Bungling Surgeon Ben Carson Left Sponge in Patients Brain!

National Enquirer ^ | 10/7/15 | Sharon Churcher

Judging by White House wannabe Ben Carson’s track record as a neurosurgeon, his presidential campaign should be declared dead on arrival!

In a bombshell investigation into his medical career, The National ENQUIRER has exclusively learned the now retired doc allegedly butchered one patient’s brain — and EVEN left a sponge in another’s skull!

According to at least six malpractice lawsuits against Carson obtained by The ENQUIRER, the Republican candidate allegedly rushed patients into surgery, and brandished a scalpel like a meat cleaver!

“He’s totally untrustworthy!” one former patient, Karly Bailey, told The ENQUIRER. The Florida woman claimed Carson spent “maybe 14 minutes” with her and her parents before performing a delicate brain tumor operation that ruined her life at age 9.

“My parents told him they weren’t authorizing him to remove the whole tumor because of the risk,” said Karly, now 27.

“But he did what he goddamned pleased! He tried to remove all of the tumor, and injured my nerves and brain stem.

“I was paralyzed on my right side. I’ve never fully recovered. I have chronic fatigue, and my eyes dance around. It’s like having permanent vertigo. My face droops and people are really cruel.”

Karly’s family slapped Carson — then director of pediatric neurosurgery at Baltimore’s Johns Hopkins Hospital — with a lawsuit.

What a piece of shit Carson is...Anti-science, a shitty doctor and a fundamentalist!!!! Say no!

Matthew, you poor hapless rat twat.

Are you really such a debased lowlife maggot loser that you CREDIT things "reported" in the Enquirer?

And by the way, ANYBODY can sue a doctor. That is not the same thing as the suit having merit.

Try to smarten up, matty.
Here's something kind of interesting NOT "reported" by "matty."

* * * *
In 1996, Carson was accused of negligence in caring for Mary Perna, a multiple sclerosis patient. Due to the disease, Perna developed severe pain on the left side of her face and a loss of vision.

Beginning in October 1994, according to a claim she filed at the dispute office, Perna’s left-sided facial pain was “virtually left unchecked” even though she took prescription pills. That month, Perna was referred to Carson, who scheduled “glycerol rhizotomy”, a procedure that involves inserting a needle into the face and injecting a small amount of glycerol, alleviating the pain – in theory.

Except, with Perna, it allegedly didn’t work. So Carson scheduled a second injection, according to the filing.

Again, Perna says it didn’t work.

“In fact, after the second surgical procedure, Ms. Perna’s left-sided facial pain actually seemed worse,” the filing stated, “and her face was left extremely swollen by Carson’s invasion of a blood vessel during the procedure.”

I like all the things he says

Mary Perna
Carsonthenopted to perform a type of brain surgery intended to relieve her pain, but, according to the filing, it would have been ineffective because the source was lesions on Perna’s brain stem.

The operation didn’t work.

Carson then looked at Perna’s most recent MRI, the filing stated, “because he had not reviewed [the studies] prior to three surgeries he performed”.

After reviewing the MRI, the filing said, Carson returned to Perna’s room, visibly agitated, and told her “they did not tell me there are lesions on your brainstem. Had I known that, we would have never done the [surgery].”

After another unsuccessful operation, Perna was put on pain medication on “an as-needed basis”, according to the filing.

But as a result of not receiving the necessary amount of medication to address her condition, the filing says Perna suffered a seizure later that month, which caused “excruciating painful and frightening muscle spasms in her neck and face”.

Perna’s malpractice claim moved to Baltimore County circuit court after it was filed in the dispute resolution office. Carson and Hopkins settled for an undisclosed amount, court records show.

Perna’s attorney did not respond to requests for comment by the Guardian. Reached at her Maryland home, Perna confirmed the case was settled, but declined to disclose the sum.

“I can’t talk about that,” Perna told the Guardian, saying she signed a nondisclosure agreement.

Perna’s present-day health status is unclear, but two decades later, she said she maintains a positive view of her doctor turned presidential candidate.

Asked about Carson’s character, Perna promptly said she would vote for him.

“I like all the things he says,” said Perna, 57, before abruptly hanging up the phone. * * * *
-- Ben Carson's patients claim malpractice in star doctor's path to politics

Asked about Carson’s character, Perna promptly said she would vote for him.
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The victim is at fault. The victim did not defend himself from the guy fucking with his head. The victim should have rushed the doctor.
The victim is alive because of the doctor.
You misspelled despite.
Ravi has never made a mistake in her life. Stupid twit
I've made plenty. But I don't blame the victim like Carson does.
Post a link of Carson blaming a victim.

I'll wait
National Enquirer ^ | 10/7/15 | Sharon Churcher

Judging by White House wannabe Ben Carson’s track record as a neurosurgeon, his presidential campaign should be declared dead on arrival!

In a bombshell investigation into his medical career, The National ENQUIRER has exclusively learned the now retired doc allegedly butchered one patient’s brain — and EVEN left a sponge in another’s skull!

According to at least six malpractice lawsuits against Carson obtained by The ENQUIRER, the Republican candidate allegedly rushed patients into surgery, and brandished a scalpel like a meat cleaver!

“He’s totally untrustworthy!” one former patient, Karly Bailey, told The ENQUIRER. The Florida woman claimed Carson spent “maybe 14 minutes” with her and her parents before performing a delicate brain tumor operation that ruined her life at age 9.

“My parents told him they weren’t authorizing him to remove the whole tumor because of the risk,” said Karly, now 27.

“But he did what he goddamned pleased! He tried to remove all of the tumor, and injured my nerves and brain stem.

“I was paralyzed on my right side. I’ve never fully recovered. I have chronic fatigue, and my eyes dance around. It’s like having permanent vertigo. My face droops and people are really cruel.”

Karly’s family slapped Carson — then director of pediatric neurosurgery at Baltimore’s Johns Hopkins Hospital — with a lawsuit.

What a piece of shit Carson is...Anti-science, a shitty doctor and a fundamentalist!!!! Say no!

Bungling NASA kills 25 astronauts, wrecks 2 shuttles and one space capsule and loses one that sank when a hatch blew open during ocean recovery...plus numerous training planes...
Such a credible source... National enquirer, lol

A small government is a well behaved government... Smaller the better.
I am not hostile to religion. But I am simply not very religious. This is the thing that gives me some pause about Dr. Carson and Sen. Cruz.

But assuming they can serve without imposing their own brand of religious beliefs on others, I do like the substantive things they say and the (non religion) issues on which they stake their positions.
Here's something kind of interesting NOT "reported" by "matty."

* * * *
In 1996, Carson was accused of negligence in caring for Mary Perna, a multiple sclerosis patient. Due to the disease, Perna developed severe pain on the left side of her face and a loss of vision.

Beginning in October 1994, according to a claim she filed at the dispute office, Perna’s left-sided facial pain was “virtually left unchecked” even though she took prescription pills. That month, Perna was referred to Carson, who scheduled “glycerol rhizotomy”, a procedure that involves inserting a needle into the face and injecting a small amount of glycerol, alleviating the pain – in theory.

Except, with Perna, it allegedly didn’t work. So Carson scheduled a second injection, according to the filing.

Again, Perna says it didn’t work.

“In fact, after the second surgical procedure, Ms. Perna’s left-sided facial pain actually seemed worse,” the filing stated, “and her face was left extremely swollen by Carson’s invasion of a blood vessel during the procedure.”

I like all the things he says

Mary Perna
Carsonthenopted to perform a type of brain surgery intended to relieve her pain, but, according to the filing, it would have been ineffective because the source was lesions on Perna’s brain stem.

The operation didn’t work.

Carson then looked at Perna’s most recent MRI, the filing stated, “because he had not reviewed [the studies] prior to three surgeries he performed”.

After reviewing the MRI, the filing said, Carson returned to Perna’s room, visibly agitated, and told her “they did not tell me there are lesions on your brainstem. Had I known that, we would have never done the [surgery].”

After another unsuccessful operation, Perna was put on pain medication on “an as-needed basis”, according to the filing.

But as a result of not receiving the necessary amount of medication to address her condition, the filing says Perna suffered a seizure later that month, which caused “excruciating painful and frightening muscle spasms in her neck and face”.

Perna’s malpractice claim moved to Baltimore County circuit court after it was filed in the dispute resolution office. Carson and Hopkins settled for an undisclosed amount, court records show.

Perna’s attorney did not respond to requests for comment by the Guardian. Reached at her Maryland home, Perna confirmed the case was settled, but declined to disclose the sum.

“I can’t talk about that,” Perna told the Guardian, saying she signed a nondisclosure agreement.

Perna’s present-day health status is unclear, but two decades later, she said she maintains a positive view of her doctor turned presidential candidate.

Asked about Carson’s character, Perna promptly said she would vote for him.

“I like all the things he says,” said Perna, 57, before abruptly hanging up the phone. * * * *
-- Ben Carson's patients claim malpractice in star doctor's path to politics

Asked about Carson’s character, Perna promptly said she would vote for him.
He must have given her a lobotomy.
The victim is at fault. The victim did not defend himself from the guy fucking with his head. The victim should have rushed the doctor.
The victim is alive because of the doctor.
You misspelled despite.
Ravi has never made a mistake in her life. Stupid twit
I've made plenty. But I don't blame the victim like Carson does.
Post a link of Carson blaming a victim.

I'll wait
You started a thread about it, dope.
The victim is alive because of the doctor.
You misspelled despite.
Ravi has never made a mistake in her life. Stupid twit
I've made plenty. But I don't blame the victim like Carson does.
Post a link of Carson blaming a victim.

I'll wait
You started a thread about it, dope.
No, I started a thread about liberal logic & used Carson as an example
You misspelled despite.
Ravi has never made a mistake in her life. Stupid twit
I've made plenty. But I don't blame the victim like Carson does.
Post a link of Carson blaming a victim.

I'll wait
You started a thread about it, dope.
No, I started a thread about liberal logic & used Carson as an example

"Liberal logic" is a lot like "jumbo shrimp" or "Justice Ginsberg."
National Enquirer ^ | 10/7/15 | Sharon Churcher

Judging by White House wannabe Ben Carson’s track record as a neurosurgeon, his presidential campaign should be declared dead on arrival!

In a bombshell investigation into his medical career, The National ENQUIRER has exclusively learned the now retired doc allegedly butchered one patient’s brain — and EVEN left a sponge in another’s skull!

According to at least six malpractice lawsuits against Carson obtained by The ENQUIRER, the Republican candidate allegedly rushed patients into surgery, and brandished a scalpel like a meat cleaver!

“He’s totally untrustworthy!” one former patient, Karly Bailey, told The ENQUIRER. The Florida woman claimed Carson spent “maybe 14 minutes” with her and her parents before performing a delicate brain tumor operation that ruined her life at age 9.

“My parents told him they weren’t authorizing him to remove the whole tumor because of the risk,” said Karly, now 27.

“But he did what he goddamned pleased! He tried to remove all of the tumor, and injured my nerves and brain stem.

“I was paralyzed on my right side. I’ve never fully recovered. I have chronic fatigue, and my eyes dance around. It’s like having permanent vertigo. My face droops and people are really cruel.”

Karly’s family slapped Carson — then director of pediatric neurosurgery at Baltimore’s Johns Hopkins Hospital — with a lawsuit.

What a piece of shit Carson is...Anti-science, a shitty doctor and a fundamentalist!!!! Say no!

there is zero danger of him becoming president.
National Enquirer ^ | 10/7/15 | Sharon Churcher

Judging by White House wannabe Ben Carson’s track record as a neurosurgeon, his presidential campaign should be declared dead on arrival!

In a bombshell investigation into his medical career, The National ENQUIRER has exclusively learned the now retired doc allegedly butchered one patient’s brain — and EVEN left a sponge in another’s skull!

According to at least six malpractice lawsuits against Carson obtained by The ENQUIRER, the Republican candidate allegedly rushed patients into surgery, and

brandished a scalpel like a meat cleaver!

“He’s totally untrustworthy!” one former patient, Karly Bailey, told The ENQUIRER. The Florida woman claimed Carson spent “maybe 14 minutes” with her and her parents before performing a delicate brain tumor operation that ruined her life at age 9.

“My parents told him they weren’t authorizing him to remove the whole tumor because of the risk,” said Karly, now 27.

“But he did what he goddamned pleased! He tried to remove all of the tumor, and injured my nerves and brain stem.

“I was paralyzed on my right side. I’ve never fully recovered. I have chronic fatigue, and my eyes dance around. It’s like having permanent vertigo. My face droops and people are really cruel.”

Karly’s family slapped Carson — then director of pediatric neurosurgery at Baltimore’s Johns Hopkins Hospital — with a lawsuit.

What a piece of shit Carson is...Anti-science, a shitty doctor and a fundamentalist!!!! Say no!

I don't have anything good to say about Carson as a Presidential candidate but I've never heard his skill as a surgeon questioned. Of course no doctor can go through a long career and not have a few unsatisfied patients. But by using crap from the National Enquirer to attack him you really open yourself up to ridicule. Unless you're parodying attack ads I'm afraid you deserve any ridicule you receive.

But the National Enquirer was just fine when they revealed the story about John Edwards.
National Enquirer ^ | 10/7/15 | Sharon Churcher

Judging by White House wannabe Ben Carson’s track record as a neurosurgeon, his presidential campaign should be declared dead on arrival!

In a bombshell investigation into his medical career, The National ENQUIRER has exclusively learned the now retired doc allegedly butchered one patient’s brain — and EVEN left a sponge in another’s skull!

According to at least six malpractice lawsuits against Carson obtained by The ENQUIRER, the Republican candidate allegedly rushed patients into surgery, and

brandished a scalpel like a meat cleaver!

“He’s totally untrustworthy!” one former patient, Karly Bailey, told The ENQUIRER. The Florida woman claimed Carson spent “maybe 14 minutes” with her and her parents before performing a delicate brain tumor operation that ruined her life at age 9.

“My parents told him they weren’t authorizing him to remove the whole tumor because of the risk,” said Karly, now 27.

“But he did what he goddamned pleased! He tried to remove all of the tumor, and injured my nerves and brain stem.

“I was paralyzed on my right side. I’ve never fully recovered. I have chronic fatigue, and my eyes dance around. It’s like having permanent vertigo. My face droops and people are really cruel.”

Karly’s family slapped Carson — then director of pediatric neurosurgery at Baltimore’s Johns Hopkins Hospital — with a lawsuit.

What a piece of shit Carson is...Anti-science, a shitty doctor and a fundamentalist!!!! Say no!

I don't have anything good to say about Carson as a Presidential candidate but I've never heard his skill as a surgeon questioned. Of course no doctor can go through a long career and not have a few unsatisfied patients. But by using crap from the National Enquirer to attack him you really open yourself up to ridicule. Unless you're parodying attack ads I'm afraid you deserve any ridicule you receive.

But the National Enquirer was just fine when they revealed the story about John Edwards.

according to whom?
National Enquirer ^ | 10/7/15 | Sharon Churcher

Judging by White House wannabe Ben Carson’s track record as a neurosurgeon, his presidential campaign should be declared dead on arrival!

In a bombshell investigation into his medical career, The National ENQUIRER has exclusively learned the now retired doc allegedly butchered one patient’s brain — and EVEN left a sponge in another’s skull!

According to at least six malpractice lawsuits against Carson obtained by The ENQUIRER, the Republican candidate allegedly rushed patients into surgery, and

brandished a scalpel like a meat cleaver!

“He’s totally untrustworthy!” one former patient, Karly Bailey, told The ENQUIRER. The Florida woman claimed Carson spent “maybe 14 minutes” with her and her parents before performing a delicate brain tumor operation that ruined her life at age 9.

“My parents told him they weren’t authorizing him to remove the whole tumor because of the risk,” said Karly, now 27.

“But he did what he goddamned pleased! He tried to remove all of the tumor, and injured my nerves and brain stem.

“I was paralyzed on my right side. I’ve never fully recovered. I have chronic fatigue, and my eyes dance around. It’s like having permanent vertigo. My face droops and people are really cruel.”

Karly’s family slapped Carson — then director of pediatric neurosurgery at Baltimore’s Johns Hopkins Hospital — with a lawsuit.

What a piece of shit Carson is...Anti-science, a shitty doctor and a fundamentalist!!!! Say no!

I don't have anything good to say about Carson as a Presidential candidate but I've never heard his skill as a surgeon questioned. Of course no doctor can go through a long career and not have a few unsatisfied patients. But by using crap from the National Enquirer to attack him you really open yourself up to ridicule. Unless you're parodying attack ads I'm afraid you deserve any ridicule you receive.

But the National Enquirer was just fine when they revealed the story about John Edwards.

according to whom?

I'm sure if you look you'll find more than a couple of threads about John Edwards posted by and complained about by your ilk.
National Enquirer ^ | 10/7/15 | Sharon Churcher

Judging by White House wannabe Ben Carson’s track record as a neurosurgeon, his presidential campaign should be declared dead on arrival!

In a bombshell investigation into his medical career, The National ENQUIRER has exclusively learned the now retired doc allegedly butchered one patient’s brain — and EVEN left a sponge in another’s skull!

According to at least six malpractice lawsuits against Carson obtained by The ENQUIRER, the Republican candidate allegedly rushed patients into surgery, and

brandished a scalpel like a meat cleaver!

“He’s totally untrustworthy!” one former patient, Karly Bailey, told The ENQUIRER. The Florida woman claimed Carson spent “maybe 14 minutes” with her and her parents before performing a delicate brain tumor operation that ruined her life at age 9.

“My parents told him they weren’t authorizing him to remove the whole tumor because of the risk,” said Karly, now 27.

“But he did what he goddamned pleased! He tried to remove all of the tumor, and injured my nerves and brain stem.

“I was paralyzed on my right side. I’ve never fully recovered. I have chronic fatigue, and my eyes dance around. It’s like having permanent vertigo. My face droops and people are really cruel.”

Karly’s family slapped Carson — then director of pediatric neurosurgery at Baltimore’s Johns Hopkins Hospital — with a lawsuit.

What a piece of shit Carson is...Anti-science, a shitty doctor and a fundamentalist!!!! Say no!

I don't have anything good to say about Carson as a Presidential candidate but I've never heard his skill as a surgeon questioned. Of course no doctor can go through a long career and not have a few unsatisfied patients. But by using crap from the National Enquirer to attack him you really open yourself up to ridicule. Unless you're parodying attack ads I'm afraid you deserve any ridicule you receive.

But the National Enquirer was just fine when they revealed the story about John Edwards.

according to whom?

I'm sure if you look you'll find more than a couple of threads about John Edwards posted by and complained about by your ilk.

I see..nothing solid...just a strawman....got it...

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