Brittany Maynard ended her own life before her tumor could rob her of it

Are we Americans living in a secular society, or are you espousing Christian Sharia?

There's nothing "sharia" about Christian law, Christian wants to behead you for drinking a beer or laughing at God. Take a look where our "secular society" has gotten us. You can scream at me but I didn't make the rules or always follow them until I got the Word. If you knew anything about my life you'd know only God could have saved me from death so many times. Comes a point in every person's life they take stock of their close calls....some call it luck but I know better.
Yep, emotional reactions, thanks for making my point. Did you listen to your parents when they gave rational thoughts to you on something you had desired to do and made up your mind? Doctors are wrong, a lot.
There's the commandment thou shalt not kill which arguably can be extended to the self as well as others.
Torn on this one. On the one hand, if things are truly hopeless, a person should have the right to end it. On the other hand, the worst pain is still better than the best being dead.

I think we let the individual and their doctor make the decision.

Had a much longer post written but thinking on it it's an impossible decision to make for others. I think it's the most horrible thing imaginable having to tell someone they're not allowed to end their pain while at the same time think giving up is the most horrible thing too. Plus there's the 'I've never been in the situation so can't know what I'd want' aspect.

Is it "giving up"?

-- or is it coming to a crossroads, knowing where only one road goes, and electing to therefore take one's chances with the unknown one?
She had second thoughts and expressed a change of heart. It's my opinion she was pressured into this. It's a shame, nothing noble

She never expressed second thoughts about ending her own life before the final stages. She expressed second thoughts about when she would do it.

What is a shame is when society insists people go thru horrible pain, loss of dignity, and terrible symptoms, just so we can feel that we are preventing a death. We aren't. We are making their life worse.
Mincing words doesn't help you.

She expressed she was not ready. Period.

Obviously she was. She took the meds that ended it.

There is no evidence whatsoever that she was pressured. She simply waited until she was ready.

A few days ago she was not. You wanting her death, and the advocacy group her husband worked with was a great deal of pressure.

We will never know if she did this willingly at this time or under pressure because she expressed a desire to live longer.

Yes, we do know. Show her respect.
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  • #47
Yep, emotional reactions, thanks for making my point. Did you listen to your parents when they gave rational thoughts to you on something you had desired to do and made up your mind? Doctors are wrong, a lot.

The doctors were not wrong about there being a tumor. There was no getting well. She was in the final, horrible stages of the disease. She wanted to end her life.
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  • #48
Are we Americans living in a secular society, or are you espousing Christian Sharia?

There's nothing "sharia" about Christian law, Christian wants to behead you for drinking a beer or laughing at God. Take a look where our "secular society" has gotten us. You can scream at me but I didn't make the rules or always follow them until I got the Word. If you knew anything about my life you'd know only God could have saved me from death so many times. Comes a point in every person's life they take stock of their close calls....some call it luck but I know better.

And if you want to follow your faith, that is all well and good.

But you do not have the right to make laws governing others based solely on your religious beliefs.
When one is engaged in using his or her religious values to tell and make another what he or she thinks is best, then, yes, that is a form of sharia.
Are we Americans living in a secular society, or are you espousing Christian Sharia?

There's nothing "sharia" about Christian law, Christian wants to behead you for drinking a beer or laughing at God. Take a look where our "secular society" has gotten us. You can scream at me but I didn't make the rules or always follow them until I got the Word. If you knew anything about my life you'd know only God could have saved me from death so many times. Comes a point in every person's life they take stock of their close calls....some call it luck but I know better.

And if you want to follow your faith, that is all well and good.

But you do not have the right to make laws governing others based solely on your religious beliefs.

Really? Maybe you should check out who the Founders were and what they said about law and justice. I'm not suggesting that suicidal people should be fined or jailed. All I'm saying is that your kind is willing to accept their horrible decision as somehow okay....okay for who? you? You ain't a Christian so shut the fuck up about our rules.
When one is engaged in using his or her religious values to tell and make another what he or she thinks is best, then, yes, that is a form of sharia.

Hey're a liar and and a fool.....why you think chirping with your dumbass little one-liners has any effect on anybody is way past wrong.
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  • #52
Are we Americans living in a secular society, or are you espousing Christian Sharia?

There's nothing "sharia" about Christian law, Christian wants to behead you for drinking a beer or laughing at God. Take a look where our "secular society" has gotten us. You can scream at me but I didn't make the rules or always follow them until I got the Word. If you knew anything about my life you'd know only God could have saved me from death so many times. Comes a point in every person's life they take stock of their close calls....some call it luck but I know better.

And if you want to follow your faith, that is all well and good.

But you do not have the right to make laws governing others based solely on your religious beliefs.

Really? Maybe you should check out who the Founders were and what they said about law and justice. I'm not suggesting that suicidal people should be fined or jailed. All I'm saying is that your kind is willing to accept their horrible decision as somehow okay....okay for who? you? You ain't a Christian so shut the fuck up about our rules.

The founding fathers were careful to make sure that no religion ruled this nation.

That is why religious based laws are unconstitutional.

No, I am not a christian. Even when I was, I fought to make sure people had a choice of whether or not they wanted to live by christianity's rules. I was still a christian when I worked to oppose Roy Moore's placement of the 10 Commandment monument in the Alabama Supreme Court lobby.
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We let it get to that point sooner or later the insurance company is going to want in on the decision making.

Then the law will have to be changed.

The law clearly says that a doctor must have diagnosed a person with a terminal disease and the doctor must have documented and proven that the patient has 6 months or less of life.

An insurance company can't get involved beyond paying for the drugs. The law won't allow it.
The founding fathers were careful to make sure that no religion ruled this nation.

That is why religious based laws are unconstitutional.

No, I am not a christian. Even when I was, I fought to make sure people had a choice of whether or not they wanted to live by christianity's rules. I was still a christian when I worked to oppose Roy Moore's placement of the 10 Commandment monument in the Alabama Supreme Court lobby.

A "former Christian" are ya? Couldn't hack it so you quit....sounds familiar. Of course you're also wrong about the Founders' intentions but that's also par for the course. Any set of laws is based on simple morality....not situation ethics like your crowd favors. Something wrong is always wrong even if the outcome is popular at the moment. All religions believe in basically the same principles of behavior despite efforts by their zealots to bastardize the rules. And you may think you're "enlightened" but remember've given up on God but He likely hasn't given up on you....I'd suggest you think about your decisions while you still have time.
Are we Americans living in a secular society, or are you espousing Christian Sharia?

There's nothing "sharia" about Christian law, Christian wants to behead you for drinking a beer or laughing at God. Take a look where our "secular society" has gotten us. You can scream at me but I didn't make the rules or always follow them until I got the Word. If you knew anything about my life you'd know only God could have saved me from death so many times. Comes a point in every person's life they take stock of their close calls....some call it luck but I know better.

And if you want to follow your faith, that is all well and good.

But you do not have the right to make laws governing others based solely on your religious beliefs.

Really? Maybe you should check out who the Founders were and what they said about law and justice. I'm not suggesting that suicidal people should be fined or jailed. All I'm saying is that your kind is willing to accept their horrible decision as somehow okay....okay for who? you? You ain't a Christian so shut the fuck up about our rules.

You, based on your language and spirit, clearly do not know the Lord and Savior.

Counsel yourself before you counsel others, friend.
if it were only about pain, you might have a point. But this tumor also brings about siezures, memory loss, loss of bowel control, headaches, nausea, vomiting, loss of, or difficulty with speech and more.

This tumor had nothing to do with any lifestyle choice she made. If your God has no mercy for someone avoiding the pain and indignity of such an illness, then you are welcome to worship him. I would not.

No "might" about it.....our lives are given to us and we have no right to throw them away. You can't intellectualize Christian law and expect to find mercy on Judgement Day. Either you're a Christian or you're not....either you follow the rules or you don't and pay the price....NO EXCEPTIONS.

How do you know she was christian?

I'm not christian.

Your words are fine for YOU but don't even try to force your words or beliefs on anyone else.
Are we Americans living in a secular society, or are you espousing Christian Sharia?

There's nothing "sharia" about Christian law, Christian wants to behead you for drinking a beer or laughing at God. Take a look where our "secular society" has gotten us. You can scream at me but I didn't make the rules or always follow them until I got the Word. If you knew anything about my life you'd know only God could have saved me from death so many times. Comes a point in every person's life they take stock of their close calls....some call it luck but I know better.

And if you want to follow your faith, that is all well and good.

But you do not have the right to make laws governing others based solely on your religious beliefs.

Really? Maybe you should check out who the Founders were and what they said about law and justice. I'm not suggesting that suicidal people should be fined or jailed. All I'm saying is that your kind is willing to accept their horrible decision as somehow okay....okay for who? you? You ain't a Christian so shut the fuck up about our rules.

You, based on your language and spirit, clearly do not know the Lord and Savior.

Counsel yourself before you counsel others, friend.

We ain't friends asshole.

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