But hey! A lot of people are tired of Political Correctness!

So glad the democrats lifted the ban on felons.....thanks guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course...when all else fails...point to Democrats. :71:

lol, you were complaining he was running....I told you why, you got bitchslapped.
so the next time you weirdos do stupid shit like that maybe you'll think of unintended consequences
like i advertise all the time , i am 68 , only a few elections left for me . I expect to be one of the last REAL Americans in the USA when i bite the dust Bode .
What in your mind constitutes a real American?
------------------------------- just saw your question Slade , thanks for it . And as just one example of being a REAL American let me point out that a REAL American would support the U.S.A. CONSTITUTION and the Bill of RIGHTS and other Documents that form the Foundation of the USA . . And of course , many born in or imported into the USA do not support the Documents and thinking that form the Foundation of USA Law and the very reasons for the Formation of the USA Slade . [one example being the Second Amendment] As example , we have imported anti gun immigrants , probably one of many just off the Boat that works against the USA Second Amendment so how can he ever be an American??] ---- Slade
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like i advertise all the time , i am 68 , only a few elections left for me . I expect to be one of the last REAL Americans in the USA when i bite the dust Bode .
What in your mind constitutes a real American?

It’s a behavioral thing you probably wouldn’t understand Slade.
Think Christianity and God
Think American pride and patriotism
Think English language
Think ambition and desire to be better
Think American traditions
Think respect for law and order
Think husband and wife
Think gender and biology
Let me know if you need me to keep going.
Got it. And where does a kosher eating Jewish scientist belong? Or the vegitarian buhdist women who teaches yoga at the local gym? Or the South American Refugee who fled persecution and is now here trying to make a better life for his family like many of our ancenstors did? Where should all those people go?

You asked what makes a real American. I answered you. Your attempt to trivialize it changes nothing.
What makes a REAL Japanese?
Someone who looks African?
Speaks Arabic?
Behaves like a Somali?
Has the low iQ of a Guatemalan?
Waves a British flag?
Come on man....this isn’t hard to understand.

Huh? Doesn't INCEL, mean involuntary celibate?

This is America, right? Women here have almost zero standards whatsoever. You can sleep with a girl on the very first date.


Many are having sex before even dating.

So..... it's difficult for me to understand who you think is an INCEL in this society.

I take it that you are talking about heterosexuals. Then it must also be true that American men also have "almost zero standards whatsoever", given your assertions that "[y]ou can sleep with a girl on the very first date" and that "[m]any are having sex before even dating." If these totally outrageously misogynistic assertions were to be taken as true, these women would have to be sleeping with men who are quite willing to have sex on the first date, or even before dating. Or is it true that these women only sleep with foreigners?

Men, since the dawn of time, have always had lower standards. Speaking in generalities of course. There is a reason why prostitution is generally women. Men don't need to be paid, to have sex. Again, generally speaking.

Throughout history, the primary reason a man ever gets married, and settles down, and takes responsibility for a family and home.... is because if he didn't, women refused to have sex with him.

Why do you think that for 6,000 years of human history, parents protected their daughters from being alone with men? Because for 6,000 years this was well known. This is why you keep your daughters from men until a man is willing to commit. Because if you don't.... they won't.

And we see this today, except now people are so ignorant, that they don't know why it's happening.

I've talked to men many times that are in relationships, they are sleeping with a girl, they are living with a girl. Why don't you marry her?

"Well why would I do that?"

Now as a Christian I have answers to that question. But these are not Christians.

So why would they? They don't need to get married to have sex, because they are already having sex. They don't need to get married to live with a girl, because they are already living with a girl. They don't need to commit to her, to have her be there, and clean the house, and cook dinner, because they are already cleaning and cooking and being there with him.

So there is no benefit to the man to get married.

I actually saw this first hand. I had a co-worker that met a girl, and in one year he was planning a wedding. I had another co-worker, she was living with a dude for 7 years already. She was freaking out because this guy she's with didn't care. Could not care less about getting married. Didn't want to save money for it. Didn't want to plan for it. Didn't even want to take time off work for it.

She was sitting there asking me, how come this other guy that has only known this women for a year, is completely invested in getting married? Why is he planning for it, saving money for it, preparing to rent an apartment, and the honeymoon? Why is her guy that she's been with for 7 year, completely uninterested?

It's real simple. The guy that is getting married, his girl told him no. No, she's not living with him until they are married. No she is not sleeping with him, until they are married. No, they are not doing any of that, until they are married.

Guess what? He's really into getting married, and being committed. Shocked!

This is the real answer to all you feminists. The reason there are no good guys, is because you don't require them to be good. You sleep around with them, and live with them, and do whatever you want with them, and as a result they don't have to, and won't, man up.

Feminism has directly created an entire generation of bad men, by being moral-less women. It's just a fact. And you can scream and yell at me, but I'm just telling you what the facts are.
And we are looking to make it extinct. Can you say the same for the Right?
Good, but that's not the same as pedophilia. I'm no expect but i'd venture to guess that child marriage is more about control and prestige (in a twisted way) than it is about sexual attraction to children.
You don't think pedophilia is about control?
There's an element to it of course, being an adult and being able to overpower children. I think it's more about, and primarily driven by a perverted sexual attraction though.

Roy Moore.
they were legal.....if that's an issue...you must have a really really big problem with hollywood

Nope, they weren't all 'legal'. Age of consent in Alabama was 16, still is. But look at you defending a guy trying to get in the pants of a 14 year old.
Good, but that's not the same as pedophilia. I'm no expect but i'd venture to guess that child marriage is more about control and prestige (in a twisted way) than it is about sexual attraction to children.
You don't think pedophilia is about control?
There's an element to it of course, being an adult and being able to overpower children. I think it's more about, and primarily driven by a perverted sexual attraction though.

Roy Moore.
they were legal.....if that's an issue...you must have a really really big problem with hollywood

Nope, they weren't all 'legal'. Age of consent in Alabama was 16, still is. But look at you defending a guy trying to get in the pants of a 14 year old.
Well, they're all in for Ted Nugent and Roy Moore too....what's to be surprised about?
You don't think pedophilia is about control?
There's an element to it of course, being an adult and being able to overpower children. I think it's more about, and primarily driven by a perverted sexual attraction though.

Roy Moore.
they were legal.....if that's an issue...you must have a really really big problem with hollywood

Nope, they weren't all 'legal'. Age of consent in Alabama was 16, still is. But look at you defending a guy trying to get in the pants of a 14 year old.
Well, they're all in for Ted Nugent and Roy Moore too....what's to be surprised about?

Pretty sad.
Good, but that's not the same as pedophilia. I'm no expect but i'd venture to guess that child marriage is more about control and prestige (in a twisted way) than it is about sexual attraction to children.
You don't think pedophilia is about control?
There's an element to it of course, being an adult and being able to overpower children. I think it's more about, and primarily driven by a perverted sexual attraction though.

Roy Moore.
they were legal.....if that's an issue...you must have a really really big problem with hollywood

Nope, they weren't all 'legal'. Age of consent in Alabama was 16, still is. But look at you defending a guy trying to get in the pants of a 14 year old.
what 14 year old?
There's an element to it of course, being an adult and being able to overpower children. I think it's more about, and primarily driven by a perverted sexual attraction though.

Roy Moore.
they were legal.....if that's an issue...you must have a really really big problem with hollywood

Nope, they weren't all 'legal'. Age of consent in Alabama was 16, still is. But look at you defending a guy trying to get in the pants of a 14 year old.
Well, they're all in for Ted Nugent and Roy Moore too....what's to be surprised about?

Pretty sad.
but hey you guys finally have a sex perversion you are against, alteast until your boys from NAMBLA get you to approve of it
but hey you guys finally have a sex perversion you are against, alteast until your boys from NAMBLA get you to approve of it

Wait, I thought sexual orientations of any type were "inborn" and therefore subject to special protections under the US Constitution? Only some of them are "inborn"? Which ones does the public have to protect and why?
Holy shit. That's hilarious.

Who does he piss off more? The right with his open pedophelia or the left with his open white supremacy?

The right is just fine with pedophiles. They ran Roy Moore for the Senate and Donald Trump is President. The guy who walked into the dressing room at the Miss Teen USA pageant and bragged about it.
Holy shit. That's hilarious.

Who does he piss off more? The right with his open pedophelia or the left with his open white supremacy?

Actually the left like everyone else (hopefully) is against both.
Yes, but let's be honest: the left is more tolerant of pedophiles (or those with pedophilia-like thoughts) and the right is more tolerant of white supremacists.
You mean like Dennis Hastert...the pedophile that the GOP picked to be the Speaker of the House?
"Tolerant of" has nothing to do with "being." The worst pedophiles often lurk among the sides that's least accepting of them, like the Catholic church for example. Not saying the left is tolerant of pedophiles, but they are certainly more tolerant of pedophilia and pedophelic thoughts based on some stuff you see in their media outlets.
I'd be interested in seeing an example of that.
Yes, I did read it. And your OP doesn't say that. Let's look at the scorecard though.

Number of times voting for an abuser of women

Bodecea: 3
kaz: 0

Wow, you're ahead
Fascinating...what "abuser of women" did I vote for? I never voted for Hastert. Did you vote for any Republican House member who voted for him for Speaker? Then YOU did. (tho technically, he's a pedophile. Not an abuser of women) Did you vote for trump? I didn't.
When you look in the dictionary for a rapist/child molester - it shows a picture of a Clinton
Odd....where are the indictments...the convictions....like with Hastert?
The Clinton’s have always been above the law... thanks to the deep state
LOL...look at you! Always the victims. They're all out against you. :71:

Do you notice how often when you work for it that hard you fail to make sense while you do it?
Holy shit. That's hilarious.

Who does he piss off more? The right with his open pedophelia or the left with his open white supremacy?

The right is just fine with pedophiles. They ran Roy Moore for the Senate and Donald Trump is President. The guy who walked into the dressing room at the Miss Teen USA pageant and bragged about it.

It cracks me up that leftists are so stupid that you don't even know the definition of words, like "pedophile." Moore wasn't accused of pedophilia and teenage girls aren't children.

Do they have a Canadian equivalent of a GED you could pursue?
agree , look at all the muslims running for office in the USA .
Because it's the same thing, right?

Might as well be crying about the number of women running for office. I'm sure INCEL is crying about it.

This is how flat out stupid you are. You think having a meltdown because your cafeteria has burrito Friday is the same as pedophilia. You're hyperbole to hyperbole
My goodness....another Kaz meltdown? Upset because I am clearly against INCEL?

OK, calm down. This is just an internet discussion, there's no reason to start screaming and throwing chairs. Try breathing into a bag if you have to. Use a paper ... er ... use a plastic one ...
I love the Irony you have there. :clap:

I also love how Kaz has to, whatever it takes, try do deflect from the OP. You'd think I'd hit some kind of nerve there.

The irony is called sarcasm. Damn you're an empty headed bimbo. How stupid are you that you didn't grasp it? Is there anything you do grasp?

Huh? Doesn't INCEL, mean involuntary celibate?

This is America, right? Women here have almost zero standards whatsoever. You can sleep with a girl on the very first date.


Many are having sex before even dating.

So..... it's difficult for me to understand who you think is an INCEL in this society.

I take it that you are talking about heterosexuals. Then it must also be true that American men also have "almost zero standards whatsoever", given your assertions that "[y]ou can sleep with a girl on the very first date" and that "[m]any are having sex before even dating." If these totally outrageously misogynistic assertions were to be taken as true, these women would have to be sleeping with men who are quite willing to have sex on the first date, or even before dating. Or is it true that these women only sleep with foreigners?

Men, since the dawn of time, have always had lower standards. Speaking in generalities of course. There is a reason why prostitution is generally women. Men don't need to be paid, to have sex. Again, generally speaking.

Throughout history, the primary reason a man ever gets married, and settles down, and takes responsibility for a family and home.... is because if he didn't, women refused to have sex with him.

Why do you think that for 6,000 years of human history, parents protected their daughters from being alone with men? Because for 6,000 years this was well known. This is why you keep your daughters from men until a man is willing to commit. Because if you don't.... they won't.

And we see this today, except now people are so ignorant, that they don't know why it's happening.

I've talked to men many times that are in relationships, they are sleeping with a girl, they are living with a girl. Why don't you marry her?

"Well why would I do that?"

Now as a Christian I have answers to that question. But these are not Christians.

So why would they? They don't need to get married to have sex, because they are already having sex. They don't need to get married to live with a girl, because they are already living with a girl. They don't need to commit to her, to have her be there, and clean the house, and cook dinner, because they are already cleaning and cooking and being there with him.

So there is no benefit to the man to get married.

I actually saw this first hand. I had a co-worker that met a girl, and in one year he was planning a wedding. I had another co-worker, she was living with a dude for 7 years already. She was freaking out because this guy she's with didn't care. Could not care less about getting married. Didn't want to save money for it. Didn't want to plan for it. Didn't even want to take time off work for it.

She was sitting there asking me, how come this other guy that has only known this women for a year, is completely invested in getting married? Why is he planning for it, saving money for it, preparing to rent an apartment, and the honeymoon? Why is her guy that she's been with for 7 year, completely uninterested?

It's real simple. The guy that is getting married, his girl told him no. No, she's not living with him until they are married. No she is not sleeping with him, until they are married. No, they are not doing any of that, until they are married.

Guess what? He's really into getting married, and being committed. Shocked!

This is the real answer to all you feminists. The reason there are no good guys, is because you don't require them to be good. You sleep around with them, and live with them, and do whatever you want with them, and as a result they don't have to, and won't, man up.

Feminism has directly created an entire generation of bad men, by being moral-less women. It's just a fact. And you can scream and yell at me, but I'm just telling you what the facts are.
Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? All girls in my day learned that one at their mama's knee. In the "pasture," however, the pressure to be milked is pretty strong.

What does that have to do with political correctness? You seriously don't know what political correctness means? I mean you'd have to be a complete and utter idiot to live in this country and not know that
Did you read the article? It was the candidate himself who made that statement. Take it up with him, then.

Yes, I did read it. And your OP doesn't say that. Let's look at the scorecard though.

Number of times voting for an abuser of women

Bodecea: 3
kaz: 0

Wow, you're ahead
Fascinating...what "abuser of women" did I vote for? I never voted for Hastert. Did you vote for any Republican House member who voted for him for Speaker? Then YOU did. (tho technically, he's a pedophile. Not an abuser of women) Did you vote for trump? I didn't.

Um, Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton. Three abusers of women and it was known every time you voted for them. If you had only voted for Clinton in 92, you could plead ignorance. But not voting for him again then his wife who abused the same women again.

Hastert was never even accused of pedophilia. You seriously hadn't gone through puberty when you were in high school? Wow ...
Holy shit. That's hilarious.

Who does he piss off more? The right with his open pedophelia or the left with his open white supremacy?

Actually the left like everyone else (hopefully) is against both.

You're failing at it. Democrats cheering Roman Polanski

What political office was Polanski running for? I forget.

I see, so now your standard is that raping children is OK and cheering for them OK if they don't run for political office. I couldn't accuse of of being as flat out sick as you paint yourself.

The thing is that to say what you did and not grasp it shows that you really are that morally bankrupt. No one who had any concern at all for sexual abuse victims would never say what you did that it's OK to cheer for them if they don't run for political office.

And wow, the hypocrisy over if Republicans did that
Huffington Post? Really? Y'all so sure this isn't more loony Democrat Fake News?
As I said....you should check it out for truth....let us know if it's fake.

She's getting insecure again, needs to imagine a horde around her hanging on her every word because she knows her word means shit on it's own
Poor Kaz....the OP really shook her up. Really.

And Bodecea starts crying again. Here's a tissue.

I do not get the fascination you have with that sort of inane banter. I guess it's just because you're not very smart

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