Bush Close to Deal on Timeline for Withdrawl from Iraq

Red Dawn

Senior Member
Jul 19, 2008
Liberal Socialist Paradise
This is some funny sh*t. Mere weeks ago, GOPers were outraged at the mere mention of any timeline for withdrawl.

This plan that BushCo is reportedly negotiating would have combat troops out in 21 months. Obama proposed 16 months. Pretty close.

Poor John McCain. Legs cut out from under him again.

Iraqis: Deal close on plan for US troops to leave

By QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA, Associated Press Writer Thu Aug 7, 12:20 PM ET

BAGHDAD - Two Iraqi officials say the U.S. and Iraq are close to a deal under which all American combat troops would leave by October 2010 with remaining U.S. forces gone about three years later.

A U.S. official in Washington acknowledges progress has been made on the timelines for a U.S. departure but offered no firm date. Another U.S. official strongly suggested the 2010 date may be too ambitious.

A timetable is part of a security agreement being negotiated by U.S. and Iraqi officials. Both sides stress the deal is not final and could fall apart over the issue of legal immunity for American troop

Iraqis: Deal close on plan for US troops to leave - Yahoo! News
The worst foreign policy mistake in American history.

Must be nice to be a lefty and have history start the day you were born and/or wake up every day!

Still, when a dreaded war comes, it feels good to win for a change! Thanks Bush!

I love the spin. The Liberals have been preaching from day two we couldn't ever win. That we had to cut and run. That we were stuck in a quagmire with no end. That Iraq would never be able to form a functioning Government , military and police force.

It comes to pass they were all so wrong as to be hilarious. And instead they spin it as if Obama and his cut and run plan were the right plan all along.
I love about face that the righties have done vis-a-vis timetables for withdrawing from Iraq simply because it came from Bush and was called a "time horizon."

Watching it unfold has certainly been a comedic experience.

I love about face that the righties have done vis-a-vis timetables for withdrawing from Iraq simply because it came from Bush and was called a "time horizon."

Watching it unfold has certainly been a comedic experience.


Are you truly this ignorant? The plan has ALWAYS been to cease combat operations and withdraw most forces as son as possible in a frame work of Iraq being able to take over. That has been the plan from DAY one. It has NEVER changed.

The Administration and the Military have been opposed to FIXED dates before Iraq was able to preform the mission. The libs have been pushing for just leaving whether the Iraqis were ready or not.

Obama's plan was another " we leave on x date no matter what" The current plan is " we leave on x date because the Iraqis want us to and can actually do the job with out us"

You guys are so stupid as to be brain dead.
Are you truly this ignorant? The plan has ALWAYS been to cease combat operations and withdraw most forces as son as possible in a frame work of Iraq being able to take over. That has been the plan from DAY one. It has NEVER changed.

The Administration and the Military have been opposed to FIXED dates before Iraq was able to preform the mission. The libs have been pushing for just leaving whether the Iraqis were ready or not.

Obama's plan was another " we leave on x date no matter what" The current plan is " we leave on x date because the Iraqis want us to and can actually do the job with out us"

You guys are so stupid as to be brain dead.

Yeah, yeah ... fixed dates ... blah blah ... the enemy will wait ... yada yada ...

Thinking that there is some sort of difference between a 16 month "time table" and a 16 month "time horizon" is laughable.

Bush has basically told the turrists, "hey guys, cool it for a while longer and we'll be gone in a little over a year," which is the same damn thing as "we'll be gone May 19, 2010."

But hey that won't stop you guys from high-5-ing each other from with in the circle of hypocrisy.

Carry on, Sarge.
Yeah, yeah ... fixed dates ... blah blah ... the enemy will wait ... yada yada ...

Thinking that there is some sort of difference between a 16 month "time table" and a 16 month "time horizon" is laughable.

Bush has basically told the turrists, "hey guys, cool it for a while longer and we'll be gone in a little over a year," which is the same damn thing as "we'll be gone May 19, 2010."

But hey that won't stop you guys from high-5-ing each other from with in the circle of hypocrisy.

Carry on, Sarge.

Your IGNORANCE is ASTOUNDING. You losers will twist anything to fit your ignorant ramblings.

There is a HUGE difference between leaving in 16 months no matter what the conditions are in Iraq, as Obama wanted to do and leaving after the Iraqis take over the job of security because we stayed and trained them for it and bought them the time to get that training. But you dumb shits pretend otherwise. Par for the course from retards and rejects like your name implies.
Your IGNORANCE is ASTOUNDING. You losers will twist anything to fit your ignorant ramblings.

There is a HUGE difference between leaving in 16 months no matter what the conditions are in Iraq, as Obama wanted to do and leaving after the Iraqis take over the job of security because we stayed and trained them for it and bought them the time to get that training. But you dumb shits pretend otherwise. Par for the course from retards and rejects like your name implies.

This was a political move ... and a bad one ...

Bush saw the writing on the wall and realized that the boys were coming home whether he liked it or not ... and he wanted to preempt Obama ...

He's pulling out and declaring victory while he still can ...

But he's got that whole "time table" thing to skirt around ... which according to the right has been akin to aiding and comforting the enemy ... oops ...

Hence, the "time horizon" ...

So much for McCain though ... Bush just keeps on derailing his message ...

And oh, I know that 15/18 of the benchmarks are "Satisfactory" and a whole lot of spinning can be done with such a pleasing looking number like that but I've been through a few exercises and UCI's and well ... "Satisfactory" is pretty much a way of saying "you suck" without flat out saying it ...

So please, keep living in the fantasy land where pulling the troops out is the right thing to do and Iraq will be fine because it's coming from the Bush Administration as opposed to an Obama Administration where it would be all hellfire and brimstone, and all that ish ...

Iraq is going to burn no matter who pulls the troops out, Sarge ...
This was a political move ... and a bad one ...

Bush saw the writing on the wall and realized that the boys were coming home whether he liked it or not ... and he wanted to preempt Obama ...

He's pulling out and declaring victory while he still can ...

But he's got that whole "time table" thing to skirt around ... which according to the right has been akin to aiding and comforting the enemy ... oops ...

Hence, the "time horizon" ...

So much for McCain though ... Bush just keeps on derailing his message ...

And oh, I know that 15/18 of the benchmarks are "Satisfactory" and a whole lot of spinning can be done with such a pleasing looking number like that but I've been through a few exercises and UCI's and well ... "Satisfactory" is pretty much a way of saying "you suck" without flat out saying it ...

So please, keep living in the fantasy land where pulling the troops out is the right thing to do and Iraq will be fine because it's coming from the Bush Administration as opposed to an Obama Administration where it would be all hellfire and brimstone, and all that ish ...

Iraq is going to burn no matter who pulls the troops out, Sarge ...

You are not my friend and I do not even let them call me "sarge" Sarge is a term the army uses for all its E-5 and up and is NOT an acceptable term in the Marine Corps. A Sarge is a Sgt and I retired as a GySgt.

Now back to the discussion at hand. The plan all along has been to train the Iraqis to take over their own security. And all along your liberals have been chanting "we can't win" "cut and run", Obama was in lock step with that, denying the Surge could work and still claiming it did not. His 16 month time table was a cut and run. A plan that with his words, admits he did not think the Iraqis could take over their own security and that we would just leave them anyway.

The reality is the Iraqis believe they can handle Security now and we are going to turn over the responsibility to them, with troops in place if it doesn't work. The plan ALL ALONG. We have always said we would pull out combat troops when the Iraqis could handle their own security.

We do want to maintain bases in Iraq however. And the Iraqis want us to remain with enough force to help them if needed. They want us to change from combat missions to support missions. Which again has ALWAYS been the plan.

You turds have been claiming all along and I see you continue to claim it, that the Iraqis can not succeed.

Hate to break it to you Einstein but if they fail and Iraq becomes a failed state we will be right back in there with our troops again. We can not afford to allow that Country to devolve into anarchy.

But you keep pretending you are right. It is fun laughing at your absolute total ignorance on this issue.
21 months?

Sounds good to me.

Of course, we all know that depends on the Iraqi being able to continue taking over the nation, right?

So this plan is basically the same plan that O has been advancing only 5 months later.

I can live with it...if it happens.
This is some funny sh*t. Mere weeks ago, GOPers were outraged at the mere mention of any timeline for withdrawl.

This plan that BushCo is reportedly negotiating would have combat troops out in 21 months. Obama proposed 16 months. Pretty close.

Poor John McCain. Legs cut out from under him again.

Oh please---BushCo is discussing exit strategy with Iraq because the situation now warrants it. It's far from the liberal plan which is " ready or not, we're outta here on when this date rolls around."
Talk of troop withdrawal is happening. Something the libs have wanted for years. Now all you can do is bitch and moan about it ?
It's far from the liberal plan which is " ready or not, we're outta here on when this date rolls around."

Partisan nonsense. That does not describe O's plan.

His was targeting 16 months, depending on what his military advisors told him as events onfolded.

YOu can look it up

He's certainly said it enough times.

Bush and co, are now advancing essantially the same plan, only thy're of the mind it will take 5 more months.

That sounds good to me, too.
Partisan nonsense. That does not describe O's plan.

His was targeting 16 months, depending on what his military advisors told him as events onfolded.

YOu can look it up

He's certainly said it enough times.

Bush and co, are now advancing essantially the same plan, only thy're of the mind it will take 5 more months.

That sounds good to me, too.

Targeting 16 months depending on what military advisors is a purposly vague statement meant to appease voters. Military advisors could recommend anything from now to 100 years from now.
Here's something you need to look up. Bush has been saying ALL ALONG that when Iraq can stand up, we will stand down. That time apparently is getting closer. Im' sorry it's gonna screw up the Obama's talking points.
You are not my friend and I do not even let them call me "sarge" Sarge is a term the army uses for all its E-5 and up and is NOT an acceptable term in the Marine Corps. A Sarge is a Sgt and I retired as a GySgt.

Now back to the discussion at hand. The plan all along has been to train the Iraqis to take over their own security. And all along your liberals have been chanting "we can't win" "cut and run", Obama was in lock step with that, denying the Surge could work and still claiming it did not. His 16 month time table was a cut and run. A plan that with his words, admits he did not think the Iraqis could take over their own security and that we would just leave them anyway.

The reality is the Iraqis believe they can handle Security now and we are going to turn over the responsibility to them, with troops in place if it doesn't work. The plan ALL ALONG. We have always said we would pull out combat troops when the Iraqis could handle their own security.

We do want to maintain bases in Iraq however. And the Iraqis want us to remain with enough force to help them if needed. They want us to change from combat missions to support missions. Which again has ALWAYS been the plan.

You turds have been claiming all along and I see you continue to claim it, that the Iraqis can not succeed.

Hate to break it to you Einstein but if they fail and Iraq becomes a failed state we will be right back in there with our troops again. We can not afford to allow that Country to devolve into anarchy.

But you keep pretending you are right. It is fun laughing at your absolute total ignorance on this issue.

The e-tough guy schtick is old, tired, and unimpressive, Sarge ...

About as old, tired, and unimpressive as your talking points ...

If we pull out of Iraq it will become a failed state ...

Or at best an Iranian client-state ...

But please, keep on believing that we've been successful over there ...
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Personally, I have found that if I just don't read anything that Sarg posts, life is better.
Targeting 16 months depending on what military advisors is a purposly vague statement meant to appease voters. Military advisors could recommend anything from now to 100 years from now.
Here's something you need to look up. Bush has been saying ALL ALONG that when Iraq can stand up, we will stand down. That time apparently is getting closer. Im' sorry it's gonna screw up the Obama's talking points.

Are you being obtuse on purpose?

Do you NOT understand that Bush's plan is ALSO dependent on events as they unfold?

Tell you what, sport.

If Bush is saying the plan is out in X-time no matter what?

He's the man you need to worry about, not O.

Of course that is NOT what Bush's plan is, either.

Neither of them are that dumb.

They are both proposing withdrawl targets, not deadlines.
The e-tough guy schtick is old, tired, and unimpressive, Sarge ...

About as old, tired, and unimpressive as your talking points ...

If we pull out of Iraq it will become a failed state ...

Or at best an Iranian client-state ...

But please, keep on believing that we've been successful over there ...

Tell ya what moron, take your bullshit and crap it on someone elses lawn. And your name tells me all I need to know about YOUR military time. If you ever were in at all.

Your ignorance is showing again. Perhaps you can get Maineman to make an appearance and remind us all how we would NEVER be talking about pulling combat troops anyway? How Iraq was never going to be stable and was descending into a civil war.

You liberals prove your ignorance with every post on this subject.

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