Bush Starts Out Year With 60% Job Approval

Must really suck to be a dem in this day and age !
nah, its sucks for everyone.

Hmm, terror level was on high when this poll was taken.
Anyone else notice bush's approval rating goes up up UP when the terror level does?
That tells me that the people trust him the most when they are in danger. Must be a very competent leader in these times to procure such trust !
You must be talking about Karl Rove, his speech writer.

Yes, people are SOOOOOOOOO stupid. I cant even believe it.
No I was talking about George. Karl only writes, does not make the decisions !
George does not make decisions. I swear to you.

He basically said it to us. "Im not a deep thinker, its not in my nature"

yep, you cant make extremely important choices without thinking deeply about it.
Thats a fact.
That is a load of crap.

Decision making involves more than just Deep Thinking. It also involves having a moral code by which to evaluate alternatives and the willingness to accept responsibility.

There is also such thing as analysis paralysis - overthinking decisions.

In the end, the validity of a decision is it's outcome. So far, Bush's decisions are faring rather well.
Hey believe whatever makes you happy !

Just wait till after the a dem is choosen and the bush advertising machine kicks in, the numbers will continue to climb. Ah, got to love that soft money.
Originally posted by wonderwench
Decision making involves more than just Deep Thinking.

So far, Bush's decisions are faring rather well.

And Bush cant even get past the deep thinking part, and for his morals, since hes junkie, and he loves to send people to their death without making it the VERY LAST choice, im not sure he has any.

So WHAT has he done thats faring rather well? would love to know.
Originally posted by eric
Hey believe whatever makes you happy !

Just wait till after the a dem is choosen and the bush advertising machine kicks in, the numbers will continue to climb. Ah, got to love that soft money.

Hitler had alot of corporate backing too. Fascists do that, they get ahold of whatever dirty money they can.

Hey guess what, just giving a warning. Bush's ads will be nothing more than propaganda.. just watch them. they will be short, colors and words that strike emotion into viewer.

Bush Sr had relations to a company that specialized in this stuff.

For example, from this Washington Post article:

"Bush, in his speeches, did not say directly that Hussein was culpable in the Sept. 11 attacks. But he frequently juxtaposed Iraq and al Qaeda in ways that hinted at a link. In a March speech about Iraq's "weapons of terror," Bush said: "If the world fails to confront the threat posed by the Iraqi regime, refusing to use force, even as a last resort, free nations would assume immense and unacceptable risks. The attacks of September the 11th, 2001, showed what the enemies of America did with four airplanes. We will not wait to see what terrorists or terrorist states could do with weapons of mass destruction."

Then, in declaring the end of major combat in Iraq on May 1, Bush linked Iraq and the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks: "The battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on terror that began on September the 11, 2001 -- and still goes on. That terrible morning, 19 evil men -- the shock troops of a hateful ideology -- gave America and the civilized world a glimpse of their ambitions."

"Why would 7 out of 10 people of those polled continue to believe something that is entirely false and for which there is no proof whatsoever?"
Originally posted by eric
Bush Starts Out Year With 60% Job Approval !!


Hahaha. So did his one term loser father. Like father like son I always say!!! I think his father's approval rating was even higher.

Clark will get the nomination and kick Bush's ass. I can't wait for the Clark bush unscripted debates. Actually, I can't wait for any nominee to debate Bush.

I have been reading these post of jones for a bit now , & each one makes me LOL a bit more........ hell jones Iraq is very nice this time of yr. why not make it home?
Originally posted by bamthin
Hahaha. So did his one term loser father. Like father like son I always say!!! I think his father's approval rating was even higher.

Clark will get the nomination and kick Bush's ass. I can't wait for the Clark bush unscripted debates. Actually, I can't wait for any nominee to debate Bush.


Sure thing, Bam! :laugh:

Clark..... BWahahaHAAHhAhahAHahahah!
Bush won't debate.
Religious extremists don't have valid arguments, only spins.
What makes him a religious extremist? Keep in mind the definition of extremist.
I should have said fundamentalist.

Every step he has taken from day # 1. His need to use religous americans to vote for him while he hurts those very people with the policies he signs into law.
Calling humans "EVIL DOERS"
You guys know The dumber you are the more religious?

Anyone notice that every republican seems to have the need to go into massive war? And always having a deficit? CRAZY
You guys know The dumber you are the more religious?

No Jones, actually I don't know that at all. I happen to be religious, and with an IQ of 145, I would not consider myself dumb. Would you like to discuss maybe some science or math subjects. We could discuss quantum tunneling, shannon entropy, thermodynamics, hawking radiation, string theory, linear math, dark energy, or a host of other topics.

"Every step from day # 1"

Our founding fathers would have hung or exiled these people so quick it would unspin your head.

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