But hey! A lot of people are tired of Political Correctness!

What does that have to do with political correctness? You seriously don't know what political correctness means? I mean you'd have to be a complete and utter idiot to live in this country and not know that
Did you read the article? It was the candidate himself who made that statement. Take it up with him, then.

Yes, I did read it. And your OP doesn't say that. Let's look at the scorecard though.

Number of times voting for an abuser of women

Bodecea: 3
kaz: 0

Wow, you're ahead
Fascinating...what "abuser of women" did I vote for? I never voted for Hastert. Did you vote for any Republican House member who voted for him for Speaker? Then YOU did. (tho technically, he's a pedophile. Not an abuser of women) Did you vote for trump? I didn't.
When you look in the dictionary for a rapist/child molester - it shows a picture of a Clinton
Odd....where are the indictments...the convictions....like with Hastert?

Hastert wasn't convicted of child abuse. So your attempted deflection is a fail
but hey you guys finally have a sex perversion you are against, alteast until your boys from NAMBLA get you to approve of it

Wait, I thought sexual orientations of any type were "inborn" and therefore subject to special protections under the US Constitution? Only some of them are "inborn"? Which ones does the public have to protect and why?

The ones where underage children or teens are sexually abused. The ones where men use their wealth and power to attack others without repercussions.

What consenting ADULTS do is not your business, unless the adults are in power positions over their victims, and consent is coerced.
Did you read the article? It was the candidate himself who made that statement. Take it up with him, then.

Yes, I did read it. And your OP doesn't say that. Let's look at the scorecard though.

Number of times voting for an abuser of women

Bodecea: 3
kaz: 0

Wow, you're ahead
Fascinating...what "abuser of women" did I vote for? I never voted for Hastert. Did you vote for any Republican House member who voted for him for Speaker? Then YOU did. (tho technically, he's a pedophile. Not an abuser of women) Did you vote for trump? I didn't.
When you look in the dictionary for a rapist/child molester - it shows a picture of a Clinton
Odd....where are the indictments...the convictions....like with Hastert?

Hastert wasn't convicted of child abuse
That makes it so much better, eh?
Yes, I did read it. And your OP doesn't say that. Let's look at the scorecard though.

Number of times voting for an abuser of women

Bodecea: 3
kaz: 0

Wow, you're ahead
Fascinating...what "abuser of women" did I vote for? I never voted for Hastert. Did you vote for any Republican House member who voted for him for Speaker? Then YOU did. (tho technically, he's a pedophile. Not an abuser of women) Did you vote for trump? I didn't.
When you look in the dictionary for a rapist/child molester - it shows a picture of a Clinton
Odd....where are the indictments...the convictions....like with Hastert?
The Clinton’s have always been above the law... thanks to the deep state
LOL...look at you! Always the victims. They're all out against you. :71:

Classic, from the victim who needs government handouts for being gay because not being discriminated against isn't enough for you
Huffington Post? Really? Y'all so sure this isn't more loony Democrat Fake News?
As I said....you should check it out for truth....let us know if it's fake.

She's getting insecure again, needs to imagine a horde around her hanging on her every word because she knows her word means shit on it's own
Poor Kaz....the OP really shook her up. Really.

And Bodecea starts crying again. Here's a tissue.

I do not get the fascination you have with that sort of inane banter. I guess it's just because you're not very smart
I love the Irony...the predictability of it all.....when you start melting, it becomes like the sun rising everyday in the East....
Classic, from the victim who needs government handouts for being gay because not being discriminated against isn't enough for you

Not "being" gay....DOING gay. This will be clarified legally soon enough. Regular men and women cannot "be" gay with legal clout anymore than habitual drug addicts can be "Addict-Americans" with special protections.
Classic, from the victim who needs government handouts for being gay because not being discriminated against isn't enough for you

Not "being" gay....DOING gay. This will be clarified legally soon enough. Regular men and women cannot "be" gay with legal clout anymore than habitual drug addicts can be "Addict-Americans" with special protections.
Odd that you talk about drug addicts when straight men are frequently porn addicts.
Classic, from the victim who needs government handouts for being gay because not being discriminated against isn't enough for you

Not "being" gay....DOING gay. This will be clarified legally soon enough. Regular men and women cannot "be" gay with legal clout anymore than habitual drug addicts can be "Addict-Americans" with special protections.
Odd that you talk about drug addicts when straight men are frequently porn addicts.
True, thanks to political correctness...
but hey you guys finally have a sex perversion you are against, alteast until your boys from NAMBLA get you to approve of it

Wait, I thought sexual orientations of any type were "inborn" and therefore subject to special protections under the US Constitution? Only some of them are "inborn"? Which ones does the public have to protect and why?

The ones where underage children or teens are sexually abused. The ones where men use their wealth and power to attack others without repercussions.

What consenting ADULTS do is not your business, unless the adults are in power positions over their victims, and consent is coerced.

So you do get why Monica was another victim of Bill Clinton.

It's classic how you're lecturing about consent when Trump had it and Clinton often didn't
Yes, I did read it. And your OP doesn't say that. Let's look at the scorecard though.

Number of times voting for an abuser of women

Bodecea: 3
kaz: 0

Wow, you're ahead
Fascinating...what "abuser of women" did I vote for? I never voted for Hastert. Did you vote for any Republican House member who voted for him for Speaker? Then YOU did. (tho technically, he's a pedophile. Not an abuser of women) Did you vote for trump? I didn't.
When you look in the dictionary for a rapist/child molester - it shows a picture of a Clinton
Odd....where are the indictments...the convictions....like with Hastert?

Hastert wasn't convicted of child abuse
That makes it so much better, eh?

My God you're stupid. I mean seriously. It isn't an insult that I keep saying that, it's a statement of fact. I'll highlight the point I was responding to you stupid dyke. Did you graduate High School? What a poor indictment of government schools if you did.

I was responding to your point about INDICTMENTS. You said what Clinton did was OK as long as he wasn't convicted of sex abuse. I pointed out Hastert wasn't either.

You are seriously just an empty intellectual zone. My God woman. Just marry some guy and raise his kids even if you are gay. You're utterly incapable of thinking on your own. Listen to Hillary and let him tell you what you think.

Oy vey you're an idiot
Huffington Post? Really? Y'all so sure this isn't more loony Democrat Fake News?
As I said....you should check it out for truth....let us know if it's fake.

She's getting insecure again, needs to imagine a horde around her hanging on her every word because she knows her word means shit on it's own
Poor Kaz....the OP really shook her up. Really.

And Bodecea starts crying again. Here's a tissue.

I do not get the fascination you have with that sort of inane banter. I guess it's just because you're not very smart
I love the Irony...the predictability of it all.....when you start melting, it becomes like the sun rising everyday in the East....

The stupid dyke still doesn't know the difference between irony and overt sarcasm.

You just leave a long trail of stupidity in your wake.

Now stop crying, it's just a message board. Don't take all this so seriously if it makes you so upset
As I said....you should check it out for truth....let us know if it's fake.

She's getting insecure again, needs to imagine a horde around her hanging on her every word because she knows her word means shit on it's own
Poor Kaz....the OP really shook her up. Really.

And Bodecea starts crying again. Here's a tissue.

I do not get the fascination you have with that sort of inane banter. I guess it's just because you're not very smart
I love the Irony...the predictability of it all.....when you start melting, it becomes like the sun rising everyday in the East....

The stupid dyke still doesn't know the difference between irony and overt sarcasm.

You just leave a long trail of stupidity in your wake.

Now stop crying, it's just a message board. Don't take all this so seriously if it makes you so upset
Ah...now you want to call me names. Yet I'm the one melting down....:71: Sure, hun.
Fascinating...what "abuser of women" did I vote for? I never voted for Hastert. Did you vote for any Republican House member who voted for him for Speaker? Then YOU did. (tho technically, he's a pedophile. Not an abuser of women) Did you vote for trump? I didn't.
When you look in the dictionary for a rapist/child molester - it shows a picture of a Clinton
Odd....where are the indictments...the convictions....like with Hastert?

Hastert wasn't convicted of child abuse
That makes it so much better, eh?

My God you're stupid. I mean seriously. It isn't an insult that I keep saying that, it's a statement of fact. I'll highlight the point I was responding to you stupid dyke. Did you graduate High School? What a poor indictment of government schools if you did.

I was responding to your point about INDICTMENTS. You said what Clinton did was OK as long as he wasn't convicted of sex abuse. I pointed out Hastert wasn't either.

You are seriously just an empty intellectual zone. My God woman. Just marry some guy and raise his kids even if you are gay. You're utterly incapable of thinking on your own. Listen to Hillary and let him tell you what you think.

Oy vey you're an idiot
but hey you guys finally have a sex perversion you are against, alteast until your boys from NAMBLA get you to approve of it

Wait, I thought sexual orientations of any type were "inborn" and therefore subject to special protections under the US Constitution? Only some of them are "inborn"? Which ones does the public have to protect and why?

The ones where underage children or teens are sexually abused. The ones where men use their wealth and power to attack others without repercussions.

What consenting ADULTS do is not your business, unless the adults are in power positions over their victims, and consent is coerced.

So you do get why Monica was another victim of Bill Clinton.

It's classic how you're lecturing about consent when Trump had it and Clinton often didn't
Who voted for Clinton after the Monica Lewinski affair? Not me.
like i advertise all the time , i am 68 , only a few elections left for me . I expect to be one of the last REAL Americans in the USA when i bite the dust Bode .
What in your mind constitutes a real American?
------------------------------- just saw your question Slade , thanks for it . And as just one example of being a REAL American let me point out that a REAL American would support the U.S.A. CONSTITUTION and the Bill of RIGHTS and other Documents that form the Foundation of the USA . . And of course , many born in or imported into the USA do not support the Documents and thinking that form the Foundation of USA Law and the very reasons for the Formation of the USA Slade . [one example being the Second Amendment] As example , we have imported anti gun immigrants , probably one of many just off the Boat that works against the USA Second Amendment so how can he ever be an American??] ---- Slade
I hear what you are saying but you are taking a very narrow view of our country. For example if it wasn’t for people who questioned our founding laws there would still be slavery and women would have no rights. If people didn’t further challenge our laws then we would still have segregated schools and lynchings. Like it or not our country has been based on a collection of ideas, races, and cultures. Our country promotes freedom and opportunity and prosperity. Yes people on the left and people on the right have different ideas about how to achieve those goals and how to involve government in that process. We should be able to debate vote and work together to achieve the best results for our citizens. What is going on now with all the demonization and vilification of our political opponents and in such a dishonest way, is dangerous and unamerican in my eyes.
but hey you guys finally have a sex perversion you are against, alteast until your boys from NAMBLA get you to approve of it

Wait, I thought sexual orientations of any type were "inborn" and therefore subject to special protections under the US Constitution? Only some of them are "inborn"? Which ones does the public have to protect and why?
I don't buy any of that...…other than male-female interaction, who you have sex with is a preference......not born.....
She's getting insecure again, needs to imagine a horde around her hanging on her every word because she knows her word means shit on it's own
Poor Kaz....the OP really shook her up. Really.

And Bodecea starts crying again. Here's a tissue.

I do not get the fascination you have with that sort of inane banter. I guess it's just because you're not very smart
I love the Irony...the predictability of it all.....when you start melting, it becomes like the sun rising everyday in the East....

The stupid dyke still doesn't know the difference between irony and overt sarcasm.

You just leave a long trail of stupidity in your wake.

Now stop crying, it's just a message board. Don't take all this so seriously if it makes you so upset
Ah...now you want to call me names. Yet I'm the one melting down....:71: Sure, hun.

My God, do you ever stop crying. It's time to end the tantrum. Go play with your dolls until you can play without getting so upset and crying.

The eight year old is deep in this one ...
but hey you guys finally have a sex perversion you are against, alteast until your boys from NAMBLA get you to approve of it

Wait, I thought sexual orientations of any type were "inborn" and therefore subject to special protections under the US Constitution? Only some of them are "inborn"? Which ones does the public have to protect and why?

The ones where underage children or teens are sexually abused. The ones where men use their wealth and power to attack others without repercussions.

What consenting ADULTS do is not your business, unless the adults are in power positions over their victims, and consent is coerced.

So you do get why Monica was another victim of Bill Clinton.

It's classic how you're lecturing about consent when Trump had it and Clinton often didn't
Who voted for Clinton after the Monica Lewinski affair? Not me.
bullshit, you guys not only voted for him, you completely dismissed it.....your feminist friends were ok with the president fucking an intern in the workplace....where he has tremendous power(something you guys claim is very important to make sure doesn't happen)
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
When you look in the dictionary for a rapist/child molester - it shows a picture of a Clinton
Odd....where are the indictments...the convictions....like with Hastert?

Hastert wasn't convicted of child abuse
That makes it so much better, eh?

My God you're stupid. I mean seriously. It isn't an insult that I keep saying that, it's a statement of fact. I'll highlight the point I was responding to you stupid dyke. Did you graduate High School? What a poor indictment of government schools if you did.

I was responding to your point about INDICTMENTS. You said what Clinton did was OK as long as he wasn't convicted of sex abuse. I pointed out Hastert wasn't either.

You are seriously just an empty intellectual zone. My God woman. Just marry some guy and raise his kids even if you are gay. You're utterly incapable of thinking on your own. Listen to Hillary and let him tell you what you think.

Oy vey you're an idiot

That's good, get the sob out and soothe yourself to sleep. A nap probably won't help you, but it'll be a break from your overt stupidity. Speaking of your supidity, in consecutive posts

Clinton was a sexual abuser

bodecea: Where are the convictions?

Hastert wasn't convicted of sexual abuse

bodecea: That makes it OK???

What a stupid dyke
Last edited:
but hey you guys finally have a sex perversion you are against, alteast until your boys from NAMBLA get you to approve of it

Wait, I thought sexual orientations of any type were "inborn" and therefore subject to special protections under the US Constitution? Only some of them are "inborn"? Which ones does the public have to protect and why?

The ones where underage children or teens are sexually abused. The ones where men use their wealth and power to attack others without repercussions.

What consenting ADULTS do is not your business, unless the adults are in power positions over their victims, and consent is coerced.

So you do get why Monica was another victim of Bill Clinton.

It's classic how you're lecturing about consent when Trump had it and Clinton often didn't
Who voted for Clinton after the Monica Lewinski affair? Not me.

And I'm a ballerina

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