Calafornia new gun law to be on a ballot in 2016


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2012
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it
New York had an instant background check requirement for ammo, but the Governor of New York (Cuomo) suspended it because the background check database was too incomplete.

The guy who is trying to get the ammo measure on the California ballot is Lt. Governor Newsom. He plans on running for Governor in 2018.

There's a lot more than an instant background check for ammo in his measure:

It would ban the possession of large-capacity magazines – more than 10 rounds – and require anyone who currently has them to sell to a licensed firearm dealer, transfer them out of state or relinquish them to law enforcement to be disposed of.

The pending measure also would force those selling ammunition to be licensed like firearm dealers and require the purchasers to go through a background check. It would establish a process to recover guns from people prohibited from owning them because of their criminal record; mandate individuals whose guns were lost or stolen to report to law enforcement; and compel the state Department of Justice to notify the federal government when someone is added to the database of people barred from buying or owning a firearm.
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

Oh, it will go to court, just like all those other California props.
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

More harassment of lawful gun owners in the misguided attempt to "fix something".
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

Yes….mass shooters will get a background check for their ammo…and then murder people.

Criminals will use straw buyers to buy ammo, and they will steal ammo……it will take a criminal less time to get ammo than it will for normal citizens….

Why are you guys so freaking stupid?
Okay…..please explain how either of these will reduce gun crime or mass shootings.
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

Oh, it will go to court, just like all those other California props.
I'm sure it will pass with no problems at all in the supreme court ... just like the laws that were passed for back ground checks for you to buy a guy ... they supreme court ruled that's its ok for the citizen to buy a gun if they can prove they are a felon ... so your thought that the Idea of making them pass a back ground check for bullets the actual thing that does the killing of people, as Arnold would say about their bill passing the supreme court, if it gets that far, NO problimo
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

but whatever sane voters are left in California by then can. Indeed, if your pipe dreams get voted down, who are you going to blame then? I know I'll be you, not with you.
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

Oh, it will go to court, just like all those other California props.
I'm sure it will pass with no problems at all in the supreme court ... just like the laws that were passed for back ground checks for you to buy a guy ... they supreme court ruled that's its ok for the citizen to buy a gun if they can prove they are a felon ... so your thought that the Idea of making them pass a back ground check for bullets the actual thing that does the killing of people, as Arnold would say about their bill passing the supreme court, if it gets that far, NO problimo

And those laws about background checks… many mass shooters did they stop?

How many criminals didn't get guns because of background checks?

Why is it you take great pride in passing laws that don't do anything to stop the activity you want the law to stop?
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

More harassment of lawful gun owners in the misguided attempt to "fix something".
how is that harassment ??? once you have been checked you're on file... once you're on file all you have to do is give you ID and you have your bullets ... so how is that harassment making sure you are not a criminal buying bullets
This will give criminals more incentive to rob people. Californians have to be some of the dumbest people on Earth.
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

More harassment of lawful gun owners in the misguided attempt to "fix something".
how is that harassment ??? once you have been checked you're on file... once you're on file all you have to do is give you ID and you have your bullets ... so how is that harassment making sure you are not a criminal buying bullets

Because you twats won't stop at that, soon there will be waiting period proposals, grain limits on bullets, and all sorts of crap you fools come up with.

We. Don't. Trust. You.

Ni shagu nazad!
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

but whatever sane voters are left in California by then can. Indeed, if your pipe dreams get voted down, who are you going to blame then? I know I'll be you, not with you.
not blaming anyone ....what I'm saying is this is the pathway for all states to do ... have your voters decide not some politician whose bought out by the gun lobby ... we are taking the politician totally out of the mix and putting it to the voter... if the voters say no we don't want this law, fine then the voter has spoke ... but if it does pass then the voter has spoke and theirs nothing you can say or do to stop it after all back ground check are allow by law by the supreme court
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

Ah more gun control idiocy from the left. And when criminals buy their guns and their bullets out of state?
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

but whatever sane voters are left in California by then can. Indeed, if your pipe dreams get voted down, who are you going to blame then? I know I'll be you, not with you.
not blaming anyone ....what I'm saying is this is the pathway for all states to do ... have your voters decide not some politician whose bought out by the gun lobby ... we are taking the politician totally out of the mix and putting it to the voter... if the voters say no we don't want this law, fine then the voter has spoke ... but if it does pass then the voter has spoke and theirs nothing you can say or do to stop it after all back ground check are allow by law by the supreme court

At the end of the day the gun control lobby can suck on the 2nd amendment.
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

More harassment of lawful gun owners in the misguided attempt to "fix something".
how is that harassment ??? once you have been checked you're on file... once you're on file all you have to do is give you ID and you have your bullets ... so how is that harassment making sure you are not a criminal buying bullets

once you have been checked you're on file

odd, every time I buy a gun, I have to do a new background check.

Owner of 3 stores that sell firearms know me by sight, and know that I'll have no problem passing a check, but I still have to do the paperwork

... once you're on file all you have to do is give you ID and you have your bullets ...

and if I've been arrested, served time since my name was put on file, will they still sell me ammo, even tho I am now a felon?
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

Yes….mass shooters will get a background check for their ammo…and then murder people.

Criminals will use straw buyers to buy ammo, and they will steal ammo……it will take a criminal less time to get ammo than it will for normal citizens….

Why are you guys so freaking stupid?
the law say just like a gun if you are found with bullets and you are a crook you go to jail ... these straw buyers in california will go to jail for selling bullets too that's the way the law is written ... so you can say what you want, they are makeinfg people who have legal weapons that they have to be responsiblefor their guns and their bullets... its that simple
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

Yes….mass shooters will get a background check for their ammo…and then murder people.

Criminals will use straw buyers to buy ammo, and they will steal ammo……it will take a criminal less time to get ammo than it will for normal citizens….

Why are you guys so freaking stupid?
the way the law is written if you have crazy in your back ground you don't get bullets
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

Ah more gun control idiocy from the left. And when criminals buy their guns and their bullets out of state?

Don't confuse a good pipe dream with pesky details!
California is putting on their ballot in the 2016 election to all citizens of California ... If you want to buy bullets for your gun you have to have a back ground check ... what a better way to slow don't how crooks get their bullets ... yes they will get them but all bullets will be tagged so if somebody buys them for you and that crook is caught with your bullets then you are charged with a felony too... if your bullets are stolen then you have to report them just like you have to report a stolen gun ... couldn't find a better way to slow down these killing around the country

the gun lobby can't do a thing about it

I think you are full of shit. But I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself. All you have to do is post a link to the proposed law.

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