72,000 a year and to the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board at an even cooler $97,000 a year. Not bad for a couple of part time jobs.
He also went into local public service dirt poor and came out filthy rich. Not bad for someone who never held a federal office and represented poor areas like Oakland. Brown was always known by Californians are corrupt.
Yeah, but the rich white boys who got into college on a "legacy" admission, and who only got the job because his Dad is owns the bank, he's a real winner, now isn't he? I mean Donald Trump is that guy!!! Failed at everything and was a total crook, but because his Daddy was a billionaire, he never really had to work a day in his life, and he bought his way out of every legal jam, and 7 bankrtuptcies, until he was elected President by gullible Republicans.
You and your legacy admissions and jobs. You are talking about one percent of one percent of one percent of people. And when that legacy person flubs the job he’s fired just like anyone else. A Board of Directors isn’t going to let the founder’s son run the company into the ground and them into poverty,
Yeah, but the rich white boys who got into college on a "legacy" admission, and who only got the job because his Dad is owns the bank, he's a real winner, now isn't he? I mean Donald Trump is that guy!!! Failed at everything and was a total crook, but because his Daddy was a billionaire, he never really had to work a day in his life, and he bought his way out of every legal jam, and 7 bankrtuptcies, until he was elected President by gullible Republicans.
What you ignore is that Trump made billions for his investors. The only people that don’t fail occasionally are the ones like you that sit on their asses and criticize others rather than doing.

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