Call Buffalo, NY City Council Now

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Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
Buffalo, New York's black councilman Rasheed Wyatt has issued a call for blacks to riot in neighborhoods not their own.
In other words, riot, loot, and burn whitey. You can scream and caterwall to each other all you want but it won't have a fraction of the effect that calling the City Council's number and leaving your message with them will have. I did. Will you?
Take this step whenver you see insanity across this great land. Make your voice heard where it just might count.
(716) 851-5105 Buffalo, NY City Council Telephone
A. If you aren't a resident of Buffalo they won't care what you have to say

B. There is no source for your claim regarding the councilman and a quick Internet search produces no such story, so the thread is closed
A. If you aren't a resident of Buffalo they won't care what you have to say

B. There is no source for your claim regarding the councilman and a quick Internet search produces no such story, so the thread is closed
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