Brits Knew Dossier Was Bogus in 2017 Prior to Trump Inauguration; Have Sent US AG / US IG Evidence


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"In January 2017 then-U.K. national security adviser Sir Mark Lyall Grant hand-delivered a memo to soon-to-be national security adviser Michael Flynn's team that asserted the U.K. government had doubts about the credibility of British ex-spy Christopher Steele. Recent reports suggest Steele had briefed British intelligence officials on his dossier after the 2016 presidential election, and the heads of MI5 and MI6 were made aware of the contents of the dossier by late November.

“A whistleblower recently revealed the existence of a communique from our allies in Great Britain during the early days of the Russia collusion investigation,” Meadows said.

“Based on my conversations with that individual, and the credible timelines that are supported by other events, I made a referral to Attorney General William Barr and Inspector General Michael Horowitz for further investigation,” the North Carolina Republican added. “There now is overwhelming evidence to suggest that on multiple occasions the FBI was warned that Christopher Steele and the dossier had severe credibility issues.”

"Donald Trump’s campaign, it sat buried for more than 2 1/2 years in the files of a high-ranking State Department official."

Existing evidence in the form of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec’s written accountof her Oct. 11, 2016, meeting with FBI informant Christopher Steele exposed that:

1. Steele ADMITTED Hillary Clinton paid for the Dossier, that the Dossier was a POLITICAL document that he was adamant about releasing BEFORE the 2016 election to have an impact on the election

2. Steele LIED in his interview with Kavalec (which she IMMEDIATELY knew and annotated in her notes), proving Steele was totally UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY...

3. Kavalec immediately notified the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

DOJ's Bruce Ohr testified under oath that HE told the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI Steele was UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY and that the Dossier was UNVERIFIED and UNRELIABLE PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

Now evidence shows the Brits gave the US / Obama administration's State Dept a report warning that Steele and the dossier had 'serious credibility' issues...


** Remember, a newly-released e-mail from Obama National Security advisor Susan Rice sites Obama was briefed by then-FBI Director Comey in August 2016 about the 'Russia Collusion Investigation', demanded to be kept updated on every detail, that the Obama administration personnel who had access to this information and who attended meetings included Obama, Biden, Rice, Yates, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY.

It should be noted that Ohr is also on record under oath stating that ROBERT MUELLER worked with him and Steele ON THE DOSSIER BEFORE the official investigation of Trump began and BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel....which, common sense dictates, if Ohr knew both Steele and the Dossier were unreliable / unverified then MUELLER KNEW as well....BEFORE he began his investigation.

Mueller also HAD to know Steele had been fired by the FBI for lying to the FBI, which is not only a crime but met the requirement for considering Steele unreliable and thus he and the Dossier could NOT be cited in the FISA Court warrant requests, which they were 3 times (1 initial and 2 renewals)!

As time goes on, not only does more and more evidence keep coming out exposing Obama and his top inner circle and agency directors were behind the exposed failed coup attempt but that Mueller was also working with the FBI / Ohr / Steele on the Dossier BEFORE the illegal FISA Court Warrant Requests were made and he knew everything....before he became Special Counsel!

Embarrassing: It Seems Even The British Knew The Trump Dossier Was Trash…in 2017

True, untrue, false, lies.......

None of it matters. What matters to dimocrap FILTH is "The Narrative"

If they can sell "The Narrative" that's all they care about.

They're gonna keep pushing the lie until the people vote them back into the dark ages.

But that won't be easy since the DISGUSTING FILTH in the media runs 24/7 advertising for them.

People say, "The media is losing its influence"

No it isn't. Why do you think Companies spend BILLIONS on advertising every year? Why do you think Companies spend FIVE MILLION DOLLARS FOR A HALF-MINUTE ad during the Super Bowl??

Because TV and the media WORK.

And dimocrap scum have almost total control of it.

I'm a Ford guy. Cut me and I bleed Ford Blue.

But when Ford backed the kneeling NFL douchebags, I went and bought a Ram. Cummins.

That's how you hit them. In the pocket books.

socialist scum are the most greedy people on the planet

Hit them where it hurts.

And yeah, I wrote Ford about it, too. Sent them a receipt.

Never heard back from them. Probably won't. They'll just spend another 20 Billion in ad money and forget about us deplorables
I still haven't seen who would vote for a fking demoloser other than loser hollywooders. Go to twitter and facebook and the new app Parler, it's 80% supporting trump on them. fk the MSM, noone is listening. no one. BTW, everywhere I go, similar to 2016, everyone is Trump I speak with. that's amazing. everyone laughs at AOC BTW. Even my grade schooling grandkids. They told me about the eight slices of pizza vs twelve slices of pizza bit. I cracked the fk up!!!
"In January 2017 then-U.K. national security adviser Sir Mark Lyall Grant hand-delivered a memo to soon-to-be national security adviser Michael Flynn's team that asserted the U.K. government had doubts about the credibility of British ex-spy Christopher Steele. Recent reports suggest Steele had briefed British intelligence officials on his dossier after the 2016 presidential election, and the heads of MI5 and MI6 were made aware of the contents of the dossier by late November.

“A whistleblower recently revealed the existence of a communique from our allies in Great Britain during the early days of the Russia collusion investigation,” Meadows said.

“Based on my conversations with that individual, and the credible timelines that are supported by other events, I made a referral to Attorney General William Barr and Inspector General Michael Horowitz for further investigation,” the North Carolina Republican added. “There now is overwhelming evidence to suggest that on multiple occasions the FBI was warned that Christopher Steele and the dossier had severe credibility issues.”

"Donald Trump’s campaign, it sat buried for more than 2 1/2 years in the files of a high-ranking State Department official."

Existing evidence in the form of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec’s written accountof her Oct. 11, 2016, meeting with FBI informant Christopher Steele exposed that:

1. Steele ADMITTED Hillary Clinton paid for the Dossier, that the Dossier was a POLITICAL document that he was adamant about releasing BEFORE the 2016 election to have an impact on the election

2. Steele LIED in his interview with Kavalec (which she IMMEDIATELY knew and annotated in her notes), proving Steele was totally UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY...

3. Kavalec immediately notified the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

DOJ's Bruce Ohr testified under oath that HE told the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI Steele was UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY and that the Dossier was UNVERIFIED and UNRELIABLE PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

Now evidence shows the Brits gave the US / Obama administration's State Dept a report warning that Steele and the dossier had 'serious credibility' issues...


** Remember, a newly-released e-mail from Obama National Security advisor Susan Rice sites Obama was briefed by then-FBI Director Comey in August 2016 about the 'Russia Collusion Investigation', demanded to be kept updated on every detail, that the Obama administration personnel who had access to this information and who attended meetings included Obama, Biden, Rice, Yates, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY.

It should be noted that Ohr is also on record under oath stating that ROBERT MUELLER worked with him and Steele ON THE DOSSIER BEFORE the official investigation of Trump began and BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel....which, common sense dictates, if Ohr knew both Steele and the Dossier were unreliable / unverified then MUELLER KNEW as well....BEFORE he began his investigation.

Mueller also HAD to know Steele had been fired by the FBI for lying to the FBI, which is not only a crime but met the requirement for considering Steele unreliable and thus he and the Dossier could NOT be cited in the FISA Court warrant requests, which they were 3 times (1 initial and 2 renewals)!

As time goes on, not only does more and more evidence keep coming out exposing Obama and his top inner circle and agency directors were behind the exposed failed coup attempt but that Mueller was also working with the FBI / Ohr / Steele on the Dossier BEFORE the illegal FISA Court Warrant Requests were made and he knew everything....before he became Special Counsel!

Embarrassing: It Seems Even The British Knew The Trump Dossier Was Trash…in 2017

Raw intelligence is supposed to be looked into.

Steele had RAW intelligence.

"Hey guys, I got some hints and suspicions about these things because these people talked about this. Maybe you should look into it."

Not everything is expected to be true exactly the way it was presented.

Its RAW.
"In January 2017 then-U.K. national security adviser Sir Mark Lyall Grant hand-delivered a memo to soon-to-be national security adviser Michael Flynn's team that asserted the U.K. government had doubts about the credibility of British ex-spy Christopher Steele. Recent reports suggest Steele had briefed British intelligence officials on his dossier after the 2016 presidential election, and the heads of MI5 and MI6 were made aware of the contents of the dossier by late November.

“A whistleblower recently revealed the existence of a communique from our allies in Great Britain during the early days of the Russia collusion investigation,” Meadows said.

“Based on my conversations with that individual, and the credible timelines that are supported by other events, I made a referral to Attorney General William Barr and Inspector General Michael Horowitz for further investigation,” the North Carolina Republican added. “There now is overwhelming evidence to suggest that on multiple occasions the FBI was warned that Christopher Steele and the dossier had severe credibility issues.”

"Donald Trump’s campaign, it sat buried for more than 2 1/2 years in the files of a high-ranking State Department official."

Existing evidence in the form of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec’s written accountof her Oct. 11, 2016, meeting with FBI informant Christopher Steele exposed that:

1. Steele ADMITTED Hillary Clinton paid for the Dossier, that the Dossier was a POLITICAL document that he was adamant about releasing BEFORE the 2016 election to have an impact on the election

2. Steele LIED in his interview with Kavalec (which she IMMEDIATELY knew and annotated in her notes), proving Steele was totally UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY...

3. Kavalec immediately notified the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

DOJ's Bruce Ohr testified under oath that HE told the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI Steele was UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY and that the Dossier was UNVERIFIED and UNRELIABLE PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

Now evidence shows the Brits gave the US / Obama administration's State Dept a report warning that Steele and the dossier had 'serious credibility' issues...


** Remember, a newly-released e-mail from Obama National Security advisor Susan Rice sites Obama was briefed by then-FBI Director Comey in August 2016 about the 'Russia Collusion Investigation', demanded to be kept updated on every detail, that the Obama administration personnel who had access to this information and who attended meetings included Obama, Biden, Rice, Yates, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY.

It should be noted that Ohr is also on record under oath stating that ROBERT MUELLER worked with him and Steele ON THE DOSSIER BEFORE the official investigation of Trump began and BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel....which, common sense dictates, if Ohr knew both Steele and the Dossier were unreliable / unverified then MUELLER KNEW as well....BEFORE he began his investigation.

Mueller also HAD to know Steele had been fired by the FBI for lying to the FBI, which is not only a crime but met the requirement for considering Steele unreliable and thus he and the Dossier could NOT be cited in the FISA Court warrant requests, which they were 3 times (1 initial and 2 renewals)!

As time goes on, not only does more and more evidence keep coming out exposing Obama and his top inner circle and agency directors were behind the exposed failed coup attempt but that Mueller was also working with the FBI / Ohr / Steele on the Dossier BEFORE the illegal FISA Court Warrant Requests were made and he knew everything....before he became Special Counsel!

Embarrassing: It Seems Even The British Knew The Trump Dossier Was Trash…in 2017

Raw intelligence is supposed to be looked into.

Steele had RAW intelligence.

"Hey guys, I got some hints and suspicions about these things because these people talked about this. Maybe you should look into it."

Not everything is expected to be true exactly the way it was presented.

Its RAW.

Um, then the FBI needs to verify the information before they use it to spy on a US citizens for over a year.
"In January 2017 then-U.K. national security adviser Sir Mark Lyall Grant hand-delivered a memo to soon-to-be national security adviser Michael Flynn's team that asserted the U.K. government had doubts about the credibility of British ex-spy Christopher Steele. Recent reports suggest Steele had briefed British intelligence officials on his dossier after the 2016 presidential election, and the heads of MI5 and MI6 were made aware of the contents of the dossier by late November.

“A whistleblower recently revealed the existence of a communique from our allies in Great Britain during the early days of the Russia collusion investigation,” Meadows said.

“Based on my conversations with that individual, and the credible timelines that are supported by other events, I made a referral to Attorney General William Barr and Inspector General Michael Horowitz for further investigation,” the North Carolina Republican added. “There now is overwhelming evidence to suggest that on multiple occasions the FBI was warned that Christopher Steele and the dossier had severe credibility issues.”

"Donald Trump’s campaign, it sat buried for more than 2 1/2 years in the files of a high-ranking State Department official."

Existing evidence in the form of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec’s written accountof her Oct. 11, 2016, meeting with FBI informant Christopher Steele exposed that:

1. Steele ADMITTED Hillary Clinton paid for the Dossier, that the Dossier was a POLITICAL document that he was adamant about releasing BEFORE the 2016 election to have an impact on the election

2. Steele LIED in his interview with Kavalec (which she IMMEDIATELY knew and annotated in her notes), proving Steele was totally UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY...

3. Kavalec immediately notified the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

DOJ's Bruce Ohr testified under oath that HE told the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI Steele was UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY and that the Dossier was UNVERIFIED and UNRELIABLE PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

Now evidence shows the Brits gave the US / Obama administration's State Dept a report warning that Steele and the dossier had 'serious credibility' issues...


** Remember, a newly-released e-mail from Obama National Security advisor Susan Rice sites Obama was briefed by then-FBI Director Comey in August 2016 about the 'Russia Collusion Investigation', demanded to be kept updated on every detail, that the Obama administration personnel who had access to this information and who attended meetings included Obama, Biden, Rice, Yates, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY.

It should be noted that Ohr is also on record under oath stating that ROBERT MUELLER worked with him and Steele ON THE DOSSIER BEFORE the official investigation of Trump began and BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel....which, common sense dictates, if Ohr knew both Steele and the Dossier were unreliable / unverified then MUELLER KNEW as well....BEFORE he began his investigation.

Mueller also HAD to know Steele had been fired by the FBI for lying to the FBI, which is not only a crime but met the requirement for considering Steele unreliable and thus he and the Dossier could NOT be cited in the FISA Court warrant requests, which they were 3 times (1 initial and 2 renewals)!

As time goes on, not only does more and more evidence keep coming out exposing Obama and his top inner circle and agency directors were behind the exposed failed coup attempt but that Mueller was also working with the FBI / Ohr / Steele on the Dossier BEFORE the illegal FISA Court Warrant Requests were made and he knew everything....before he became Special Counsel!

Embarrassing: It Seems Even The British Knew The Trump Dossier Was Trash…in 2017

Raw intelligence is supposed to be looked into.

Steele had RAW intelligence.

"Hey guys, I got some hints and suspicions about these things because these people talked about this. Maybe you should look into it."

Not everything is expected to be true exactly the way it was presented.

Its RAW.
so what do you supposed the procedure is for raw intelligence?
"In January 2017 then-U.K. national security adviser Sir Mark Lyall Grant hand-delivered a memo to soon-to-be national security adviser Michael Flynn's team that asserted the U.K. government had doubts about the credibility of British ex-spy Christopher Steele. Recent reports suggest Steele had briefed British intelligence officials on his dossier after the 2016 presidential election, and the heads of MI5 and MI6 were made aware of the contents of the dossier by late November.

“A whistleblower recently revealed the existence of a communique from our allies in Great Britain during the early days of the Russia collusion investigation,” Meadows said.

“Based on my conversations with that individual, and the credible timelines that are supported by other events, I made a referral to Attorney General William Barr and Inspector General Michael Horowitz for further investigation,” the North Carolina Republican added. “There now is overwhelming evidence to suggest that on multiple occasions the FBI was warned that Christopher Steele and the dossier had severe credibility issues.”

"Donald Trump’s campaign, it sat buried for more than 2 1/2 years in the files of a high-ranking State Department official."

Existing evidence in the form of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec’s written accountof her Oct. 11, 2016, meeting with FBI informant Christopher Steele exposed that:

1. Steele ADMITTED Hillary Clinton paid for the Dossier, that the Dossier was a POLITICAL document that he was adamant about releasing BEFORE the 2016 election to have an impact on the election

2. Steele LIED in his interview with Kavalec (which she IMMEDIATELY knew and annotated in her notes), proving Steele was totally UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY...

3. Kavalec immediately notified the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

DOJ's Bruce Ohr testified under oath that HE told the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI Steele was UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY and that the Dossier was UNVERIFIED and UNRELIABLE PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

Now evidence shows the Brits gave the US / Obama administration's State Dept a report warning that Steele and the dossier had 'serious credibility' issues...


** Remember, a newly-released e-mail from Obama National Security advisor Susan Rice sites Obama was briefed by then-FBI Director Comey in August 2016 about the 'Russia Collusion Investigation', demanded to be kept updated on every detail, that the Obama administration personnel who had access to this information and who attended meetings included Obama, Biden, Rice, Yates, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY.

It should be noted that Ohr is also on record under oath stating that ROBERT MUELLER worked with him and Steele ON THE DOSSIER BEFORE the official investigation of Trump began and BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel....which, common sense dictates, if Ohr knew both Steele and the Dossier were unreliable / unverified then MUELLER KNEW as well....BEFORE he began his investigation.

Mueller also HAD to know Steele had been fired by the FBI for lying to the FBI, which is not only a crime but met the requirement for considering Steele unreliable and thus he and the Dossier could NOT be cited in the FISA Court warrant requests, which they were 3 times (1 initial and 2 renewals)!

As time goes on, not only does more and more evidence keep coming out exposing Obama and his top inner circle and agency directors were behind the exposed failed coup attempt but that Mueller was also working with the FBI / Ohr / Steele on the Dossier BEFORE the illegal FISA Court Warrant Requests were made and he knew everything....before he became Special Counsel!

Embarrassing: It Seems Even The British Knew The Trump Dossier Was Trash…in 2017

Raw intelligence is supposed to be looked into.

Steele had RAW intelligence.

"Hey guys, I got some hints and suspicions about these things because these people talked about this. Maybe you should look into it."

Not everything is expected to be true exactly the way it was presented.

Its RAW.
yes but you verify it before getting warrants to spy on people. called due process.
"In January 2017 then-U.K. national security adviser Sir Mark Lyall Grant hand-delivered a memo to soon-to-be national security adviser Michael Flynn's team that asserted the U.K. government had doubts about the credibility of British ex-spy Christopher Steele. Recent reports suggest Steele had briefed British intelligence officials on his dossier after the 2016 presidential election, and the heads of MI5 and MI6 were made aware of the contents of the dossier by late November.

“A whistleblower recently revealed the existence of a communique from our allies in Great Britain during the early days of the Russia collusion investigation,” Meadows said.

“Based on my conversations with that individual, and the credible timelines that are supported by other events, I made a referral to Attorney General William Barr and Inspector General Michael Horowitz for further investigation,” the North Carolina Republican added. “There now is overwhelming evidence to suggest that on multiple occasions the FBI was warned that Christopher Steele and the dossier had severe credibility issues.”

"Donald Trump’s campaign, it sat buried for more than 2 1/2 years in the files of a high-ranking State Department official."

Existing evidence in the form of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec’s written accountof her Oct. 11, 2016, meeting with FBI informant Christopher Steele exposed that:

1. Steele ADMITTED Hillary Clinton paid for the Dossier, that the Dossier was a POLITICAL document that he was adamant about releasing BEFORE the 2016 election to have an impact on the election

2. Steele LIED in his interview with Kavalec (which she IMMEDIATELY knew and annotated in her notes), proving Steele was totally UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY...

3. Kavalec immediately notified the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

DOJ's Bruce Ohr testified under oath that HE told the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI Steele was UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY and that the Dossier was UNVERIFIED and UNRELIABLE PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

Now evidence shows the Brits gave the US / Obama administration's State Dept a report warning that Steele and the dossier had 'serious credibility' issues...


** Remember, a newly-released e-mail from Obama National Security advisor Susan Rice sites Obama was briefed by then-FBI Director Comey in August 2016 about the 'Russia Collusion Investigation', demanded to be kept updated on every detail, that the Obama administration personnel who had access to this information and who attended meetings included Obama, Biden, Rice, Yates, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY.

It should be noted that Ohr is also on record under oath stating that ROBERT MUELLER worked with him and Steele ON THE DOSSIER BEFORE the official investigation of Trump began and BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel....which, common sense dictates, if Ohr knew both Steele and the Dossier were unreliable / unverified then MUELLER KNEW as well....BEFORE he began his investigation.

Mueller also HAD to know Steele had been fired by the FBI for lying to the FBI, which is not only a crime but met the requirement for considering Steele unreliable and thus he and the Dossier could NOT be cited in the FISA Court warrant requests, which they were 3 times (1 initial and 2 renewals)!

As time goes on, not only does more and more evidence keep coming out exposing Obama and his top inner circle and agency directors were behind the exposed failed coup attempt but that Mueller was also working with the FBI / Ohr / Steele on the Dossier BEFORE the illegal FISA Court Warrant Requests were made and he knew everything....before he became Special Counsel!

Embarrassing: It Seems Even The British Knew The Trump Dossier Was Trash…in 2017

Raw intelligence is supposed to be looked into.

Steele had RAW intelligence.

"Hey guys, I got some hints and suspicions about these things because these people talked about this. Maybe you should look into it."

Not everything is expected to be true exactly the way it was presented.

Its RAW.
yes but you verify it before getting warrants to spy on people. called due process.
Ice, how can anyone give credence to dumbshits like dudmuck that doesn't even understand how raw data is vetted?
"In January 2017 then-U.K. national security adviser Sir Mark Lyall Grant hand-delivered a memo to soon-to-be national security adviser Michael Flynn's team that asserted the U.K. government had doubts about the credibility of British ex-spy Christopher Steele. Recent reports suggest Steele had briefed British intelligence officials on his dossier after the 2016 presidential election, and the heads of MI5 and MI6 were made aware of the contents of the dossier by late November.

“A whistleblower recently revealed the existence of a communique from our allies in Great Britain during the early days of the Russia collusion investigation,” Meadows said.

“Based on my conversations with that individual, and the credible timelines that are supported by other events, I made a referral to Attorney General William Barr and Inspector General Michael Horowitz for further investigation,” the North Carolina Republican added. “There now is overwhelming evidence to suggest that on multiple occasions the FBI was warned that Christopher Steele and the dossier had severe credibility issues.”

"Donald Trump’s campaign, it sat buried for more than 2 1/2 years in the files of a high-ranking State Department official."

Existing evidence in the form of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec’s written accountof her Oct. 11, 2016, meeting with FBI informant Christopher Steele exposed that:

1. Steele ADMITTED Hillary Clinton paid for the Dossier, that the Dossier was a POLITICAL document that he was adamant about releasing BEFORE the 2016 election to have an impact on the election

2. Steele LIED in his interview with Kavalec (which she IMMEDIATELY knew and annotated in her notes), proving Steele was totally UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY...

3. Kavalec immediately notified the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

DOJ's Bruce Ohr testified under oath that HE told the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI Steele was UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY and that the Dossier was UNVERIFIED and UNRELIABLE PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

Now evidence shows the Brits gave the US / Obama administration's State Dept a report warning that Steele and the dossier had 'serious credibility' issues...


** Remember, a newly-released e-mail from Obama National Security advisor Susan Rice sites Obama was briefed by then-FBI Director Comey in August 2016 about the 'Russia Collusion Investigation', demanded to be kept updated on every detail, that the Obama administration personnel who had access to this information and who attended meetings included Obama, Biden, Rice, Yates, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY.

It should be noted that Ohr is also on record under oath stating that ROBERT MUELLER worked with him and Steele ON THE DOSSIER BEFORE the official investigation of Trump began and BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel....which, common sense dictates, if Ohr knew both Steele and the Dossier were unreliable / unverified then MUELLER KNEW as well....BEFORE he began his investigation.

Mueller also HAD to know Steele had been fired by the FBI for lying to the FBI, which is not only a crime but met the requirement for considering Steele unreliable and thus he and the Dossier could NOT be cited in the FISA Court warrant requests, which they were 3 times (1 initial and 2 renewals)!

As time goes on, not only does more and more evidence keep coming out exposing Obama and his top inner circle and agency directors were behind the exposed failed coup attempt but that Mueller was also working with the FBI / Ohr / Steele on the Dossier BEFORE the illegal FISA Court Warrant Requests were made and he knew everything....before he became Special Counsel!

Embarrassing: It Seems Even The British Knew The Trump Dossier Was Trash…in 2017

Raw intelligence is supposed to be looked into.

Steele had RAW intelligence.

"Hey guys, I got some hints and suspicions about these things because these people talked about this. Maybe you should look into it."

Not everything is expected to be true exactly the way it was presented.

Its RAW.
yes but you verify it before getting warrants to spy on people. called due process.
Ice, how can anyone give credence to dumbshits like dudmuck that doesn't even understand how raw data is vetted?
they know - they just don't care. their inner emo must be satisfied.

say something like "fine, then when the next democrat wins the white house, we'll make some extreme claims and then use those claims to spy on them.

you'll see them shit themselves in anger at that.

the problem is they think things like this will/should only go 1 way but no - it's a slow growth of "hold my beer" stupid while we outdo the last problem with a bigger one simply cause we never call the methods bullshit for all.
"In January 2017 then-U.K. national security adviser Sir Mark Lyall Grant hand-delivered a memo to soon-to-be national security adviser Michael Flynn's team that asserted the U.K. government had doubts about the credibility of British ex-spy Christopher Steele. Recent reports suggest Steele had briefed British intelligence officials on his dossier after the 2016 presidential election, and the heads of MI5 and MI6 were made aware of the contents of the dossier by late November.

“A whistleblower recently revealed the existence of a communique from our allies in Great Britain during the early days of the Russia collusion investigation,” Meadows said.

“Based on my conversations with that individual, and the credible timelines that are supported by other events, I made a referral to Attorney General William Barr and Inspector General Michael Horowitz for further investigation,” the North Carolina Republican added. “There now is overwhelming evidence to suggest that on multiple occasions the FBI was warned that Christopher Steele and the dossier had severe credibility issues.”

"Donald Trump’s campaign, it sat buried for more than 2 1/2 years in the files of a high-ranking State Department official."

Existing evidence in the form of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec’s written accountof her Oct. 11, 2016, meeting with FBI informant Christopher Steele exposed that:

1. Steele ADMITTED Hillary Clinton paid for the Dossier, that the Dossier was a POLITICAL document that he was adamant about releasing BEFORE the 2016 election to have an impact on the election

2. Steele LIED in his interview with Kavalec (which she IMMEDIATELY knew and annotated in her notes), proving Steele was totally UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY...

3. Kavalec immediately notified the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

DOJ's Bruce Ohr testified under oath that HE told the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI Steele was UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY and that the Dossier was UNVERIFIED and UNRELIABLE PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

Now evidence shows the Brits gave the US / Obama administration's State Dept a report warning that Steele and the dossier had 'serious credibility' issues...


** Remember, a newly-released e-mail from Obama National Security advisor Susan Rice sites Obama was briefed by then-FBI Director Comey in August 2016 about the 'Russia Collusion Investigation', demanded to be kept updated on every detail, that the Obama administration personnel who had access to this information and who attended meetings included Obama, Biden, Rice, Yates, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY.

It should be noted that Ohr is also on record under oath stating that ROBERT MUELLER worked with him and Steele ON THE DOSSIER BEFORE the official investigation of Trump began and BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel....which, common sense dictates, if Ohr knew both Steele and the Dossier were unreliable / unverified then MUELLER KNEW as well....BEFORE he began his investigation.

Mueller also HAD to know Steele had been fired by the FBI for lying to the FBI, which is not only a crime but met the requirement for considering Steele unreliable and thus he and the Dossier could NOT be cited in the FISA Court warrant requests, which they were 3 times (1 initial and 2 renewals)!

As time goes on, not only does more and more evidence keep coming out exposing Obama and his top inner circle and agency directors were behind the exposed failed coup attempt but that Mueller was also working with the FBI / Ohr / Steele on the Dossier BEFORE the illegal FISA Court Warrant Requests were made and he knew everything....before he became Special Counsel!

Embarrassing: It Seems Even The British Knew The Trump Dossier Was Trash…in 2017

Raw intelligence is supposed to be looked into.
Do you mean surveillance? I know you like the word spy, but is spying the same as surveillance?
Steele had RAW intelligence.

"Hey guys, I got some hints and suspicions about these things because these people talked about this. Maybe you should look into it."

Not everything is expected to be true exactly the way it was presented.

Its RAW.

Um, then the FBI needs to verify the information before they use it to spy on a US citizens for over a year.
"In January 2017 then-U.K. national security adviser Sir Mark Lyall Grant hand-delivered a memo to soon-to-be national security adviser Michael Flynn's team that asserted the U.K. government had doubts about the credibility of British ex-spy Christopher Steele. Recent reports suggest Steele had briefed British intelligence officials on his dossier after the 2016 presidential election, and the heads of MI5 and MI6 were made aware of the contents of the dossier by late November.

“A whistleblower recently revealed the existence of a communique from our allies in Great Britain during the early days of the Russia collusion investigation,” Meadows said.

“Based on my conversations with that individual, and the credible timelines that are supported by other events, I made a referral to Attorney General William Barr and Inspector General Michael Horowitz for further investigation,” the North Carolina Republican added. “There now is overwhelming evidence to suggest that on multiple occasions the FBI was warned that Christopher Steele and the dossier had severe credibility issues.”

"Donald Trump’s campaign, it sat buried for more than 2 1/2 years in the files of a high-ranking State Department official."

Existing evidence in the form of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec’s written accountof her Oct. 11, 2016, meeting with FBI informant Christopher Steele exposed that:

1. Steele ADMITTED Hillary Clinton paid for the Dossier, that the Dossier was a POLITICAL document that he was adamant about releasing BEFORE the 2016 election to have an impact on the election

2. Steele LIED in his interview with Kavalec (which she IMMEDIATELY knew and annotated in her notes), proving Steele was totally UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY...

3. Kavalec immediately notified the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

DOJ's Bruce Ohr testified under oath that HE told the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI Steele was UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY and that the Dossier was UNVERIFIED and UNRELIABLE PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

Now evidence shows the Brits gave the US / Obama administration's State Dept a report warning that Steele and the dossier had 'serious credibility' issues...


** Remember, a newly-released e-mail from Obama National Security advisor Susan Rice sites Obama was briefed by then-FBI Director Comey in August 2016 about the 'Russia Collusion Investigation', demanded to be kept updated on every detail, that the Obama administration personnel who had access to this information and who attended meetings included Obama, Biden, Rice, Yates, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY.

It should be noted that Ohr is also on record under oath stating that ROBERT MUELLER worked with him and Steele ON THE DOSSIER BEFORE the official investigation of Trump began and BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel....which, common sense dictates, if Ohr knew both Steele and the Dossier were unreliable / unverified then MUELLER KNEW as well....BEFORE he began his investigation.

Mueller also HAD to know Steele had been fired by the FBI for lying to the FBI, which is not only a crime but met the requirement for considering Steele unreliable and thus he and the Dossier could NOT be cited in the FISA Court warrant requests, which they were 3 times (1 initial and 2 renewals)!

As time goes on, not only does more and more evidence keep coming out exposing Obama and his top inner circle and agency directors were behind the exposed failed coup attempt but that Mueller was also working with the FBI / Ohr / Steele on the Dossier BEFORE the illegal FISA Court Warrant Requests were made and he knew everything....before he became Special Counsel!

Embarrassing: It Seems Even The British Knew The Trump Dossier Was Trash…in 2017

Raw intelligence is supposed to be looked into.
Do you mean surveillance? I know you like the word spy, but is spying the same as surveillance?
Steele had RAW intelligence.

"Hey guys, I got some hints and suspicions about these things because these people talked about this. Maybe you should look into it."

Not everything is expected to be true exactly the way it was presented.

Its RAW.

Um, then the FBI needs to verify the information before they use it to spy on a US citizens for over a year.
Steele had RAW intelligence


STEELE stated he could not verify anything in his own report, so he didn't even know if what was in the report was even credible....which is not entirely true, either...Steele DID know at least of some of what was in the report / what he told the State Department about what was in the Dossier was a LIE...

then-Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec reported not only did she and Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr discuss the UN-reliability of both Steele and the Dossier but noted in her noted during an interview she had with Steele that he flat-out LIED to her:

"The previous month, in October 2016, Kavalec had met with Steele and documented his political motivations in writing -- particularly that Steele's client was "keen" to see his anti-Trump materials "come to light" prior to the election. Kavelec forwarded her written notes, in which she also pointed out that some of Steele's claims were apparently false, to a senior FBI executive."
-- State Department official cited Steele in emails with Ohr after flagging credibility issues to FBI, docs reveal

Both Kavelec and Ohr both stated (Ohr under oath) that they informed the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI that both Steel and the Dossier were unreliable, unverified, unusable....BEFORE they used the Dossier anyway to commit FISA Court abuses and perjury before Congress....

What Steele was selling / peddling was NOT 'raw intelligence' It was Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence anti-Trump propaganda...and Hillary bought it, and Obama's DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI Directors illegally used it....

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