Brooklyn leaders denounce the evil guns that killed 12 year old Kade Lewin.

Neither are. Last I checked, you need a background check to get a gun and a doctor's prescription to get pain killers.

If we run the world to take away every possible means that a person might use to kill themselves, in the end, they'll still find a way to do it if they really want to die, and all we'd end up with is a world so restrictive and controlled that I wouldn't want to even live in it!

Life is full of risk. Quit letting fear run your life or expecting Big Brother to protect you 24/7 and you might enjoy it!
Generally narcotics are only allowed to people who have medical necessity for them.
Generally narcotics are only allowed to people who have medical necessity for them.
Right, so how can there be an opiod problem then unless:
  1. A bunch of crooked doctors are passing out scipts left and right everywhere in mass quantity, which they aren't, and which any good pharma would catch anyway and refuse to fill. In fact, you have to jump through hoops just to get a small, limited supply of pills even when your medical need is great.
  2. People are getting them illegally on the street from shipments coming across our porous border, which the Fed is in charge of controlling but isn't so is actually creating the very problem by not enforcing the border while wailing to the public about the opiod problem we need to crack down on which they themselves are the ones actually facilitating in the first place!

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