British MPs vote to recognise Palestinian state

The kids murdered on the beach by the IDF were too small to be doing that.
You are a very cynical liar MW.

Seems reasonable that many will grow up to fight Israel.
I expect they will continue to do that until the Israeli occupation is ended.
You know its legal and expected to resist a brutal occupation, don't you?

All of Palestine is the front line, so being born Palestinian makes you a target of the IDF immediately.

Even children kicking a football on the beach know that.

Not surprising, since some of those kids were filmed helping launch mortars into Israel.

You know that what the Palestinians do is not 'resisting'. That's just a pathetic excuse to attack Israelis.

When Hamas Militant Mohamed al - beezle blew himself up in a cafe in 2003, and killed 10 Israelis and maimed many other, is that what you call 'resisting'
The Israel Firsters have only lies and propaganda to defend the Eueopean Jew's indefensible robbery of land and ethnic cleansing, not to mention periodic massacres of Christians and Muslims. The last one just this summer.

IT's getting really annoying to have to repeat this, but here we go again:

Monti, you anti Semitic racist bigot, you are well known for being a poster who constantly lies and posts non stop propaganda. So you have absolutely no right to accuse others of doing so, specially when the allegation is a lie.

I'm fully aware, some extremists in Palestine use kids as propaganda tools, hoping some will be killed by Israel.
However, the Israeli government does the same thing.

Which is better, a few extremists doing it, or an official government policy?
Of course, neither group is good, but I'm very sure both are bastards.
MPs vote to recognise Palestinian state adding to pressure on Israel World news The Guardian

MPs including the Labour leader, Ed Miliband, have voted to recognise Palestine as a state in a symbolic move that will unnerve Israel by suggesting that it is losing a wider battle for public opinion in Britain.

The vote of 274 to 12, a majority of 262, on a backbench motion has no practical impact on British government policy and ministers were instructed not to vote. Labour decided to impose a one-line whip, and the Liberal Democrats, like the Conservatives, gave their backbenchers a free vote.

In possibly the single most important contribution in an emotional debate, Richard Ottaway, ]
the Conservative chairman of the foreign affairs select committee, said the recent annexation of West Bank land by the Israeli government had angered him like nothing else in politics.

The Conservative MP said he had been a supporter of the state of Israel before he became a Tory and had close family connections with the generation that formed the Israeli state. He explained: “The Holocaust had a deep impact on me growing up in the wake of the second world war,” adding that he had been a strong supporter of Israel in the six day war and subsequent conflicts.[/QUOTE

Even Israel's supporters in the UK are starting to see the bastard Zionists are just using them, so support is draining away.

One more nail in Israel's coffin.

YAHOO! It's about time Brittain & all the rest of the world recognize & support a Palestinian State. So, in what Muslim country are they going to put it in?

I'm fully aware, some extremists in Palestine use kids as propaganda tools, hoping some will be killed by Israel.
However, the Israeli government does the same thing.

Which is better, a few extremists doing it, or an official government policy?
Of course, neither group is good, but I'm very sure both are bastards.

What a pathetic attempt at trying to demonize Israelis. Jewish parents who teach their kids to use guns don't teach them to walk into Palestinian houses and spray a whole family with bullets. They obviously use it for protection. Muslim scumbag Palestinians are well known to teach their kids hate and to kill Israelis. I've seen Palestinian mothers talking about how proud they are of their son who just killed Israelis and became a 'martyr'.
Now I'm sure you're going to vigorously search for an incident where an Israeli mother expressed her pride over the fact that her son murdered Palestinians.
That is hardly necessary Toasty.

When all of Israel backs the IDF who do things like bombing families of 18 people and killing them all in one go, without a single fighter hit to justify the murders.

JSIL is an abhorrent organisation and should be cornered and neutered at the earliest opportunity.
I'm fully aware, some extremists in Palestine use kids as propaganda tools, hoping some will be killed by Israel. However, the Israeli government does the same thing. Which is better, a few extremists doing it, or an official government policy? Of course, neither group is good, but I'm very sure both are bastards.
Equal-opportunity drivel.
When all of Israel backs the IDF who do things like bombing families of 18 people and killing them all in one go, without a single fighter hit to justify the murders. JSIL is an abhorrent organisation and should be cornered and neutered at the earliest opportunity.
So drivel.
Now I'm sure you're going to vigorously search for an incident where an Israeli mother expressed her pride over the fact that her son murdered Palestinians.

Didn't take much of a search - first hit.

PressTV - Mothers of all Palestinians must be killed Israeli MP

A well-known Israeli politician and parliament member has branded Palestinians as terrorists, saying mothers of all Palestinians should also be killed during the ongoing Israeli assault on the besieged Gaza Strip, Daily Sabah reported.

Ayelet Shaked of the ultra-nationalist Jewish Home party called for the slaughter of Palestinian mothers who give birth to "little snakes."

This Israeli bitch called for women to be murdered if trheir sons are suspected of attacking Israel.


So The Labour party is only about half of the British government. Any comment from the Tory Party?

Alan Duncan Slams Israel's West Bank 'Apartheid' In Fierce Attack

Sections of the Israeli-occupied West Bank resemble the system of apartheid seen in South Africa and "bring shame" on the Benjamin Netanyahu government, former Tory minister Sir Alan Duncan has warned.

His attack, one of the fiercest launched by a senior British politician on the Israeli government, comes after MPs in Westminster overwhelmingly voted on Monday night to pass a non-binding motion recognising Palestine as a state.

Sir Alan, who served as the coalition's international development minister until July, condemn Israel as "reprehensible" for pursuing the "relentless illegal expansion" of its borders through its "illegal colonies".

In a speech at the Royal United Services Institute on Tuesday, Sir Alan said: "Occupation, annexation, illegality, negligence, complicity: this is a wicked cocktail which brings shame to the government of Israel. It would appear that on the West Bank of the Jordan the rule of international law has been shelved."


Sir Alan argued: “This illegal construction and habitation is theft, it is annexation, it is a land grab – it is any expression that accurately describes the encroachment which takes from someone else something that is not rightfully owned by the taker. As such it should be called what it is, and not by some euphemistic soft alternative.

“Settlements are illegal colonies built in someone else’s country. They are an act of theft, and what is more something which is both initiated and supported by the state of Israel.”

Touching on the “amazing city” of Hebron, in the West Bank, where Palestinians have been forced out of the city centre, he said: “One should not use the word apartheid lightly, but as a description of Hebron it is both accurate and undeniable. In South Africa it meant pass cards, no free movement, forbidden areas, and first and second-class citizens. So it is in Hebron.

Sir Alan pointed out that "Palestinian citizens are reduced to having nothing while illegal Israeli colonisers get everything. Water, electricity, access, protection: illegal settlers get the lot, the Palestinians next to nothing".

“Settlement activity is not carried out by some minority group outside the orbit of the Israeli state. Settlement activity is systematically initiated, implemented and supported by the Israeli government, who authorise, implement and protect the relentless illegal expansion of the borders of Israel. This is reprehensible.

The former minister said that anyone who backs Israel's settlements should be seen as an extremist, warning: “Settlement endorsement, meaning the denial that they are illegal and the support for their consequences, is a form of extremism which we should not tolerate. Be it tacit, or be it explicit, such an attitude is simply not acceptable.”

Alan Duncan Slams Israel s West Bank Apartheid In Fierce Attack

Bloody right wing, being soft on Israel again.

Since when did the Palestinians capitulate, surrender and name the west bank Israel ? It is up to the P.A. who are supposed to be the ruling body to do something about the occupation and get the Israelis to leave in line with current UN rules.
The kids murdered on the beach by the IDF were too small to be doing that.
You are a very cynical liar MW.

Seems reasonable that many will grow up to fight Israel.
I expect they will continue to do that until the Israeli occupation is ended.
You know its legal and expected to resist a brutal occupation, don't you?

All of Palestine is the front line, so being born Palestinian makes you a target of the IDF immediately.

Even children kicking a football on the beach know that.

Not surprising, since some of those kids were filmed helping launch mortars into Israel.

A new born could press a button to set of a qassam, but beside the point what was the reason for placing the rockets so close to the beach young children kick a football on ?
The Zionists have always mistrusted labour with good cause as Labour were the reason so many Jews died in Palestine between the wars.

Labour have historically had more Jewish MPs than the Conservatives, I believe, and quite possibly more Jewish votes, too.

Many Jews who died between the wars did so establishing socialist kibbutzim. My own kibbutz, Dan, began this way. They were Likely all PRo-Labour if they came from the UK.

You really do post the most astonishing nonsense, don't you?
[QUOTE="Phoenall, post: 9968246, member: ]

Which is why UKIP will be a force to be reckoned with, they are not afraid of the muslims and will stand firm against them. One threat and they will mobilise the population to stand up and be counted, and then we will see a mass repatriation back to Pakistan again. Just like when the terrorists attacked London transport and Glasgow airport.[/QUOTE]

Interesting. Can you give other examples where coutries have 'repatriated' 4th gerneration citizens?

Will people like Monty Panesar or Mooeen Ali be going?
A kid somewhere has military training.

So the IDF kills kids wherever it finds them, and you excuse it.
Why don't you bugger off and go strangle some kittens MW? You making excuses for the IDF makes you and them look worse.

Try again it is hamas that is killing the kids, according to the Geneva conventions of course. If hamas and its "freedom fighters" used the 50% of gaza that is uninhabited to engage in war with Israel then no children would be killed. And hamas would not be able to pass of the dead children at their hands as Israeli causalities.
The Israel Firsters have only lies and propaganda to defend the Eueopean Jew's indefensible robbery of land and ethnic cleansing, not to mention periodic massacres of Christians and Muslims. The last one just this summer.

Still waiting for you to explain why the Palestinians have ethnically cleansed 10% of their population from gaza and the west bank and you have not said a word about it. Israel has taken in over 50% of these people granting them asylum and safety, the rest have been dispersed around the world and are now telling the stories of abuse, rape, murder, beatings and theft by the Palestinian arab muslims. These periodic massacres of Christians you will find are down to the arab muslims only and they use the Israelis as a smoke screen to hide their atrocities.

If hamas had not instigated the war then Israel would have no reason to retaliate would they.
Which is why UKIP will be a force to be reckoned with, they are not afraid of the muslims and will stand firm against them

Do you really think racist bastards will stop at one group?
If you do, you're a fucking idiot.

Should they gain enough power to remove Muslims from the UK, the Jews will be next.
Turn your fucking brain on.

I'm fully aware, some extremists in Palestine use kids as propaganda tools, hoping some will be killed by Israel.
However, the Israeli government does the same thing.

Which is better, a few extremists doing it, or an official government policy?
Of course, neither group is good, but I'm very sure both are bastards.

At country fairs and gala's all over the world the military present a display of weapons for the people to handle and see. These weapons are made safe by having parts removed and it is common to see children playing with the weapons in a controlled environment. The military in the UK even have air guns made to look like the assault rifles they use so that people can fire them on a range to get an idea of their size and weight.

So your point in singling out Israel in this instance is what, that you are a RABID JEW HATING NAZI ANTI SEMITIE
That is hardly necessary Toasty.

When all of Israel backs the IDF who do things like bombing families of 18 people and killing them all in one go, without a single fighter hit to justify the murders.

JSIL is an abhorrent organisation and should be cornered and neutered at the earliest opportunity.

Only on the say so of a "Palestinian source" that we know is a LIAR
Now I'm sure you're going to vigorously search for an incident where an Israeli mother expressed her pride over the fact that her son murdered Palestinians.

Didn't take much of a search - first hit.

PressTV - Mothers of all Palestinians must be killed Israeli MP

A well-known Israeli politician and parliament member has branded Palestinians as terrorists, saying mothers of all Palestinians should also be killed during the ongoing Israeli assault on the besieged Gaza Strip, Daily Sabah reported.

Ayelet Shaked of the ultra-nationalist Jewish Home party called for the slaughter of Palestinian mothers who give birth to "little snakes."

This Israeli bitch called for women to be murdered if trheir sons are suspected of attacking Israel.


Did you read the report, it was a personal post on her facebook page, it was not an official announcement like the many made by ISLAMONAZI officials on official duty saying that the Jews should be wiped from the face of the earth .

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