Cain: 'If You Don't Have A Job And You're Not Rich, Blame Yourself'

How many right wingers on the USMB live off SS and Medicare or disability? 40%? 60%? More?

PEW says that 3,842% of USMB right-wingers live off SS and Medicare or disability.

Your attempts at being funny are so damn pitiful, give it up, you're no comedian dickweed.
I think I'm funny. You can't think at all. :lol:

Did you know your approval is neither sought nor required? True story!
Cain made his money on the backs and sweat of others!

You mean you didn't pay:

Your dry cleaner
Your daycare worker
Your waitress at IHOP
Your cashier at Krogers
Your pharmacist at CVS
Your salesman at the auto dealer
Your sandwich maker ar Subway
Your pimp after your nightly escapades
Etc, Etc, Etc....

You ungrateful little fucker, you...

I read that post.... who thinks this way? Seriously, who is so jaded, so twisted that they honestly believe that anyone who has five cents more than they, somehow got there by screwing his fellow man?
Lakhota, among others.

You know, idiots.
But I thought it was Obamas fault that people dont have jobs?

Only partially correct. It was Obama along with a long line of central planners and their buddies at the Fed that cause these boom and bust cycles and devaluation of the dollar. Unemployment is an inevitable byproduct of those meddling strategies.

Ahh I knew you would ditch the "personal responsibility" bullshit to blame Obama.
Obama has put barriers in front of people to make it harder for them to succeed, or even make the attempt.
Herman Cain, the new darling of the right, seems to think that the big banks and Wall St are beyond reproach when it comes to the poor economy and lack of jobs in the US. He also has a wild conspiracy theory that the Occupy Wall St protests are being staged by the left to draw attention away from Obama. On top of calling gays 'godless' in 2004, this latest gust of wind from the pizzaman-turned-presidential-candidate ought to solidify his standing among the far-right. Unfortunately, most Americans don't share his opinion that the big banks are good guys (not that he'll get the nomination).
The narcissistic little black man-child knows that if he flaps his gums with stupidity he will get the attention he craves.

Must you talk so ugly about our Dear Ruler, Obama?
Mr. Cain is absolutely correct. This is America where people are free to be as successful or unsuccessful as they want themselves to be.

Don't hate the rich and successful...for being what they are.

Instead, ask them how they got that way and copy it.
Yep. I tend to agree with what Cain says for the most part. Anyone who has the drive, determination and the will to succeed can do it. Hell. Its done every day.

Lets see, do you consider yourself hard working, if so are you rich? Why aren't you rich, lack of drive and determination on your part?

There are some folks who for mental or physical reasons will never make it on their own. Gotta tell ya though that I've seen some pretty amazin physically handicapped folks that have no problem making it on their own.

Because the exception should be the rule right? Depending on the handocap some can but this can't be said for all you dumbass.

As for the banks? They are partly to blame but I lay the major blame with the Clowns in DC. They write the regs, laws and are responsible for oversite. Apparantly there wasn't a whole lot of oversite going on hence the meltdown.

Thought you dumbass Republicans believe that too much oversight hurts business, make your facking mind up, you can't argue that government should have less oversight and then blame the government when big business fack up and abuse the system for not having enough oversight, where's the facking personal responsibility in this?

America has a whole generation of folks who think they are entitled. Folks who do not want to work for anything. They want it handed to them. WOW have we changed. From a go get em society of people who took care of themselves to one that has no problem taking anything the Govt want to give em. Of course its somebody elses hardearned money but they don't let that bother em on bit. Its easier to take something someone else earned than to actually work for a living and earn your own way.

Typical partisan horseshat, which America are you talking about with that party line bullshat? Of course everybody in America except for the Right-Wingistanis like yourself are all lazy facks that want hand outs.
Mr. Cain is absolutely correct. This is America where people are free to be as successful or unsuccessful as they want themselves to be.

Don't hate the rich and successful...for being what they are.

Instead, ask them how they got that way and copy it.

Thats why millions of working poor who work hard and put in lots of hours are just as successful and rich as the Bill Gates, those orking poor that work two sometimes even 3 jobs to make ends meet, those working poor that companies want to take unions away from, paid sick leave and give low wages to, yeah what the fack ever, man fack you, fack you.
Mr. Cain is absolutely correct. This is America where people are free to be as successful or unsuccessful as they want themselves to be.

Don't hate the rich and successful...for being what they are.

Instead, ask them how they got that way and copy it.

I wonder, are rich and successful the same thing?
Can you be considered successful if you're not rich?
Damn....lots of nutters keep claiming that Americans are no longer hard working and have lost the "go get em'" mentality.............and they are worried that hoardes of teet-suckers are after their hard-earned money. It must be tough to go through life with such a high level of insecurity and fear.
Mr. Cain is absolutely correct. This is America where people are free to be as successful or unsuccessful as they want themselves to be.

Don't hate the rich and successful...for being what they are.

Instead, ask them how they got that way and copy it.

well, we can start with the fact that most successful people are well-educated.

but your tea people don't think we should have student loans...

or pell grants...

or affirmative action...

or fund public education...

wanna try again?

if someone in their 40's loses their job b/c your beloved corporatists send their jobs to china, unless they are retrained, getting re hired is almost impossible.

most people who have bills to pay do not risk starting their own concern.

so no, he's not right. in fact he's smug and ignorant.

and he's not getting anywhere near the white house, so i wouldn't be tearing my underwear over it if i were you.

oh...and don't be a jerk and say i hate the rich or am resentful of successful people. i do pretty well... and i love success.

i just can't justify a political philosophy that is randian idiocy.
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Your attempts at being funny are so damn pitiful, give it up, you're no comedian dickweed.
I think I'm funny. You can't think at all. :lol:

Did you know your approval is neither sought nor required? True story!

You're not funny, you're facking boring and everyone else thinks so.
You arrogant piece of shit. You don't get to speak for everyone else.

Now run along, you little pussy. :lol:

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