Burgess Owens telling black people what should be told during black history month.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Then again the truth is called hate speech by the racist left. If blacks are ever convinced they are no longer victims......well FREE AT LAST.

Until then.......it's the old ball and chain.
Not another Doc Owens story:
The “Doc” Owens Farm Story

Burgess Owens remembers taking a summer off and visiting his father on the farm. He was an NFL player at the time, playing ten seasons for the New York Jets and Oakland Raiders, and spent the entire summer working with his father raising the crops – watermelon and corn, mostly. The area was experiencing a severe draught, so the younger Owens was tasked with getting irrigation piping from one field to the other. After only a few weeks, Burgess couldn’t wait to get back to the big city. The country life wasn’t as glamorous as he had imagined. “It gave me a new appreciation of what farmers do,” he said.

Doc Owens died in 2012 at the age of 86, but his legacy lives on through what he inspired in his own children, his 23 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren, plus untold numbers of FAMU students and youth he mentored through the housing complex. His Doc Owens Farm, now on the market, is yet another legacy. We look forward to watching its new chapter unfold…
who are his siblings, apparently he has several, but doesn't mention his father or his siblings.

Do you know who are his siblings?
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In 1880, Adams was approached on behalf of two white candidates seeking election to the Alabama Senate. He was asked what it would take to get the votes of the community's black citizens. Rather than requesting and/or accepting personal gifts, a common practice, he made a deal with the Democratic Party in Montgomery, promising to secure the African-American vote if funding would be provided for a Normal school for African Americans at Tuskegee. He and a banker, George W Campbell another former slave-owner skillfully convinced the Alabama Legislature to begin funding of US$2,000 annually for a "Negro Normal School in Tuskegee" starting in 1881.
Lewis Adams - Wikipedia
Burges Owens, believes in restitution, but not reparations. (in video)

noun: restitution
  1. 1.
    the restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner.
    "seeking the restitution of land taken from blacks under apartheid"
    synonyms: return, restoration, handing back, replacement, surrender, yielding, recovery
    "the claims were for restitution of land allegedly seized by the occupying power"
    antonyms: seizure, occupation
  2. 2.
    recompense for injury or loss.
    "he was ordered to pay $6,000 in restitution"
    synonyms: compensation, recompense, reparation, damages, indemnification, indemnity, reimbursement, repayment, remuneration, reward, redress, satisfaction; More
And he blames the Democrats. But he himself benefited from his father.

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