Brookline Strangers


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Alright, one more fun heist story, not a parody really, but inspired by the dystopian (albeit eerie!) film The Strangers. Thanks so much for reading (and enjoy!),


Welcome to the gorgeous and idyllic town of Newton. There's many good people here, many who are quite wealthy. There's a great private school. There's a great financial center called Brookline Bank.


The Alvernia private school is home to many bright students, and all are required to be in uniforms year-round.


BROOKLINE BANK: "We're proud of our many customers and our town of Netwon, and some of our safe-boxes hold diamonds."


The town of Newton was visited by two masked strangers during Halloween 2021. These two strangers made a line for the Brookline Bank in the center of town, because they knew the safe-boxes in the bank vault room held diamonds worth over $20 million. One of the two masked strangers was a pyscho named Isaac.


The other psycho was Isaac's girlfriend Eileen. The two masked strangers walked into Brookline Bank on a bright Friday morning wielding toy water-guns fitted with a protective inner thin glass tube filled with corrosive HCL acid. Isaac and Eileen wanted to pull off an irregular Bonnie and Clyde styled American town bank robbery with their special 'acid-guns' that Friday in Newton. It was difficult to determine who was more insane, Isaac or his girlfriend Eileen.


ISAAC: We're holding toy guns filled with corrosive acid.
EILEEN: Kindly escort us to the vault room with the diamond safe-box.
ISAAC: We're just here for the $20 million diamonds belonging to the Newton aristocrats.


Isaac and Eileen walked out of Brookline Bank in Newton that Friday morning holding the $20 million diamonds, concealed in their pull-out convenient soles of their leather boots. They walked into their getaway rental car, a Toyota Prius, and drove to the Amtrak station where they took a ride all the way to Toronto (Canada) with the Newton diamonds.


These two masked strangers concluded that Newton was a typical gorgeous American town representative of modern civilization wealth and comforts. They didn't hesitate to lift the aristocracy-diamonds from the idyllic town and ride off to Canada where they retired as online math tutors living off their parents' inherited fortunes under changed names. Their parents were deceased, of course. Isaac and Eileen never forgot the heavenly town of Newton.


NEWTON POLICE: "We're certain these masked strangers wielding acid-guns are messengers of Satanism."


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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