Old Warren came out today and shared some deep concerns he has with the Obama administration and its handling of the economy.
Of the various disputes he shared, he called out Obama on the proposed Cap n Trade fiasco, stating (correctly) it will be the utility users who will pay the most. (that is all of us)
Buffet went on to share concern regarding the demonizing of Wall Street as well as openly opposing the Obama support for the union card-check legislation that would take away workers' right to a secret ballot.
These are major disputes folks - and shows once again the dwindling support the Obama administration now faces amongst a growing number who once fully supported their cause. (which was simply getting elected - now this administration appears clueless on how to actually govern)
Buffet also indicated that the administration needs to get a far more focused message - that job one and job two and job three are to be the economy. Currently Obama has been wandering wildly with stem cell research, Gitmo, public education, etc, when the overall prevailing concern right now is "the economy stupid."
And what Buffet enjoys that others in the media and the business world who have voiced similar concerns regarding Obama, is he is by far the richest and most powerful individual to so openly do so, and that puts the Obama administration in a bit of bind on how to deal with him.
http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/CNBC/Se...Warren - Complete Transcript - 2009-03-09.pdf
Of the various disputes he shared, he called out Obama on the proposed Cap n Trade fiasco, stating (correctly) it will be the utility users who will pay the most. (that is all of us)
Buffet went on to share concern regarding the demonizing of Wall Street as well as openly opposing the Obama support for the union card-check legislation that would take away workers' right to a secret ballot.
These are major disputes folks - and shows once again the dwindling support the Obama administration now faces amongst a growing number who once fully supported their cause. (which was simply getting elected - now this administration appears clueless on how to actually govern)
Buffet also indicated that the administration needs to get a far more focused message - that job one and job two and job three are to be the economy. Currently Obama has been wandering wildly with stem cell research, Gitmo, public education, etc, when the overall prevailing concern right now is "the economy stupid."
And what Buffet enjoys that others in the media and the business world who have voiced similar concerns regarding Obama, is he is by far the richest and most powerful individual to so openly do so, and that puts the Obama administration in a bit of bind on how to deal with him.
http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/CNBC/Se...Warren - Complete Transcript - 2009-03-09.pdf