"Burn them,kill them,shoot them"

Yahiya Eijle, 19, a resident of Gaza City and member of Hamas, was arrested on April 29, 2018, while making his way into Israel to steal a security camera and cut the Gaza Strip fence. The following was learned from his interrogation:

1. Hamas is instructing its activists to cut the fence and steal security cameras in order to sabotage and topple the fence and disrupt IDF activity ahead of “Nakba Day.”

2. Hamas in the Gaza Strip wants the activity to be seen in the international media as a popular uprising, and not as violent action led by its own militants.

3. Hamas militants, who are embedded among the residents of the Gaza Strip, are taking an active part in the violent protest activities along the fence every Friday in part by wielding firebombs, knives and large wire-cutters.

4. Hamas members supply Gaza Strip residents with tires and assist them in setting them on fire in order to create thick smoke to agitate residents and persuade them to infiltrate into Israeli territory, throw firebombs and prepare kite-borne firebombs to be handed over to violent militants.

It has also been learned that Hamas terrorists themselves are prohibited from approaching the fence lest they be killed or captured by the IDF. However, should the fence be breached, then they are to enter Israeli territory armed – under cover of the mob – and carry out attacks.

(full article online)

Captured Rioters: Iran Paying Hamas for Violence, Terrorism, at Gaza Border Fence
I think it is time for more people to wake up and admit what is going on. Israel is nothing but a U.S. backed terrorist state at this point.

Why the fuck do we defend them? Why do we send so much money to them? That money could be spent AT HOME for free healthcare, food, and education.
I think it is time for more people to wake up and admit what is going on. Israel is nothing but a U.S. backed terrorist state at this point.

Why the fuck do we defend them? Why do we send so much money to them? That money could be spent AT HOME for free healthcare, food, and education.
No money taken from any country the US gives to is going to end up as "free" healthcare, food and education.

Any of that money is only going to end up in the pockets of corrupt politicians and business people.

Israel, the terrorists you think it is, has been helping keep the USA and much of the world safe from those who want to bring all of those countries down.

But.......what would you know....
I think it is time for more people to wake up and admit what is going on. Israel is nothing but a U.S. backed terrorist state at this point.

Why the fuck do we defend them? Why do we send so much money to them? That money could be spent AT HOME for free healthcare, food, and education.
No money taken from any country the US gives to is going to end up as "free" healthcare, food and education.

Any of that money is only going to end up in the pockets of corrupt politicians and business people.

Israel, the terrorists you think it is, has been helping keep the USA and much of the world safe from those who want to bring all of those countries down.

But.......what would you know....

Israel causes just as much trouble as they think they are preventing.

The U.S. doesn't need to pay Israel to defend us. :abgg2q.jpg:
I think it is time for more people to wake up and admit what is going on. Israel is nothing but a U.S. backed terrorist state at this point.

Why the fuck do we defend them? Why do we send so much money to them? That money could be spent AT HOME for free healthcare, food, and education.
No money taken from any country the US gives to is going to end up as "free" healthcare, food and education.

Any of that money is only going to end up in the pockets of corrupt politicians and business people.

Israel, the terrorists you think it is, has been helping keep the USA and much of the world safe from those who want to bring all of those countries down.

But.......what would you know....

Israel causes just as much trouble as they think they are preventing.

The U.S. doesn't need to pay Israel to defend us. :abgg2q.jpg:
You are beyond ignorant of how things work between countries, and especially between allies.

Don't worry.....your opinions are not going to get in the way of what needs to be done between countries who understand about security.

The US does not "Pay" Israel for anything .

Time to stop paying the P. A., UNWRA, etc for the education of hatred of the US they have been at for decades.

Not to worry, that money still will not be making it towards free "anything" for those who need it in the USA.
I think it is time for more people to wake up and admit what is going on. Israel is nothing but a U.S. backed terrorist state at this point.

Why the fuck do we defend them? Why do we send so much money to them? That money could be spent AT HOME for free healthcare, food, and education.
No money taken from any country the US gives to is going to end up as "free" healthcare, food and education.

Any of that money is only going to end up in the pockets of corrupt politicians and business people.

Israel, the terrorists you think it is, has been helping keep the USA and much of the world safe from those who want to bring all of those countries down.

But.......what would you know....

Israel causes just as much trouble as they think they are preventing.

The U.S. doesn't need to pay Israel to defend us. :abgg2q.jpg:
You are beyond ignorant of how things work between countries, and especially between allies.

Don't worry.....your opinions are not going to get in the way of what needs to be done between countries who understand about security.

The US does not "Pay" Israel for anything .

Time to stop paying the P. A., UNWRA, etc for the education of hatred of the US they have been at for decades.

Not to worry, that money still will not be making it towards free "anything" for those who need it in the USA.

The U.S. doesn't need Israel. Period. End of story.

You have what they call little man syndrome.

I don't hate people, I hate countries and leaders like the one heading Israel right now. He treats other human beings like dogs and expects them not to lash out about it?


Why don't you go there Tommy and give us a first hand report? Stay a while, throw a few bricks, maybe lob a rocket or two. If the Israelis didn't defend themselves, they'd have no country to defend; it takes two to tango and if not for the Palestinian refusal to seek peace and accept offers, they wouldn't be dying. I applaud the Israeli's resolve in these matters to protect themselves against certain destruction by a mad mob trying to ransack their borders, infiltrate and annihilate them. If the Palestinians had accepted any of the many good settlements offered them over the years, they would all be living better lives today and we would be having none of this now. When puke like you try to make it out like this is all Israel's fault or ours, all I can offer to your itinerant ignorance and baiting is to ask you to hold out your shoe so that I may vomit on it and give you back a little of what you've given me.

Barfing Kid.jpg
Try forcing your way over the Mexican border and see what happens.

Even the Brits used to guard their borders.

You no different than the nazi's. You would think that some of you Zionists learned compassion from the holocaust.....but I guess you didnt.
Tommy Tommy Tommy. You know as well as I, Palestinians need to adapt and change instead of this insane obstinacy. The intafada? Please, Palestinians seem more like children that don't want a diaper change throwing fits, instead of rational human beings.
The said the same thing during apartheid , they said the Sam's thing when the Brits and the french were taking lands and killing the indigenous people....Palestinians will prevail just be patient sweet fucking blood thirsty bitch.
Ungrateful bastards.

Ungrateful to whom, exactly?
To humanity that sympathized and rushed to defend and save you. But now you are happy slaughtering the helpless Palestinians.

The world knew precisely what the Nazis were going to do to the Jews by 1939 yet they were barred entry to early every country on earth... even America.

Despite the fact that Allies leaders knew of the purpose and location of the death camps, they didn’t lift a finger to interfere with their operations.

You can die from that kind of sympathy.
Ungrateful bastards.

Ungrateful to whom, exactly?
To humanity that sympathized and rushed to defend and save you. But now you are happy slaughtering the helpless Palestinians.
Which humanity sympathized and rushed to defend and save Jews?

How do you think 6 Million Jews died from such "humanity"?
If not everyone rushed and helped it could've been triple the number. My grandfather was in the frontline with the french army and he was a a Muslim.
Ungrateful bastards.

Ungrateful to whom, exactly?
To humanity that sympathized and rushed to defend and save you. But now you are happy slaughtering the helpless Palestinians.

The world knew precisely what the Nazis were going to do to the Jews by 1939 yet they were barred entry to early every country on earth... even America.

Despite the fact that Allies leaders knew of the purpose and location of the death camps, they didn’t lift a finger to interfere with their operations.

You can die from that kind of sympathy.
So reflect on that and see what you doing to the Palestinians since 1948. Killing them slowly and playing the victim.

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