Bush Declines Obama's Invitation to Ground Zero

You mean like throwing the first pitch at Yankee Stadium? How is that any different from what Obama's doing? He should be congratulated. He didn't listen to the critics that insisted we cut-n-run from the AfPak theater. Well done, Mr. President. :clap2:

The AfPak theater?
We're deployed to Pakistan now?
Arm-Chair warrior much?

Where was bin Laden killed? Where have we been sending drones? If you don't think Pakistan is part of the theater, you need to read up before commenting. :cuckoo:

That's like saying Laos was part of the Vietnam theater. :cuckoo:

Perhaps you should enlist. Maybe you'll learn something.

And what's this "WE" crap. You wouldn't know which end of the tube the round comes out of if handed a rifle. Leave the warring to us. You stay home and cheerlead.
The AfPak theater?
We're deployed to Pakistan now?
Arm-Chair warrior much?

Where was bin Laden killed? Where have we been sending drones? If you don't think Pakistan is part of the theater, you need to read up before commenting. :cuckoo:

That's like saying Laos was part of the Vietnam theater. :cuckoo:

Perhaps you should enlist. Maybe you'll learn something.

And what's this "WE" crap. You wouldn't know which end of the tube the round comes out of if handed a rifle. Leave the warring to us. You stay home and cheerlead.

slookawooky: defending america one pair of skivvies at a time

ooh rah!
It was nice of Obama to invite him. If it is true that declined, I'm sure it wasn't to slight him. That's not his style. I would bet that his view is more that now is Obama's time, his is past. One thing Bush is not is vindictive.

Bush is not vindictive, but I doubt he want to provide a photo op that Obama can use in his 2012 campaign which makes it look like Bush supports him.
Quit being such a political hack for the Democratic party. Your party certainly knows how to fuck things up, generally. Obama did good - for once. Savor the moment by shutting your Liberal piehole. Show a little class, for once.

Name one good thing I've ever said about the democrat party, just one.

You posting about my political leanings gives a great look into how much you know about my level of class.


Drocks an independant

If I had to guess, he's center right with a touch of libertarian.

But a dem party hack, he is not

My apologies.

Drock - sorry.
Where was bin Laden killed? Where have we been sending drones? If you don't think Pakistan is part of the theater, you need to read up before commenting. :cuckoo:

That's like saying Laos was part of the Vietnam theater. :cuckoo:

Perhaps you should enlist. Maybe you'll learn something.

And what's this "WE" crap. You wouldn't know which end of the tube the round comes out of if handed a rifle. Leave the warring to us. You stay home and cheerlead.

slookawooky: defending america one pair of skivvies at a time

ooh rah!

What is it with you and men's underwear?

Seek help
No - actually Obama didn't do it - Seal Team Six did - but thanks for sharing.

You can take your rep abuse up with Gunny too.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight....and, the FIRST TEAM failed, right????

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmtPBTybQ9k]YouTube - The Hunt For Bin Laden[/ame]

It was nice of Obama to invite him. If it is true that declined, I'm sure it wasn't to slight him. That's not his style. I would bet that his view is more that now is Obama's time, his is past. One thing Bush is not is vindictive.

Bush is not vindictive, but I doubt he want to provide a photo op that Obama can use in his 2012 campaign which makes it look like Bush supports him.

I doubt it's even political at all. Bush has pretty consistently stayed out of the spotlight since he left office, and after eight years on the job, I believe he (or any other president) is entitled to return to private live to the greatest extent he can, if that is his choice. Like him or hate him, he (or anyone else who has served in that office) has earned the right to do that. The presidency is something many men, even the greatest of them, have been happy to leave behind them.
I think Bush showed a great deal of class by declining it's something a true leader does, sadly this is something the current administration lacks.
inviting him was the right thing to do

declining the invitation was the right thing to do

where's the problem?

there isn't one. Both acted prudently & correctly. It was classy for Obama to invite Bush. It was classy by Bush to let Obama have the spotlight. Nothing to see here....
  • Thanks
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Name one good thing I've ever said about the democrat party, just one.

You posting about my political leanings gives a great look into how much you know about my level of class.


Drocks an independant

If I had to guess, he's center right with a touch of libertarian.

But a dem party hack, he is not

My apologies.

Drock - sorry.

No problem, thanks for the apology, rep'd
Man, after I give Obama a little bit of my respect, the douche goes out to politicize ground zero. Fuck you, Obama...fucking idiot asshole.
it bugs you that he did what bush couldn't, huh?

i understand. :thup:

Actually it's bugging you moronic liberals that you were all against waterboarding, and wanted to close Gitmo AND THAT'S WERE WE GOT THE INTEL TO KILL BIN LADEN.

If Obama had, had his way, we would have NEVER caught the guy.

It was the Bush policies THAT OBAMA WAS FORCED TO CONTINUE (like keeping Gitmo open, even after Obama signed an executive order to close it) that rendered us the info on Bin Laden.


On the role of interrogation:
BRIAN WILLIAMS, "NBC NIGHTLY NEWS": Can you confirm that it was as a result of waterboarding that we learned what we needed to learn to go after bin Laden?

LEON PANETTA, CIA DIRECTOR: Brian, in the intelligence business you work from a lot of sources of information and that was true here ... It's a little difficult to say it was due just to one source of information that we got ... I think some of the detainees clearly were, you know, they used these enhanced interrogation techniques against some of these detainees. But I'm also saying that, you know, the debate about whether we would have gotten the same information through other approaches I think is always going to be an open question.

WILLIAMS: So finer point, one final time, enhanced interrogation techniques -- which has always been kind of a handy euphemism in these post-9/11 years -- that includes waterboarding?

PANETTA: That's correct.

CIA director on raid: Was likely bin Laden would be killed - CBS News Video

The FACT is, the bulk of the credit AS FAR AS PRESIDENTIAL POLICY GOES (I still say Seal Team 6 deserves the largest amount of credit) GOES TO THE BUSH POLICIES THAT YOU LIBERALS, INCLUDING OBAMA, TRIED TO SHUT DOWN.

That's not spin people, THAT'S FACT. Even Panetta, can't deny it was waterboarding these people that got the intel.

Oh! Is Ms. Brainless Jillian going to neg rep me again! :lmao:She sure won't be able to refute (not that she ever can.)

Gotta agree. Bush has stayed out of politics since leaving office. The only time he came back in the public eyes was to plug his new book. He hasn't said one negative word about OL'BO or anything he's doing.
....More-than-likely because his Big Speaking Tour went tits-UP!!!!!



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KW2jSLuHlz4]YouTube - Robin Williams! Destroys President Bush[/ame]​
POLITICO Forums:Whiteboard: 05/03/2011 @ 08:17 PM - POLITICO.com

BUSH DECLINES NYC INVITE: President Obama invited former President George W. Bush on a visit to Ground Zero on Thursday but Bush has declined, according to two people familiar with the situation.

Obama will travel to the site of the World Trade Center attacks of Sept. 11 in the days following the killing of Osama bin Laden in a U.S. special forces operation in Pakistan. He will meet with families of Sept. 11 victims, according to the Associated Press.

Obama is a disgrace and I would decline his role-playing invitation to Ground Zero as well.

Obama's a liar and sucks and I'd be damned as to be hypocritical enough to show up in public with that fuckwit.

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