British MPs vote to recognise Palestinian state

All of Palestine is the front line, so being born Palestinian makes you a target of the IDF immediately.

Even children kicking a football on the beach know that.

Not when 50% of gaza is unpopulated land and the hamas cowards could engage in terrorist war from there without endangering civilians. Put a military weapon close to a beach that has children kicking a football about is a war crime and the people who do this should be executed.
despite the massive pro-Israeli stance of most of the printed media

Take a look at the daily mail - that right wing, anti Muslim rag id printing anto Israeli stories more and more often, even taking the Palestinian side in some cases.
If they're being forced to change position, Israel needs to worry.

The DM is popularist and despite its right wing soul, it cannot help but reflect its readership. And its rightwing readership is not rightwing enough to swallow the fatuous Israel line.

I think you have to be American to be that easily deceived.

More undereducated left wing wannabees read the mail as they believe it makes them look intelligent, the same people also read the daily star for the information it publishes.

Can you prove that?

Do I need to as it is self evident who the readership are, champagne socialists who want to be seen as in touch with current affairs so pretend to be right wing. This allows them to make remarks about immigration without upsetting their neo Marxist feelings. Known by many as a LYING MEDIA OUTLET that has more writs issued against it than any other Media Outlet. The only good thing is the crossword that can be done by most intelligent people in an hour.
despite the massive pro-Israeli stance of most of the printed media

Take a look at the daily mail - that right wing, anti Muslim rag id printing anto Israeli stories more and more often, even taking the Palestinian side in some cases.
If they're being forced to change position, Israel needs to worry.

The DM is popularist and despite its right wing soul, it cannot help but reflect its readership. And its rightwing readership is not rightwing enough to swallow the fatuous Israel line.

I think you have to be American to be that easily deceived.

More undereducated left wing wannabees read the mail as they believe it makes them look intelligent, the same people also read the daily star for the information it publishes.

Can you prove that?

Do I need to as it is self evident who the readership are, champagne socialists who want to be seen as in touch with current affairs so pretend to be right wing. This allows them to make remarks about immigration without upsetting their neo Marxist feelings. Known by many as a LYING MEDIA OUTLET that has more writs issued against it than any other Media Outlet. The only good thing is the crossword that can be done by most intelligent people in an hour.

You need to.
So The Labour party is only about half of the British government. Any comment from the Tory Party?

Alan Duncan Slams Israel's West Bank 'Apartheid' In Fierce Attack

Sections of the Israeli-occupied West Bank resemble the system of apartheid seen in South Africa and "bring shame" on the Benjamin Netanyahu government, former Tory minister Sir Alan Duncan has warned.

His attack, one of the fiercest launched by a senior British politician on the Israeli government, comes after MPs in Westminster overwhelmingly voted on Monday night to pass a non-binding motion recognising Palestine as a state.

Sir Alan, who served as the coalition's international development minister until July, condemn Israel as "reprehensible" for pursuing the "relentless illegal expansion" of its borders through its "illegal colonies".

In a speech at the Royal United Services Institute on Tuesday, Sir Alan said: "Occupation, annexation, illegality, negligence, complicity: this is a wicked cocktail which brings shame to the government of Israel. It would appear that on the West Bank of the Jordan the rule of international law has been shelved."


Sir Alan argued: “This illegal construction and habitation is theft, it is annexation, it is a land grab – it is any expression that accurately describes the encroachment which takes from someone else something that is not rightfully owned by the taker. As such it should be called what it is, and not by some euphemistic soft alternative.

“Settlements are illegal colonies built in someone else’s country. They are an act of theft, and what is more something which is both initiated and supported by the state of Israel.”

Touching on the “amazing city” of Hebron, in the West Bank, where Palestinians have been forced out of the city centre, he said: “One should not use the word apartheid lightly, but as a description of Hebron it is both accurate and undeniable. In South Africa it meant pass cards, no free movement, forbidden areas, and first and second-class citizens. So it is in Hebron.

Sir Alan pointed out that "Palestinian citizens are reduced to having nothing while illegal Israeli colonisers get everything. Water, electricity, access, protection: illegal settlers get the lot, the Palestinians next to nothing".

“Settlement activity is not carried out by some minority group outside the orbit of the Israeli state. Settlement activity is systematically initiated, implemented and supported by the Israeli government, who authorise, implement and protect the relentless illegal expansion of the borders of Israel. This is reprehensible.

The former minister said that anyone who backs Israel's settlements should be seen as an extremist, warning: “Settlement endorsement, meaning the denial that they are illegal and the support for their consequences, is a form of extremism which we should not tolerate. Be it tacit, or be it explicit, such an attitude is simply not acceptable.”

Alan Duncan Slams Israel s West Bank Apartheid In Fierce Attack

Bloody right wing, being soft on Israel again.
Alan Duncan Slams Israel's West Bank 'Apartheid' In Fierce Attack
He needs a professional help, of course, but Britain, losing its sovereignty to muslim settlers is very much hilarious, indeed!

especially considering the way there are no-go zones for native Brits right in the very heart of their own country.

Seems this dunderhead can't see the apartheid for the trees.
The kids murdered on the beach by the IDF were too small to be doing that.
You are a very cynical liar MW.

Seems reasonable that many will grow up to fight Israel.
I expect they will continue to do that until the Israeli occupation is ended.
You know its legal and expected to resist a brutal occupation, don't you?

All of Palestine is the front line, so being born Palestinian makes you a target of the IDF immediately.

Even children kicking a football on the beach know that.

Not surprising, since some of those kids were filmed helping launch mortars into Israel.
The kids murdered on the beach by the IDF were too small to be doing that.
You are a very cynical liar MW.

Seems reasonable that many will grow up to fight Israel.
I expect they will continue to do that until the Israeli occupation is ended.
You know its legal and expected to resist a brutal occupation, don't you?

All of Palestine is the front line, so being born Palestinian makes you a target of the IDF immediately.

Even children kicking a football on the beach know that.

Not surprising, since some of those kids were filmed helping launch mortars into Israel.
If they're big enough to hold a gun, they're big enough to fire it.

I saw a video on YouTube of several children pulling a rope launching mortar rounds into Israel. They were being supervised by a member reportedly belonging to Hamas. None of them could have been older than 8.
A kid somewhere has military training.

So the IDF kills kids wherever it finds them, and you excuse it.
Why don't you bugger off and go strangle some kittens MW? You making excuses for the IDF makes you and them look worse.
All of Palestine is the front line, so being born Palestinian makes you a target of the IDF immediately.

Even children kicking a football on the beach know that.

Not surprising, since some of those kids were filmed helping launch mortars into Israel.

That clearly justifies the Israeli attack - if you can prove it.
Please link to the film, or admit you lied.
Thank you :)
The Israel Firsters have only lies and propaganda to defend the Eueopean Jew's indefensible robbery of land and ethnic cleansing, not to mention periodic massacres of Christians and Muslims. The last one just this summer.

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