CA election cheating begins


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
Looks like the left is admitting that they know they cannot beat Larry Elder. Winning and cheating are not the same thing, but the left will do whichever one gets them across the finish line.

Looks like the left is admitting that they know they cannot beat Larry Elder. Winning and cheating are not the same thing, but the left will do whichever one gets them across the finish line.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — The official list of who’s running in California’s recall election of Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom remained unsettled Sunday, with conservative talk radio host Larry Elder maintaining he should be included but state officials saying he submitted incomplete tax returns, a requirement to run.

Elder’s next recourse is to go to court to get on the ballot for the Sept. 14 election, which he tweeted late Sunday he may do.
Looks like the left is admitting that they know they cannot beat Larry Elder. Winning and cheating are not the same thing, but the left will do whichever one gets them across the finish line.

Looks like the left is admitting that they know they cannot beat Larry Elder. Winning and cheating are not the same thing, but the left will do whichever one gets them across the finish line.

They need to find a way to secretly video everything at these polling places, kinda like those guys who snuck into Planned Parenthood with secret cameras.
A tax cheat running for Governor ... what else is new in the Golden State? ...
The head of the IRS Gethner is running for governor?

Or is it Charley Rangel who was a Congressman?

Luckily, they are democrats which means never having to say your are sorry about cheating on taxes and never going to jail.
Elections are a dirty business.

Been there, done that.

At least they didn't put someone elses picture next to his name all over the idiot box. Or put him at he bottom of the list, even though he was winnning. Even worse things are done to manipulate elections.

I gets worse with those vultures.
EvMetro I don’t want Elder in ther anymore than Newsome,He is a RINO,a sellout to the American people in the fact he said Biden won in a fair election,so he is obviously a liar and criminal same as Newsome.I want the mayor of San Diego Kevin Faulkner in,he has it gone along with the coverup.


Unreliable source.

Conservatives are getting the lies and sour grapes ready in the event of a no recall.

Too funny.
I take back what I said on Elder being no differerent than deep stater gruesome Newsome.I did not think he was any differerent because he said thete was no election fraud,turns out he said thst cause he has to play their game of the deep state.the media is all out attacking him,they would not be doing so if he was in bed with Newsome,so that’s a relief.
I take back what I said on Elder being no differerent than deep stater gruesome Newsome.I did not think he was any differerent because he said thete was no election fraud,turns out he said thst cause he has to play their game of the deep state.the media is all out attacking him,they would not be doing so if he was in bed with Newsome,so that’s a relief.
The hatred, the verbal and physical attacks, and the racist attacks on Elder from the left are a good sign.
All good if Elder wins, right assclown?
This thread is about the inevitable lefty cheating that is and will be occurring in an effort to keep Gavin in power, which means that Elder is the only one who can actually "win". Lefties do not "win" elections anymore, they do not even attempt to. That's why threads like this exist.
Classic attacking the source when you can't attack the content. This kind of fallacy is classic lefty cheating.
Change change the channel. You have no evidence and the real world thinks you are nuts. Only in your tiny bubble of bologna propaganda are there people who believe your crap.
We know lefties are cheating as we speak, but it would be funny if this went down like when Hillary still lost an election that was rigged in her favor.

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