Brown Case Shows Need for Street Cameras


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Here's what happens thousands of times every day in America. A crime is committed out in broad daylight, but nobody was there to see it. Or if/whenever somebody says they were, nobody knows if that's true. Result ? No charges placed becasue of insufficient evidence.

At the same time, an innocent person could get caught up in something when in the aftermath, it appears like he might have done a crime. He gets arrested wrongly.

All this could be avoided by having street cameras, hooked into recorders.

I am a big fan of the TV show "Forensic Files". It is amazing how many criminals would have gone scott free had it not been for the forensic science investigation. But many criminals ARE going free right now, only because of the lack of street cameras which could catch criminals in the act, before the cops even arrive at the scene.

The Brown case is a perfect example. Had a street camera been on in the street where the shooting occured we could simple play back the video and know exactly what happened. There was no camera, so we can't. Contrast that with the camera/recorder of the convenience store which WAS operating, and DID catch thug boy Brown right in his tracks. And without that video, we would be seeing this Brown case quite differently right now.

Another example is the Carlie Brucia murder case. Killer Joseph Smith was convicted killing 11 year old Carlie. But would he have been even arrested, if not for a video which showed him and little Carlie Brucia walking together through a car wash, where Smith picked her up ? Probably not.

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Mod Edit XXXXXXX. There are too many cameras everywhere already.
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No, I'm an ordinary law-abiding citizen, who wants to see little girls like Carlie Brucia not be abducted, raped, and killed. So now that I've answered your question, which came second, you may now answer MY question which came first. Except that I'll I'll add one more part to it. Are you a moron ?
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Cameras on Private Property: Great
Cops recording Traffic Stops: Great!
The People recording Cops recording Traffic Stops: Even Better!
What are you ? A criminal ?

What are you? A moron? A statist? A fascist?

No, I'm an ordinary law-abiding citizen, who wants to see little girls like Carlie Brucia not be abducted, raped, and killed. So now that I've answered your question, which came second, you may now answer MY question which came first. Except that I'll I'll add one more part to it. Are you a moron ?
A camera will stop them from being abducted?
Cameras on Private Property: Great
Cops recording Traffic Stops: Great!
The People recording Cops recording Traffic Stops: Even Better!

Why not just have cameras recording everything out in PUBLIC places ? (except inside restrooms) When you're out in PUBLIC, everyone is already seeing you anyway. There's no such thing as privacy when you are out in public places.
Cameras on Private Property: Great
Cops recording Traffic Stops: Great!
The People recording Cops recording Traffic Stops: Even Better!

Why not just have cameras recording everything out in PUBLIC places ? (except inside restrooms) When you're out in PUBLIC, everyone is already seeing you anyway. There's no such thing as privacy when you are out in public places.

We need protection from people like you a lot more than we do from illegal immigrants.
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Cameras on Private Property: Great
Cops recording Traffic Stops: Great!
The People recording Cops recording Traffic Stops: Even Better!

Why not just have cameras recording everything out in PUBLIC places ? (except inside restrooms) When you're out in PUBLIC, everyone is already seeing you anyway. There's no such thing as privacy when you are out in public places.
The NSA said it's using all that data they collect to keep tabs on America's Enemies.

Turns out they were Spying for Corporations and Spying on us!

Why do you trust government so much? They Lie ALL THE TIME! I don't trust my neighbor to do the right thing, why would I trust the Government to do so? Because our flag is red, white and blue?
What are you? A moron? A statist? A fascist?

No, I'm an ordinary law-abiding citizen, who wants to see little girls like Carlie Brucia not be abducted, raped, and killed. So now that I've answered your question, which came second, you may now answer MY question which came first. Except that I'll I'll add one more part to it. Are you a moron ?
A camera will stop them from being abducted?

In some cases it could that. And the primary way it would, would be by catching abductor killers like Joseph Smith, so they don't get way with their crime, and then go out and do it AGAIN, & AGAIN, & AGAIN.

How many more little girls would have been sexually battered and killed by Joseph Smith over the past 10 years (since his arrest), if he had not been nabbed by the car wash security camera, and then the police ?
No, I'm an ordinary law-abiding citizen, who wants to see little girls like Carlie Brucia not be abducted, raped, and killed. So now that I've answered your question, which came second, you may now answer MY question which came first. Except that I'll I'll add one more part to it. Are you a moron ?
A camera will stop them from being abducted?

In some cases it could that. And the primary way it would, would be by catching abductor killers like Joseph Smith, so they don't get way with their crime, and then go out and do it AGAIN, & AGAIN, & AGAIN.

How many more little girls would have been sexually battered and killed by Joseph Smith over the past 10 years (since his arrest), if he had not been nabbed by the car wash security camera, and then the police ?
False premise. I would have no more girls ever abducted and abused. That does not mean I think that a camera on every street corner will prevent that. In fact, all it will do is provide proof if the abductor is captured, it won't prevent the abduction at all.

A person who is willing to take little girls and sexually assault them and/or kill them is not going to be deterred by a camera that could easily be defeated before the abduction.

Sorry, but this just opens up far more potential for abuse than any problem it would solve.

There is already too much surveillance for My taste.
Cameras on Private Property: Great
Cops recording Traffic Stops: Great!
The People recording Cops recording Traffic Stops: Even Better!

Why not just have cameras recording everything out in PUBLIC places ? (except inside restrooms) When you're out in PUBLIC, everyone is already seeing you anyway. There's no such thing as privacy when you are out in public places.

We need protection from people like you a lot more than we do from illegal immigrants. You are brain dead.

NO. CRIMINALS are who need protection from people like me, and you still haven't answered my question, if you're one of them. Are you ? Ever been convicted of a crime ? Got a rap sheet ? Let's hear it.
Cameras on Private Property: Great
Cops recording Traffic Stops: Great!
The People recording Cops recording Traffic Stops: Even Better!

Why not just have cameras recording everything out in PUBLIC places ? (except inside restrooms) When you're out in PUBLIC, everyone is already seeing you anyway. There's no such thing as privacy when you are out in public places.
The NSA said it's using all that data they collect to keep tabs on America's Enemies.

Turns out they were Spying for Corporations and Spying on us!

Why do you trust government so much? They Lie ALL THE TIME! I don't trust my neighbor to do the right thing, why would I trust the Government to do so? Because our flag is red, white and blue?

So you don't trust the police ? Why not ? Did they ever do anything against you ?
Actually, I once had the police charge me with a crime that I was innocent of. I went to court and acted as my own lawyer, and won. But it would have been easier for me, if a camera had recorded the whole thing.
A camera will stop them from being abducted?

In some cases it could that. And the primary way it would, would be by catching abductor killers like Joseph Smith, so they don't get way with their crime, and then go out and do it AGAIN, & AGAIN, & AGAIN.

How many more little girls would have been sexually battered and killed by Joseph Smith over the past 10 years (since his arrest), if he had not been nabbed by the car wash security camera, and then the police ?
False premise. I would have no more girls ever abducted and abused. That does not mean I think that a camera on every street corner will prevent that. In fact, all it will do is provide proof if the abductor is captured, it won't prevent the abduction at all.

A person who is willing to take little girls and sexually assault them and/or kill them is not going to be deterred by a camera that could easily be defeated before the abduction.

Sorry, but this just opens up far more potential for abuse than any problem it would solve.

There is already too much surveillance for My taste.

I really don't mean to be impetuous here, but try reading the post you quoted over again, and pay special attention to the last sentence (you know, where it says AGAIN & AGAIN & AGAIN) Get it, now ? :rolleyes:
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Here's what happens thousands of times every day in America. A crime is committed out in broad daylight, but nobody was there to see it. Or if/whenever somebody says they were, nobody knows if that's true. Result ? No charges placed becasue of insufficient evidence.

At the same time, an innocent person could get caught up in something when in the aftermath, it appears like he might have done a crime. He gets arrested wrongly.

All this could be avoided by having street cameras, hooked into recorders.

I am a big fan of the TV show "Forensic Files". It is amazing how many criminals would have gone scott free had it not been for the forensic science investigation. But many criminals ARE going free right now, only because of the lack of street cameras which could catch criminals in the act, before the cops even arrive at the scene.

The Brown case is a perfect example. Had a street camera been on in the street where the shooting occured we could simple play back the video and know exactly what happened. There was no camera, so we can't. Contrast that with the camera/recorder of the convenience store which WAS operating, and DID catch thug boy Brown right in his tracks. And without that video, we would be seeing this Brown case quite differently right now.

Another example is the Carlie Brucia murder case. Killer Joseph Smith was convicted killing 11 year old Carlie. But would he have been even arrested, if not for a video which showed him and little Carlie Brucia walking together through a car wash, where Smith picked her up ? Probably not.

^ Progressives are Modern Nazis

Orwell is laughing himself sick that he so underestimated how truly fucked we are
Here's what happens thousands of times every day in America. A crime is committed out in broad daylight, but nobody was there to see it. Or if/whenever somebody says they were, nobody knows if that's true. Result ? No charges placed becasue of insufficient evidence.

At the same time, an innocent person could get caught up in something when in the aftermath, it appears like he might have done a crime. He gets arrested wrongly.

All this could be avoided by having street cameras, hooked into recorders.

I am a big fan of the TV show "Forensic Files". It is amazing how many criminals would have gone scott free had it not been for the forensic science investigation. But many criminals ARE going free right now, only because of the lack of street cameras which could catch criminals in the act, before the cops even arrive at the scene.

The Brown case is a perfect example. Had a street camera been on in the street where the shooting occured we could simple play back the video and know exactly what happened. There was no camera, so we can't. Contrast that with the camera/recorder of the convenience store which WAS operating, and DID catch thug boy Brown right in his tracks. And without that video, we would be seeing this Brown case quite differently right now.

Another example is the Carlie Brucia murder case. Killer Joseph Smith was convicted killing 11 year old Carlie. But would he have been even arrested, if not for a video which showed him and little Carlie Brucia walking together through a car wash, where Smith picked her up ? Probably not.

^ Progressives are Modern Nazis

Orwell is laughing himself sick that he so underestimated how truly fucked we are

This has nothing to do with Progressives or Nazis. I'm a staunch conservative, and believer in LAW & ORDER. ANd whtat's the big deal about a street camera ? You're in PUBLIC when you're outside. PUBLIC. Get it ? Everyone is ALREADY seeing you.

So what's the problem ? (unless you're trying to commit crimes)
This has nothing to do with Progressives or Nazis. I'm a staunch conservative, and believer in LAW & ORDER. ANd whtat's the big deal about a street camera ? You're in PUBLIC when you're outside. PUBLIC. Get it ? Everyone is ALREADY seeing you.

So what's the problem ? (unless you're trying to commit crimes)
Did you know some states have laws that you must inform the other person that you are recording them?

1 Party Notification
2 Party Notification

I live in a 2 Party Notification State meaning BOTH Parties must understand that they are being recorded otherwise, all that info gets thrown out in Court. Is the NSA informing anyone? No.

What State do you live in Mr "Law and Order Conservative"?

State by State Compliance
Grab a tape recorder and go up to ANYONE on the street and say that you're gonna' record their conversations and see what happens. They'll tell ya' to f*ck off and rightly so.

I suppose you would think they're planning something criminal right?
In some cases it could that. And the primary way it would, would be by catching abductor killers like Joseph Smith, so they don't get way with their crime, and then go out and do it AGAIN, & AGAIN, & AGAIN.

How many more little girls would have been sexually battered and killed by Joseph Smith over the past 10 years (since his arrest), if he had not been nabbed by the car wash security camera, and then the police ?
False premise. I would have no more girls ever abducted and abused. That does not mean I think that a camera on every street corner will prevent that. In fact, all it will do is provide proof if the abductor is captured, it won't prevent the abduction at all.

A person who is willing to take little girls and sexually assault them and/or kill them is not going to be deterred by a camera that could easily be defeated before the abduction.

Sorry, but this just opens up far more potential for abuse than any problem it would solve.

There is already too much surveillance for My taste.

I really don't mean to be impetuous here, but try reading the post you quoted over again, and pay special attention to the last sentence (you know, where it says AGAIN & AGAIN & AGAIN) Get it, now ? :rolleyes:
I am stating to you quite plainly that simply because I do not agree with your solution does not mean that I want children abducted and molested or killed.

Do not presume to think that YOURS is the only correct answer to the problem.

Do I have to be clearer than that?

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