Brittany Maynard ended her own life before her tumor could rob her of it

She had second thoughts and expressed a change of heart. It's my opinion she was pressured into this. It's a shame, nothing noble

She never expressed second thoughts about ending her own life before the final stages. She expressed second thoughts about when she would do it.

What is a shame is when society insists people go thru horrible pain, loss of dignity, and terrible symptoms, just so we can feel that we are preventing a death. We aren't. We are making their life worse.
Mincing words doesn't help you.

She expressed she was not ready. Period.

Obviously she was. She took the meds that ended it.

There is no evidence whatsoever that she was pressured. She simply waited until she was ready.
We've had the Death With Dignity Act here in Oregon since '97. I believe the number of patients utilizing the law, are still under 100.
I remember back when we first voted this in, critics claimed that there would be thousands of people moving to Oregon to commit suicide and Oregon would be known as the suicide mecca of America.
It's never happened.
Yeah, you go ahead and do that. But since the laws you refer to are based on translations or translations and edited for political reasons years ago, I'm not buying it.

If God has no more compassion than that, he can keep his heaven and I'll go with reincarnation.

What you're forgetting is you might be "reincarnated" as a cockroach. :laugh:
Far right social cons blather on. Amazing, they know not Christ but want to legislate for Him.
We've had the Death With Dignity Act here in Oregon since '97. I believe the number of patients utilizing the law, are still under 100.
I remember back when we first voted this in, critics claimed that there would be thousands of people moving to Oregon to commit suicide and Oregon would be known as the suicide mecca of America.
It's never happened.

More objectively, if we're going to be a nation that's ok with abortion, assisted suicide is the logical extension.
A decision like that is totally emotionally based, which usually makes it suspect. Good luck taking it back.
We've had the Death With Dignity Act here in Oregon since '97. I believe the number of patients utilizing the law, are still under 100.
I remember back when we first voted this in, critics claimed that there would be thousands of people moving to Oregon to commit suicide and Oregon would be known as the suicide mecca of America.
It's never happened.

More objectively, if we're going to be a nation that's ok with abortion, assisted suicide is the logical extension.

The thing is though, the baby isn't allowed a choice, the person choosing suicide does have a choice.
I read about her big seizure at the Grand Canyon. I think she put a lot of work into preparing her loved ones for her decision. I support her decision and, also, those that want to follow that path.
Yeah, you go ahead and do that. But since the laws you refer to are based on translations or translations and edited for political reasons years ago, I'm not buying it.

If God has no more compassion than that, he can keep his heaven and I'll go with reincarnation.

What you're forgetting is you might be "reincarnated" as a cockroach. :laugh:

Still sounds better.
if it were only about pain, you might have a point. But this tumor also brings about siezures, memory loss, loss of bowel control, headaches, nausea, vomiting, loss of, or difficulty with speech and more.

This tumor had nothing to do with any lifestyle choice she made. If your God has no mercy for someone avoiding the pain and indignity of such an illness, then you are welcome to worship him. I would not.

No "might" about it.....our lives are given to us and we have no right to throw them away. You can't intellectualize Christian law and expect to find mercy on Judgement Day. Either you're a Christian or you're not....either you follow the rules or you don't and pay the price....NO EXCEPTIONS.
Are we Americans living in a secular society, or are you espousing Christian Sharia?
She had second thoughts and expressed a change of heart. It's my opinion she was pressured into this. It's a shame, nothing noble

She never expressed second thoughts about ending her own life before the final stages. She expressed second thoughts about when she would do it.

What is a shame is when society insists people go thru horrible pain, loss of dignity, and terrible symptoms, just so we can feel that we are preventing a death. We aren't. We are making their life worse.
Mincing words doesn't help you.

She expressed she was not ready. Period.

Obviously she was. She took the meds that ended it.

There is no evidence whatsoever that she was pressured. She simply waited until she was ready.

A few days ago she was not. You wanting her death, and the advocacy group her husband worked with was a great deal of pressure.

We will never know if she did this willingly at this time or under pressure because she expressed a desire to live longer.
We've had the Death With Dignity Act here in Oregon since '97. I believe the number of patients utilizing the law, are still under 100.
I remember back when we first voted this in, critics claimed that there would be thousands of people moving to Oregon to commit suicide and Oregon would be known as the suicide mecca of America.
It's never happened.

More objectively, if we're going to be a nation that's ok with abortion, assisted suicide is the logical extension.

The thing is though, the baby isn't allowed a choice, the person choosing suicide does have a choice.

Right, but the point was since we're ok saying the one who doesn't have a say is 'killable' then the one asking to die should be fine.
She had second thoughts and expressed a change of heart. It's my opinion she was pressured into this. It's a shame, nothing noble

She never expressed second thoughts about ending her own life before the final stages. She expressed second thoughts about when she would do it.

What is a shame is when society insists people go thru horrible pain, loss of dignity, and terrible symptoms, just so we can feel that we are preventing a death. We aren't. We are making their life worse.
Mincing words doesn't help you.

She expressed she was not ready. Period.
She expressed that she was not ready because life still brought her joy. Then she had the worst seizure to date. That's what changed her decision.

If such a death could be confined to the terminally ill it might be acceptable. Since every country that has legalized suicide has grown beyond the terminally ill into counseling the merely sick or depressed to commit suicide this is not a path that we should take.
She had second thoughts and expressed a change of heart. It's my opinion she was pressured into this. It's a shame, nothing noble

She never expressed second thoughts about ending her own life before the final stages. She expressed second thoughts about when she would do it.

What is a shame is when society insists people go thru horrible pain, loss of dignity, and terrible symptoms, just so we can feel that we are preventing a death. We aren't. We are making their life worse.
Mincing words doesn't help you.

She expressed she was not ready. Period.

Obviously she was. She took the meds that ended it.

There is no evidence whatsoever that she was pressured. She simply waited until she was ready.

A few days ago she was not. You wanting her death, and the advocacy group her husband worked with was a great deal of pressure.

We will never know if she did this willingly at this time or under pressure because she expressed a desire to live longer.

I want her death?? Where in the hell did you get that? Inventing facts?

No, she made her decision. That she had a good day right before the end was a blessing. But she expressed no desire to cancel her plans for ending her life.
What Christian Law is there? Nada. Only religious law in the Bible is Jewish, and most Christians like to say they're not bound to that.

There's no explicit prohibition against suicide in Jewish Law.

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