Cain Reassessing His Campaign

At least Cain will bow out like a man, like Nixon did, vs. hanging around and professing innocence like that POS Bill Clinton did/still does.
]I still don't understand why he was torpedoed[/B]. Cain was a Federal Reserve insider and would have been a good tool for them, the Globalists, to use as President.

I can only guess that in this age of the Internet it's much harder to keep those things quiet as was done with Clinton.

He was a black Republican. That will not be tolerated by the black left in this nation.

More of an embarrassment to the black left or right.
Here is the rights defense. CLINTON! No matter what the right does, they always and only go back to Clinton. Here is a thought. Take and own responsibility for your own party.

Good luck Mr. Cain. More importantly, good luck Mrs. Cain.
Here is the rights defense. CLINTON! No matter what the right does, they always and only go back to Clinton. Here is a thought. Take and own responsibility for your own party.

Good luck Mr. Cain. More importantly, good luck Mrs. Cain.

It's a matter on record.. you dumbasses voted bubba into office TWICE and now you profess to be outraged by the "alledged" gropings of a black Republican.. shades of Clarence Thomas.. wassamatter? they ain't the right shade of black to suit ewe?
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It's a sad day for America. The leftist attack dogs knocked this man down, when he had the economic background, genius and PLAN to make America the Economic leader for decades to come!

9-9-9 was a threat to the lefts socialist takeover. The Chilean plan was a threat to the Left's big government ideology. The Drill in CO, off-shore, deep-sea and in ANWR was too much of a threat to the leftist environazis. Lastly a black conservative was a threat to the left as a whole!
OH, yeah! The left made him grope women. :rofl:

There has been NO evidence put forth.... all we have is hearsay, and thats it!

What a shame....

It begs to ask.... Why is it that a self admitted cocaine user has 0 scandalous affairs with any other women, other than Moochelle, come up in the last sveral years..... None at all :doubt:

Oh wait.... because he didnt chase girls :eusa_shhh:

You lefties are disgraceful, and you on the right have gone along with the conviction of him in the court of public opinion..... shame on all of you!

I still have an open mind about Newt, Perry, and Bauchmann... oh and even Romney.

I have made no endorsements... Yes, so far I love Herman Cains ideas, but with all the hearsay bullshit, he has little time to talk policy. Its all been about a bunch of broke ass women who have no proof.

Shame on you all.... :wtf:
It's a sad day for America. The leftist attack dogs knocked this man down, when he had the economic background, genius and PLAN to make America the Economic leader for decades to come!

9-9-9 was a threat to the lefts socialist takeover. The Chilean plan was a threat to the Left's big government ideology. The Drill in CO, off-shore, deep-sea and in ANWR was too much of a threat to the leftist environazis. Lastly a black conservative was a threat to the left as a whole!
OH, yeah! The left made him grope women. :rofl:

I'll bet your very large ass voted for Clinton twice. you suck and blow all at the same time.

except clinton was accused of one affair during the 1992 primaries, which both clinton and the woman denied......

and accused by only one person during the 1996 election, which was later settled out of court in 1998......

not quite the same as the 5 accusers against cain during this primary......
"Don't blame Wall Street, don't blame the big banks, if you don't have a mistress and you're not rich, blame yourself."

I purposely did not read any posts in this thread. I wonder how long it will take before they mention Clinton.

Pfft... that's not very surprising, seeing as how they seem to be in some kind of competition to see who can molest women and cheat on their wife the most.

Speaking of that, how is Newt doing in the polls? Is he being supported and if so, by who?

Here's a thought... "find me a CLEAN politician."

The difference between Cain and Gingrich is that Gingrich has already had all his dirty laundry aired out and owned up to it. Cain is just starting to get a taste of the character assassination game Washington loves to play, and he started out playing the game LYING about it, DENYING it, still is. His goose is cooked.

Course so was Slick Willy's, but he didn't have enough fucking class after he was IMPEACHED to get his filthy ass out of the White House.
My guess is he'll be taking the next few days to compose his bow-out speech.

i bet he plays the race card, the media card, the left wing conspiracy card and every card except the personal responsibility card.......

maybe there can be a poll letting people guess who he will blame.........
I bet he does, too. It would be kind of cool to know just how many women he's groped or had affairs with.

So did you feel that way about Slick Willy or do you only care when Republicans do it? And BTW, the evidence against Slick was a lot more compelling. Are you outraged about Kathleen Wiley, a Democratic activist, or is that different?
Here is the rights defense. CLINTON! No matter what the right does, they always and only go back to Clinton. Here is a thought. Take and own responsibility for your own party.

Good luck Mr. Cain. More importantly, good luck Mrs. Cain.

It's a matter on record.. you dumbasses voted bubba into office TWICE and now you profess to be outraged by the "alledged" gropings of a black Republican.. shades of Clarence Thomas.. wassamatter? they ain't the right shade of black to suit ewe?

there was only one accusation of groping of clinton during an election and that was in 1996, with conflicting testimony offered by a state trooper who was an eye witness to her behavior after the "alleged" groping occured.......

again, not the same as the 5 accusers during this primary........
I'll bet your very large ass voted for Clinton twice. you suck and blow all at the same time.

Thank you, for that very meaningful, insightful, and intelligent contribution to the discussion.

P.S. Thanks for the neg, I love it when you do that. I shows me just how pathetic you are. :lol:
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Here is the rights defense. CLINTON! No matter what the right does, they always and only go back to Clinton. Here is a thought. Take and own responsibility for your own party.

Good luck Mr. Cain. More importantly, good luck Mrs. Cain.

It's a matter on record.. you dumbasses voted bubba into office TWICE and now you profess to be outraged by the "alledged" gropings of a black Republican.. shades of Clarence Thomas.. wassamatter? they ain't the right shade of black to suit ewe?

Clarence Thomas is a disgrace, but I will attempt to stay on point. YOu?

Please try to have some party affiliated responsibility in this case and stay on point. This is about Cain "financially supporting" this woman for 13 years and having 4am texts. This is not about Clinton, the left or even Clarance Thomas, this is about Cain.

Stay focused if you think you can.
i bet he plays the race card, the media card, the left wing conspiracy card and every card except the personal responsibility card.......

maybe there can be a poll letting people guess who he will blame.........
I bet he does, too. It would be kind of cool to know just how many women he's groped or had affairs with.

So did you feel that way about Slick Willy or do you only care when Republicans do it? And BTW, the evidence against Slick was a lot more compelling. Are you outraged about Kathleen Wiley, a Democratic activist, or is that different?

what evidence was more compelling against clinton prior to the 1996 election?

and what exactly about willeys testimony was compelling?

here, let us know which part of this you find compelling.....

Kathleen Willey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
OH, yeah! The left made him grope women. :rofl:

I'll bet your very large ass voted for Clinton twice. you suck and blow all at the same time.

except clinton was accused of one affair during the 1992 primaries, which both clinton and the woman denied......

and accused by only one person during the 1996 election, which was later settled out of court in 1998......

not quite the same as the 5 accusers against cain during this primary......

Um...Kathleen Wiley, Juanita Broderic and a string of others who had "affairs." This is your standard. For a Republican accusation is guilt. For Democrats, prove in in a court.

With Paula Jones BTW, they only ruled against her based on the statute of limitations, not the merits of the case.
OH, yeah! The left made him grope women. :rofl:

I'll bet your very large ass voted for Clinton twice. you suck and blow all at the same time.

except clinton was accused of one affair during the 1992 primaries, which both clinton and the woman denied......

and accused by only one person during the 1996 election, which was later settled out of court in 1998......

not quite the same as the 5 accusers against cain during this primary......

I bet he does, too. It would be kind of cool to know just how many women he's groped or had affairs with.

So did you feel that way about Slick Willy or do you only care when Republicans do it? And BTW, the evidence against Slick was a lot more compelling. Are you outraged about Kathleen Wiley, a Democratic activist, or is that different?

what evidence was more compelling against clinton prior to the 1996 election?

and what exactly about willeys testimony was compelling?

here, let us know which part of this you find compelling.....

Kathleen Willey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Typical liberal flagrant hypocrisy. For Cain they are just accusations, but you say it as if it's true. Willey was a...hello...DEMOCRATIC activist. But that's not compelling. You're a Democrat stooge.
Here is the rights defense. CLINTON! No matter what the right does, they always and only go back to Clinton. Here is a thought. Take and own responsibility for your own party.

Good luck Mr. Cain. More importantly, good luck Mrs. Cain.

It's a matter on record.. you dumbasses voted bubba into office TWICE and now you profess to be outraged by the "alledged" gropings of a black Republican.. shades of Clarence Thomas.. wassamatter? they ain't the right shade of black to suit ewe?

Clarence Thomas is a disgrace, but I will attempt to stay on point. YOu?

Please try to have some party affiliated responsibility in this case and stay on point. This is about Cain "financially supporting" this woman for 13 years and having 4am texts. This is not about Clinton, the left or even Clarance Thomas, this is about Cain.

Stay focused if you think you can.

No, this is about your hypocrisy and double standard.

Wiggle out of that one smart guy.
So did you feel that way about Slick Willy or do you only care when Republicans do it? And BTW, the evidence against Slick was a lot more compelling. Are you outraged about Kathleen Wiley, a Democratic activist, or is that different?

what evidence was more compelling against clinton prior to the 1996 election?

and what exactly about willeys testimony was compelling?

here, let us know which part of this you find compelling.....

Kathleen Willey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Typical liberal flagrant hypocrisy. For Cain they are just accusations, but you say it as if it's true. Willey was a...hello...DEMOCRATIC activist. But that's not compelling. You're a Democrat stooge.

According to Willey, during a meeting in the private study of the Oval Office, Clinton had embraced her tightly, kissed her on the mouth. Clinton denied assaulting Willey. The Clinton White House released details of 15 letters and 12 telephone messages that Willey had sent to Clinton after the alleged incident. In all of these, she appeared friendly and eager for more contact with Clinton.

According to Linda Tripp’s grand jury testimony, she felt Willey pursued a romance with Clinton from the start of her White House affiliation. Willey had speculated with Tripp as to how she might be able to set up an assignation between herself and the president. She routinely attended events at which Clinton would be present, wearing a black dress she believed he liked. According to Tripp’s testimony, she wondered if she and Clinton could arrange to meet in a home to which she had access, on the Chesapeake Bay.[2]

The Final Report of the U.S. Office of the Independent Counsel report noted that "Willey gave false information to the FBI about her sexual relationship with a former boyfriend, and acknowledged having lied about it when the agents confronted her with contradictory evidence. Following Willey’s acknowledgment of the lie, the Independent Counsel agreed not to prosecute her for false statements in this regard."[3] According to Independent Counsel Robert Ray’s report, "Willey’s [Paula] Jones deposition testimony differed from her grand jury testimony on material aspects of the alleged incident."[4]

compelling indeed.......

of course, anyone who exposes your ignorance must be a "Democrat stooge". its alot easier than admitting you were wrong........
I'll bet your very large ass voted for Clinton twice. you suck and blow all at the same time.

Thank you, for that very meaningful, insightful, and intelligent contribution to the discussion.

You loved it when the 18 year old bimbo from Kansas did it.. wasssamatter now? doyathink? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

well, by the yardstick of 18 year old bibmos form kansas, you are definately of equal measure........


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