Buried Truth: CDC Reports More Covid Vaccine Deaths than Covid Deaths Over the Last Two Weeks


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
What is being buried by governments and the MSM.

An analysis of data available on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website reveals a shocking truth. Over the last two weeks, there has been such a huge spike in Covid-19 “vaccine” deaths reported through VAERS that the totals are higher than the deaths attributed to Covid-19 itself during the same time period.

According to the CDC’s vaccine adverse reactions portal, there have been 4,006 deaths following Covid-19 vaccinations reported between June 26 and July 9. During the same time period, the CDC shows 3,114 deaths attributed to Covid-19. That means there have been over 28% more vaccine-related deaths than Covid-related deaths during the two-week period.

Vaccine proponents and the “arbiters of truth” in mainstream media will “debunk” this by claiming that VAERS data is inaccurate. We agree; estimates by respected analysts put the reported data at somewhere between 1%-15% of reality. In other words, for every family member who even knows to report their relative’s vaccine-related deaths to VAERS, there are many more who did not.

This information is being ignored by the media, censored by Big Tech, and suppressed by our government. They are well aware of the health risks associated with these so-called “vaccines” but they will not allow their narrative of ubiquitous vaccinations to falter no matter how many people die as a result.

The most widely used “debunking” tool is the unverified status of VAERS reports. As The Gateway Pundit pointed out:

The VAERS database contains information on unverified reports of adverse events (illnesses, health problems and/or symptoms) following immunization with US-licensed vaccines. The CDC government website links to VAERS platform.

What the pro-vaccine media refuses to acknowledge was also noted in The Gateway Pundit story. We’re not talking about a “vaccine” that is simply more dangerous than previous vaccines. We’re talking about one that is exponentially more dangerous. To put it into perspective, there have been more post-vaccination deaths reported in the last week than there have been in any given year since the data was first collected in 1990, and it’s not even close.

All Deaths Reported to VAERS


What is being buried by governments and the MSM.

An analysis of data available on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website reveals a shocking truth. Over the last two weeks, there has been such a huge spike in Covid-19 “vaccine” deaths reported through VAERS that the totals are higher than the deaths attributed to Covid-19 itself during the same time period.
According to the CDC’s vaccine adverse reactions portal, there have been 4,006 deaths following Covid-19 vaccinations reported between June 26 and July 9. During the same time period, the CDC shows 3,114 deaths attributed to Covid-19. That means there have been over 28% more vaccine-related deaths than Covid-related deaths during the two-week period.
Vaccine proponents and the “arbiters of truth” in mainstream media will “debunk” this by claiming that VAERS data is inaccurate. We agree; estimates by respected analysts put the reported data at somewhere between 1%-15% of reality. In other words, for every family member who even knows to report their relative’s vaccine-related deaths to VAERS, there are many more who did not.
This information is being ignored by the media, censored by Big Tech, and suppressed by our government. They are well aware of the health risks associated with these so-called “vaccines” but they will not allow their narrative of ubiquitous vaccinations to falter no matter how many people die as a result.
The most widely used “debunking” tool is the unverified status of VAERS reports. As The Gateway Pundit pointed out:
The VAERS database contains information on unverified reports of adverse events (illnesses, health problems and/or symptoms) following immunization with US-licensed vaccines. The CDC government website links to VAERS platform.
What the pro-vaccine media refuses to acknowledge was also noted in The Gateway Pundit story. We’re not talking about a “vaccine” that is simply more dangerous than previous vaccines. We’re talking about one that is exponentially more dangerous. To put it into perspective, there have been more post-vaccination deaths reported in the last week than there have been in any given year since the data was first collected in 1990, and it’s not even close.
All Deaths Reported to VAERS

Lol, posting from a site that uses gateway pundit as a source is worse than using gateway pundit as your source. It's like you went full retard and then just a little bit more.
What is being buried by governments and the MSM.

An analysis of data available on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website reveals a shocking truth. Over the last two weeks, there has been such a huge spike in Covid-19 “vaccine” deaths reported through VAERS that the totals are higher than the deaths attributed to Covid-19 itself during the same time period.
According to the CDC’s vaccine adverse reactions portal, there have been 4,006 deaths following Covid-19 vaccinations reported between June 26 and July 9. During the same time period, the CDC shows 3,114 deaths attributed to Covid-19. That means there have been over 28% more vaccine-related deaths than Covid-related deaths during the two-week period.
Vaccine proponents and the “arbiters of truth” in mainstream media will “debunk” this by claiming that VAERS data is inaccurate. We agree; estimates by respected analysts put the reported data at somewhere between 1%-15% of reality. In other words, for every family member who even knows to report their relative’s vaccine-related deaths to VAERS, there are many more who did not.
This information is being ignored by the media, censored by Big Tech, and suppressed by our government. They are well aware of the health risks associated with these so-called “vaccines” but they will not allow their narrative of ubiquitous vaccinations to falter no matter how many people die as a result.
The most widely used “debunking” tool is the unverified status of VAERS reports. As The Gateway Pundit pointed out:
The VAERS database contains information on unverified reports of adverse events (illnesses, health problems and/or symptoms) following immunization with US-licensed vaccines. The CDC government website links to VAERS platform.
What the pro-vaccine media refuses to acknowledge was also noted in The Gateway Pundit story. We’re not talking about a “vaccine” that is simply more dangerous than previous vaccines. We’re talking about one that is exponentially more dangerous. To put it into perspective, there have been more post-vaccination deaths reported in the last week than there have been in any given year since the data was first collected in 1990, and it’s not even close.
All Deaths Reported to VAERS

Are you a masochist or something? The USMB Vaxxies will be along shortly to pelt you with meaningless numbers and figures.

It's been a year, and not only do I not know anybody who has had covid, but I don't know anyone who has died. I know many people who got vaccinated, and they are all fine.

I had it back in August of last year. It was like a three-day cold, then it was gone. That, and I'm 70 years old, smoke a pack of the long, black Marlboros a day, have COPD, and use two inhalers.

Big whoop. Someone's lying to us.
I had it back in August of last year. It was like a three-day cold, then it was gone. That, and I'm 70 years old, smoke a pack of the long, black Marlboros a day, have COPD, and use two inhalers.

Big whoop. Someone's lying to us.

It's not a lie as much as it is an exaggeration of the dangers.
It's not a lie as much as it is an exaggeration of the dangers.

How else were the Dems going to get rid of Trump and steal an election without fear-mongering and intimidation? They tried for four whole years to get him out from under their skins, and they finally did it.

Good job, Democrats, you've really outdone yourselves! Now sit back with a nice warm cup of mocha latte, put your feet up, and take it all in.

Hope you don't choke on your mocha latte.

Well, actually I do, but that's beside the point.

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How else were the Dems going to get rid of Trump and steal an election without fear-mongering and intimidation? They tried for four whole years to get him out from under their skins, and they finally did it.

Good job, Democrats, you've really outdone yourselves! Now sit back with a nice warm cup of mocha latte, put your feet up, and take it all in.

Hope you don't choke on your mocha latte.

Well, actually I do, but that's beside the point.

View attachment 514311

I believe the virus was a massive coincidence that the democrats took advantage of. Americans fell hook line and sinker for it. That I believe.

There are just some wild conspiracy theories though that make me scratch my head.
I believe the virus was a massive coincidence that the democrats took advantage of. Americans fell hook line and sinker for it. That I believe.

There are just some wild conspiracy theories though that make me scratch my head.

The thing that irks the shit out of me, is that left for some reason, refuses to accredit the virus to the CCP. Instead, like the little commie-lovers they are, they blame President Trump.
What is being buried by governments and the MSM.

An analysis of data available on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website reveals a shocking truth. Over the last two weeks, there has been such a huge spike in Covid-19 “vaccine” deaths reported through VAERS that the totals are higher than the deaths attributed to Covid-19 itself during the same time period.
According to the CDC’s vaccine adverse reactions portal, there have been 4,006 deaths following Covid-19 vaccinations reported between June 26 and July 9. During the same time period, the CDC shows 3,114 deaths attributed to Covid-19. That means there have been over 28% more vaccine-related deaths than Covid-related deaths during the two-week period.
Vaccine proponents and the “arbiters of truth” in mainstream media will “debunk” this by claiming that VAERS data is inaccurate. We agree; estimates by respected analysts put the reported data at somewhere between 1%-15% of reality. In other words, for every family member who even knows to report their relative’s vaccine-related deaths to VAERS, there are many more who did not.
This information is being ignored by the media, censored by Big Tech, and suppressed by our government. They are well aware of the health risks associated with these so-called “vaccines” but they will not allow their narrative of ubiquitous vaccinations to falter no matter how many people die as a result.
The most widely used “debunking” tool is the unverified status of VAERS reports. As The Gateway Pundit pointed out:
The VAERS database contains information on unverified reports of adverse events (illnesses, health problems and/or symptoms) following immunization with US-licensed vaccines. The CDC government website links to VAERS platform.
What the pro-vaccine media refuses to acknowledge was also noted in The Gateway Pundit story. We’re not talking about a “vaccine” that is simply more dangerous than previous vaccines. We’re talking about one that is exponentially more dangerous. To put it into perspective, there have been more post-vaccination deaths reported in the last week than there have been in any given year since the data was first collected in 1990, and it’s not even close.
All Deaths Reported to VAERS

Are you not proud as hell that Trump brought us, according to him, this vaccine in record time?
I had it back in August of last year. It was like a three-day cold, then it was gone. That, and I'm 70 years old, smoke a pack of the long, black Marlboros a day, have COPD, and use two inhalers.

Big whoop. Someone's lying to us.
I know about eight people who had COVID. One called it a cold that "kicked his ass for three days." (70, diabetic, and fat.) One figured he had bronchitis. The rest ranged from nothing at all (two) to a 2-5 day cough.

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