Buh-Bye Bachmann, and we hardly knew ya!

Even if it's only that he thinks states have the right to secede, it should set off alarms.
Not recommended...but they DO when the FED become overbearing, and subverts the Tenth? You bet they have every right to tell the FED to fuck off.

But Perry never said it...Quite different...

Governor Says Texans May Want to Secede From Union But Probably Won't

Perry repeated his running theme that Texas' economy is in relatively good shape compared with other states and with the "federal budget mess." Many in the crowd held signs deriding President Barack Obama and the $786 billion federal economic stimulus package.

Later, answering news reporters' questions, Perry suggested Texans might at some point get so fed up they would want to secede from the union, though he said he sees no reason why Texas should do that.

"There's a lot of different scenarios," Perry said. "We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that. But Texas is a very unique place, and we're a pretty independent lot to boot."


I imagine there are lots of states that would like to seceed from the union right now. 14.3 trillion in red ink--with another 64 trillion in unfunded liabilites--due to baby boomers entering social security/medicare--with an ECONOMIC IDIOT in the saddle in the White House--and millions of other MORONS--that plan to vote for him again--because they like the hand-outs he dishes out--:lol:

President Obama won the White House with an overwhelming majority. That's different then that last President.
What he is asking for--is PROOF that he did indeed graduate from Harvard.

But I could gives a rats ass where he graduated from--he sure didn't take economics 101.

:lol: This is the kind of stupid stuff that delegitimizes any real criticisms of President Obama. Keep doing it in 2012, see how the American people respond.

Then he can sure SHOW PROOF that he did take economics 101--because his actions sure don't verify it. Barack Obama our most intellectual President ever--didn't seem to understand that what took thousands of men with shovels back in the 1930's can now be done with a couple of heavy equipment operators. What permits and engineering were done overnight in the 1930's--now takes years.

You tell me--how "intellectual was that for ya"---:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

All those "shovel ready projects"--:cuckoo:

What part of "We've got a great union, there's no need to dissolve it" do you need explained to you?

What part of "But if Washington continues to thumb their noses, who knows what may happen?" Do you need explained?
Where do you see the words "secession" or "break up" or "civil war" anywhere in that comment?
But please explain how "there is no need to dissolve it" means Perry is a secessionist. I'm waiting.

Tell ya what.

You can continue to believe that..if you like. You can even believe it will never ever come up again.

You can believe that Rick Perry is a shoe in ..for 2012.

That make you feel mo' bettah?

What you are posting are "gaffes"..and they are enough of them on both sides of the aisle.

Bachmann has a track record of saying, supporting and doing some very bigotted and racist things.

I don't say this lightly. Check my posts..I've never called any politician a racist. They may try to code talk to them..but I pretty much think even when they do that..they aren't personally racist.

Bachmann is a different animal altogether.

All I'm doing is exactly what you're doing. Gaffes??? What is a gaffe to you; is a dumb statement to someone else. What your definition of racist and bigoted "things" (to use your term) are; may not be racist and bigoted to others. You had better be sure that you are correct in your opinion of someone when you call them a racist. That's a sword of the left that should be sheathed forever. It's divisive, nasty and wrong to say that about someone. If you can see into someones heart and soul then you are special indeed, but I rather think that a true racist is some that sees everything through racial lenses. Race is on your mind often from what I've gathered in this forum. Maybe you should examine your true feelings.

What you are posting are "gaffes"..and they are enough of them on both sides of the aisle.

Bachmann has a track record of saying, supporting and doing some very bigotted and racist things.

I don't say this lightly. Check my posts..I've never called any politician a racist. They may try to code talk to them..but I pretty much think even when they do that..they aren't personally racist.

Bachmann is a different animal altogether.

All I'm doing is exactly what you're doing. Gaffes??? What is a gaffe to you; is a dumb statement to someone else. What your definition of racist and bigoted "things" (to use your term) are; may not be racist and bigoted to others. You had better be sure that you are correct in your opinion of someone when you call them a racist. That's a sword of the left that should be sheathed forever. It's divisive, nasty and wrong to say that about someone. If you can see into someones heart and soul then you are special indeed, but I rather think that a true racist is some that sees everything through racial lenses. Race is on your mind often from what I've gathered in this forum. Maybe you should examine your true feelings.

She signed a DOCUMENT that said African American children had it better under slavery then they do now.

Is that a gaffe too?

No..I can't see into anyone's heart. But I can see what they say and what they do.
What part of "But if Washington continues to thumb their noses, who knows what may happen?" Do you need explained?
Where do you see the words "secession" or "break up" or "civil war" anywhere in that comment?
But please explain how "there is no need to dissolve it" means Perry is a secessionist. I'm waiting.

Tell ya what.

You can continue to believe that..if you like. You can even believe it will never ever come up again.

You can believe that Rick Perry is a shoe in ..for 2012.

That make you feel mo' bettah?

It'll come up again because you're an imbecile and will repeat it endlessly, even though it's been disproven.
I do believe that Perry will announce his candidacy, that he will win the nomination, and that he will beat Obama by a margin that makes Jimmy Carter feel better about 1980.
What you are posting are "gaffes"..and they are enough of them on both sides of the aisle.

Bachmann has a track record of saying, supporting and doing some very bigotted and racist things.

I don't say this lightly. Check my posts..I've never called any politician a racist. They may try to code talk to them..but I pretty much think even when they do that..they aren't personally racist.

Bachmann is a different animal altogether.

All I'm doing is exactly what you're doing. Gaffes??? What is a gaffe to you; is a dumb statement to someone else. What your definition of racist and bigoted "things" (to use your term) are; may not be racist and bigoted to others. You had better be sure that you are correct in your opinion of someone when you call them a racist. That's a sword of the left that should be sheathed forever. It's divisive, nasty and wrong to say that about someone. If you can see into someones heart and soul then you are special indeed, but I rather think that a true racist is some that sees everything through racial lenses. Race is on your mind often from what I've gathered in this forum. Maybe you should examine your true feelings.

She signed a DOCUMENT that said African American children had it better under slavery then they do now.

Is that a gaffe too?

No..I can't see into anyone's heart. But I can see what they say and what they do.

How do you know she was wrong, if in fact she believed that?
All I'm doing is exactly what you're doing. Gaffes??? What is a gaffe to you; is a dumb statement to someone else. What your definition of racist and bigoted "things" (to use your term) are; may not be racist and bigoted to others. You had better be sure that you are correct in your opinion of someone when you call them a racist. That's a sword of the left that should be sheathed forever. It's divisive, nasty and wrong to say that about someone. If you can see into someones heart and soul then you are special indeed, but I rather think that a true racist is some that sees everything through racial lenses. Race is on your mind often from what I've gathered in this forum. Maybe you should examine your true feelings.

She signed a DOCUMENT that said African American children had it better under slavery then they do now.

Is that a gaffe too?

No..I can't see into anyone's heart. But I can see what they say and what they do.

How do you know she was wrong, if in fact she believed that?

Well, if you think it's acceptable for anyone to believe such a thing, then why don't get your hero Perry to endorse that view. I'm sure it'll go over very well.

And as for the secession thing, it won't just be Sallow bringing it up and it won't just be on message boards if Perry formally announces a run.
She signed a DOCUMENT that said African American children had it better under slavery then they do now.

Is that a gaffe too?

No..I can't see into anyone's heart. But I can see what they say and what they do.

How do you know she was wrong, if in fact she believed that?

Well, if you think it's acceptable for anyone to believe such a thing, then why don't get your hero Perry to endorse that view. I'm sure it'll go over very well.

And as for the secession thing, it won't just be Sallow bringing it up and it won't just be on message boards if Perry formally announces a run.

I'm asking a question, dipshit. How do you know she was wrong?
Where do you see the words "secession" or "break up" or "civil war" anywhere in that comment?
But please explain how "there is no need to dissolve it" means Perry is a secessionist. I'm waiting.

Tell ya what.

You can continue to believe that..if you like. You can even believe it will never ever come up again.

You can believe that Rick Perry is a shoe in ..for 2012.

That make you feel mo' bettah?

It'll come up again because you're an imbecile and will repeat it endlessly, even though it's been disproven.
I do believe that Perry will announce his candidacy, that he will win the nomination, and that he will beat Obama by a margin that makes Jimmy Carter feel better about 1980.

It'll come up again by me..sure.

But it will come again in the news if he wins the nomination.

It's not "disproven" it's what he said. And it was a ridiculous and very stupid thing to say.
All I'm doing is exactly what you're doing. Gaffes??? What is a gaffe to you; is a dumb statement to someone else. What your definition of racist and bigoted "things" (to use your term) are; may not be racist and bigoted to others. You had better be sure that you are correct in your opinion of someone when you call them a racist. That's a sword of the left that should be sheathed forever. It's divisive, nasty and wrong to say that about someone. If you can see into someones heart and soul then you are special indeed, but I rather think that a true racist is some that sees everything through racial lenses. Race is on your mind often from what I've gathered in this forum. Maybe you should examine your true feelings.

She signed a DOCUMENT that said African American children had it better under slavery then they do now.

Is that a gaffe too?

No..I can't see into anyone's heart. But I can see what they say and what they do.

How do you know she was wrong, if in fact she believed that?


Oh gosh..really?

You just posted this?

The article states that migraines sometimes incapacitate Bachmann for days at a time. Not many people are going to think that's OK.
I personally don't care.

But today her thugs beat up Brian Ross for asking if the story about her migraines was true.

Now that is some awesome reaction there!
She signed a DOCUMENT that said African American children had it better under slavery then they do now.

Is that a gaffe too?

No..I can't see into anyone's heart. But I can see what they say and what they do.

How do you know she was wrong, if in fact she believed that?


Oh gosh..really?

You just posted this?


Yeah, he did. He oughtta start a separate thread on it if he wants this thread to go there.
I think this migraine story is a big win for Bachmann.

I'm completely serious.

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